Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue 21Sep - Arctic Ice In Death Spiral

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Date: Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 1:30 AM
Subject: CC Issue 21Sep - Arctic Ice In Death Spiral

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Press Release

Action Alert

Arctic Ice In Death Spiral
By Stephen Leahy

The carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels have melted the Arctic sea ice to its lowest volume since before the rise of human civilisation, dangerously upsetting the energy balance of the entire planet, climate scientists are reporting

Climate Change Enlightenment Was Fun
While It Lasted. But Now It's Dead
By George Monbiot

The collapse of the talks at Copenhagen took away all momentum for change and the lobbyists are back in control. So what next?

China, Energy, And Global Power:
Twenty-First Century Energy Superpower
By Michael T. Klare

If you want to know which way the global wind is blowing (or the sun shining or the coal burning), watch China. That's the news for our energy future and for the future of great-power politics on planet Earth. Washington is already watching -- with anxiety

Imperialism And Imperial Barbarism
By James Petras

The ascendancy of barbarous imperialism leads to the eclipse of economic exploitation. The empire depletes its treasury to conquer, destroy and occupy. Even the residual economy is exploited by 'others': traders and manufacturers from non-belligerent adjoining states. In the case of Iraq and Afghanistan that includes Iran, Turkey, China and India

Wisdom Of The Terrorist's Son
By Chris Hedges

El Sayid Nosair assassinated Rabbi Meir Kahane , the head of the Kach Party, on Nov. 5, 1990, in New York City. To many Palestinians, as well as many Muslims in the Arab world is celebrated as a hero.To his son, who was then 7, he became something else. He became the father who disappeared because murder for a cause was more important than a life with his wife and three small children. And if anyone understands the line demarcating seductive ideologies of death and the fragility and sanctity of systems of life, it is Ebrahim

American Public Opinion And The Special
Relationship With Israel
By John Mearsheimer

The bottom line is that the lobby is largely responsible for America's special relationship with Israel, which is harmful to both countries. Alan Dershowitz was spot on when he said, "My generation of Jews … became part of what is perhaps the most effective lobbying and fund-raising effort in the history of democracy."

Twenty-Eight Years Not Enough To Heal
Wounds Of Sabra-Shatila Massacre
By Franklin Lamb

It was precisely to achieve justice for the victims of crimes such as Sabra-Shatila that the International Criminal Court (ICC) was established. The ICC must begin its work without further delay and all people of goodwill must encourage Lebanon to grant the survivors of the Sabra-Shatila massacre basic civil rights

Building A World Fit For Children
By Raffi Cavoukian

A movement to put children's rights at the center of our collective decisions is taking hold

Five Reasons To Plant Trees Now
By Christine Patton

To some people, planting a tree is the epitome of the environmental cliche. Planting a tree seems so simple, so easy, so... low-technology. In the midst of the economic upheaval we are experiencing now, in the face of massive challenges such as peak oil and climate change, why should we plant trees? What good could it possibly do?

Pakistan Is Dying – The World Yawns
By Siv O'Neall

This time freakish nature, very likely tied to global warming, got its hand into the game and finished off the destruction begun by the Pakistan government in collusion with Washington, with the alleged purpose of getting rid of the Taliban and other Mujahideen

Food As A Political Weapon.
Providing Some Missing Links
By Devinder Sharma

The politics of food is intriguing. When Ireland faced Potato Famine some 200 years ago, the first food shipment came from India. Veteran journalist Sunanda K Datta-Ray tells us that China had helped during the Great Bengal Famine. In a spirit of bonhomie, India is now considering to ship food aid to Pakistan to address the human suffering left behind by unprecedented floods

Growing Poverty In America
By Stephen Lendman

Growing poverty creates a deplorable burden overall, as America slips closer to third world status. For millions today, it's already arrived. Fiscal austerity is accelerating it when stimulus is desperately needed. Yet it's not forthcoming or planned because the Treasury and Fed won't put their money where our mouths are

Maternal Mortality And Morbidity
By Neha Rathi

Though India has seen a fall in maternal mortality rate (MMR) by 59%between 1990 and 2008, the country is still grappling with one of the highest maternal death rates globally. According to the latest report, "Trends in Maternal Mortality", released jointly by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and the World Bank, India's MMR stood at 570 in 1990, which fell to 470 per 100,000 live births in 1995, 390 in 2000, 280 in 2005 and 230 in 2008. In contrast, the MMR of China is 37 per 100,000 live births

Immigration, A Perennial Issue Of Concern
In The U.S.
By Brian McAfee

There is a heightened climate of fear that many immigrants experience due to such extreme animosity being directed toward them. Yet, immigrants have nearly always been a perennial scapegoat of the right. Indeed, they make easy targets as they often have little or no political clout and generally cannot fight back through legal means

Kashmir Inc Turns Down Economic Package
By Bilal Hussain

In a significant development here the business fraternity in Kashmir valley prefers to talk about 'gross human rights violation' over financial losses they have been suffering from past three months of unrest on Monday in a meet with the all-party 39-member team from New Delhi

Kashmir: Too Early For The Next Round
By Nawaz Gul Qanungo

Before trying to imagine anything as a possible resolution for J&K, it is vital that Kashmir be placed in its correct Historical context. The least that any delegation from New Delhi could do is to take home one fact: that revisiting the territorial integrity of the so called state of J&K is not just vital but a historical necessity. Sadly, the current delegation is so late in its arrival that it's too early for such a round of talks

The Kashmiri Intifada
By Yasir Irshad

The corridors of power from Srinagar to Delhi and from Islamabad to Washington have been shaken by the uprising of Kashmiri youth. For the past ten weeks, major parts of the valley have seen widespread protests, strikes and unrest. Everyday life has been brought to a standstill in most districts including Srinagar by this forceful movement. And the attempts to crush the movement on the part of the state apparatus are adding fuel to the fire

Pro-Democracy Burmese Must Not Forget
George Fernandes
By Nava Thakuria

The pro-democracy Burmese communities, living in exile, would not forget the great personality, who toiled for all the initiatives for restoration of democracy in the military ruled Burma

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