We would not tolerate any antinational activity on the name of resistance.It seems a very deep rooted conspiracy to bil out Manusmriti as Indian people unite rock solid to scream justice and equality.

We would not tolerate any antinational activity on the name of resistance.It seems a very deep rooted conspiracy to bail out Manusmriti as Indian people unite rock solid to scream justice and equality.
I,hereby,appeal to all friends engaged to unify the nation across identities to be aware.because Hindutva Brigade has launched the expected hate campaign against people`s movement getting this breakthrough created by some unwanted elements.
It happened time and again to divert the issues and disintegrate the Masses.It is happening again!
We are committed to the cause of security,integrity and unity with inherent pluralism and tolerance.
Please do everything to save the nation and Indian people.We have to be focused and exclude all those elements who try to sustain the regime of fascism.
Palash Biswas
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