Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] FW: [MuslimIntelligencer] TTS Oct 1: Must Watch News Video: The pre-9/11: Israeli "art students" at it again, now as door to door salesmen, near where new NSA or DEA buildings are being built

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Moussa <>
Date: 2010/10/2
Subject: [bangla-vision] FW: [MuslimIntelligencer] TTS Oct 1: Must Watch News Video: The pre-9/11: Israeli "art students" at it again, now as door to door salesmen, near where new NSA or DEA buildings are being built
To: "A. Moussa" <>




From: [] On Behalf Of Alex James
Sent: 01 أكتوبر, 2010 09:00 م
To: Alex James
Subject: [MuslimIntelligencer] TTS Oct 1: Must Watch News Video: The pre-9/11: Israeli "art students" at it again, now as door to door salesmen, near where new NSA or DEA buildings are being built



*       Also check the Sep 2001 4 part report on Israeli spies by Carl Cameron on Fox News broadcast only once

Must Watch News Video: The pre-9/11: Israeli "art students" at it again, now as door to door salesmen, near where new NSA or DEA buildings are being built 

Orthodox Jews burned hundreds of Bibles in Israel two years ago 

Nasrallah: Israel was behind the assassination of Rafiq Hariri in 2005 

Michael Hoffman exposes Geert Wilders' fabricated Islamaphobia 

NORAD Radar Screens Showed False Blips Through 9/11 Attacks as part of the simulation for a training exercise being conducted that day 

Pentagon workers tied to child porn 

Hidden Intelligence Operation Behind the Wikileaks Release of "Secret" Documents? The real story of Wikileaks has clearly not yet been told. 

Why the 9/11 Trial is Being Blocked: because the man they have is neither Khalid Sheikh Mohammed nor the mastermind of 9-11 

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth, I guess he could be a CIA stooge 

THE 9/11 COVER UP IS AMERICA'S GREATEST BAMBOOZLE, now we're no longer interested in finding out the truth..... 


Several members of the 9/11 Commission are CFR members 

APFN Archive on 9/11 Inside Job 

Anyone know if the photos of WTC 2 (South Tower) Tilting are fakes as claimed on this site......? 

9/11 Proof of Controlled Demolitions 

9/11: The War They Wanted, The Lies They Needed 

9/11 Flashback: Top Pentagon Officials were pre-warned not to fly on Sep 10 

9/11: Inside Job archive: Government involvement and complicity 

MarketWatch: Second American Revolution when middle class rises up and overthrows greedy wealth conspiracy of Wall Street, Washington, CEOs and Forbes 400. 

Former Satanist, Bill Schnoebelen, Reveals Why Sexual Deviancy Is To Be Expected As the Norm Within The Catholic Priesthood! 

Corporate Personhood Versus Democracy/Freedom, Personalizing the Impersonal, In the art of lying it is hard to surpass corporate lawyers 


Video explains the Bush Government Lies that Led to the Iraq Invasion/genocide of over 1 million Iraqis 

ex-Prof Michel Chossudovsky: [Zionized] America's holly Crusade against the Muslim World 

Kashmiris Remix music video to beat of Everlast Band's rock music song "Stone in My Hand": 80,000 out of 7 million Kashmiris killed since 1989 

America's Nazi Secret [Paperback] (that's in addition to Bush, Wall Street, etc. funding the Nazis and Zionist-Nazi Jewish Soldiers and cooperation..... 

Calling it "corn sugar" instead of "high fructose corn syrup". - Don't Get Swindled, same harmful stuff 

Shock & Awe: The Video Zionists do not want people to see.....a testament to terror/massacre spread by Zionist promoted invasion of Iraq.... 

Zionists Burying Nuclear Waste in the Palestinian Territories 

A Deadly Fairy Tale - The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, protected by legislation......

Here is a long list of previously censored-out 9/11 quotes (13 pages long) about 9/11 that you may want to run as a series 

Video: Dangers Lurk Beneath the Surface in and around the Gulf of Mexico due to oil leak, Project Gulf Impact Sickened by Corexit in Nazi America 

former MI-5 spy Annie Machon talk focuses on how far down the path towards a police state the UK has moved 

UN-report: US Citizen Furkan and others "Executed" on Peace Flotilla by Zionists 

Israel's reasoning against peace: deal comes at high cost to Jewish privilege 

IOWA ACLU Anti-fascism Ultimatum: "FBI, Hands Off Peace and Justice Organizers" and the same goes for the police!! 

Remember The Brave 9/11 Whistleblowers 

Video: 8 LA Suburbs Officials Arrested: These guys make the Feds look honest and respectful. Rampant, out of control fraud and theft at all levels 

Why US doesn't talk to Iran: US foreign policy decisions, especially in Middle East, driven by narrow (but powerful) special interests for "war" dividends 

Four more suicides (and at least one murder) at Fort Hood - all in one week! One wonders what psych drugs they were taking. 

Globalist Banking Crime Syndicate Cartel Has One Card Left to Play: WWIII ? "The Road Through 2012: Revolution or World War III." 

Single most important 9/11 analysis - E. P. Heidner examines why Globalist Crime Syndicate insiders had to risk it staging 9/11 to terminate investigations leading to them 

CIA seeks to gag critics of terror hit list -=- Obama invokes 'state secrets' claim to dismiss suit against assassinating U.S. citizens -=- Pentagon destroyed 10, 000 copies of army officer's book 

usury? Total single family mortgage debt in 2008: 14 trillion$. -- Plus items on "Tea-o-cons", Judeo-pornographic society, the continuing Gulf Oil crisis, Monsanto GM etc. 

FW: Wallace Klinck -- Repudiation before default! Free-the-Debt Slaves Or Else Plan 

Layla Anwar's Iraqi Family Photo Album of destroyed lives -=- Israel seizes Gaza aid boat -=- the few who see are bought off, the many victims don't understand the scam and cannot organize 

Berkshire 9/11 Newsletter September 2010: Signs are that the anti-9/11 truth propaganda war will continue to heat up 

Jewish Voice for Peace: We stand with Abdallah Abu Rahmah, advocate in West Bank who protested against theft of their land by Zionists 

Critique of Canada's pathetic, Zionist-pandering politicos and media whores who are too brain-dead from programming to understand honest and dedicated patriots like Mr. Al Romanchuk. 

9/11 Inside Ops: Who was behind the destruction of the WTC steel? 

TV Program Russia today, tomorrow the world 

No Justice for Jerusalem: Zionists Murdering Palestinian Jerusalemites in Cold Blood 

Zionist Senator Joe Lieberman Revives Palestinian Transfer/Ethnic Cleansing 

Zionism & Organized Islamophobia - Desmond Tutu: We Must Boycott and Isolate Israeli Universities; Assassinations Up to President to Decide - Bush-Cheney Drug Empire 

OBAMA'S PLAN FOR COVERING UP THE CRIMES OF 9-11 ~ Cognitive Infiltration An Obama Appointee's Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Truth Movement 

Distrust In US Media Hits Record High, As CNBC Viewership Drops To Multi-Year Low, dumb down citizens to push for feudal corporations 

Aboriginals Denied Self-Determination - An Invitation To Brave Souls To Co-Create Community With Clan On Traditional Land 

Bill Maher says GOP full of religious [zionist] fanatics and criticism of Obama based entirely in racism 

Israel Does Nazi Experiments on Jews: uranium laced orange juice 



From: alex james []
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 12:13 AM
Subject: TTS Sep 30: World for 9/11 Truth: WTC Employee discusses Pre-9/11 Power Shut Downs; 900 First Responders dead so far; U.S. Military Officers for 9/11 Truth; Actors and Artists for 9/11 Truth


World for 9/11 Truth: WTC Employee discusses Pre-9/11 Power Shut Downs; 900 First Responders dead so far; U.S. Military Officers for 9/11 Truth; Actors and Artists for 9/11 Truth 

Future Ad on NY TV: Worldwide Campaign to Raise Awareness of 9/11 WTC Building 7 Controlled demolition 

Video: flashback 1975: Zapruder film shows that JFK was shot from the front 

WTC 7 9/11 Truth made an illuminating appearance in the NYC skyline 

Zionists Crime Syndicate is Looting America by Ponzi Scheme within Ponzi Scheme: US in danger of becoming a Third World; A Solution to the Federal Debt Crisis? 

MarketWatch: America's choice: Hypocrites or cowards, Bush Tax Hikes coming up soon 





Aspartame causes pituitary gland to "shut down" result is slow to no thyroid function and slow to no production of Hcg! 

Ehud Barak's role in 9/11 inside job; Woman accused of Holocaust hoax to bilk neighbors found in Montana 

Zionists & EDL unite to counter Ahava - literally stolen land - protests 

Analysis: the Zionist lobbys in Britain 

The Zionist-American occupation of Afghanistan and the birth of a national liberation movement 

Reflections on 9/11 - The Truth Takes a Back Seat 

under the cover of limited liability faceless corporations.....Zionist Billionaires Define US Political Discourse by Dr. Henry Makow Ph.D. 

9/11-Never Forget-An Inside/Mossad Job 

Talmud Unmasked 

Video: Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth: 'Evidence proves 9/11 story is a lie' 

Zionist Dialectics: Past and Future, Excerpted from Israeli Exceptionalism (Palgrave: 2009) 

Pharisee Watch: Unheralded News: Its the News You Rarely See: Zionists try again to get traitor Pollard freed by US in exchange for temporary settlement freeze 

Media Alert - Former Gaza settlers moving into green community in southern desert 5 years after evacuation 


Veterans Today: Mass Killings in Iraq and Afghanistan "Wink and Nod" Army Policy, just like in Vietnam, Palestine, Germany, etc. 

Flashback Mumbai attacks were a false-flag operation staged by Mossad/CIA/RSS terrorists 

Mason Albert Pike that Hinduism is a branch of Talmudic Masonry 

"Firing Squad" for Pennsylvania Homeland Security Director who paid Israeli based company $125,000 to spy on Tax Protesters and opponents of drilling in the Marcus Shale. 

President Obama Is Right About Fox, Fox A "Destructive" Network That Uses Its Platform "Very Intentionally To Promote" Its "Point Of View" 

Petition against GMO foods: GE Salmon? Are You Out of Your Minds? Frankenfish and Frankenfood, voracious mutant freaks scouring the ocean?????? 

- Constitutionalists Under Siege


Comment on New Pledge of Allegiance: I Pledge Allegiance To The Debt to The Banking Gangsters 


GMO "Health Food" Killed These Baby Rats in 3 Weeks but Scientists silenced by Gov; Gov Funding Drug Companies to Make Vaccines Quicker? Why? 


Senate Adjourns Without Passing S.510! No Man's liberty [or person's food] or property is safe while Congress is in session. MARK TWAIN 


New Pledge of Allegiance: I Pledge Allegiance To The Debt to The Banking Gangsters 


Albert Pike's Plan for 3 World Wars and the coming shakedown 


Ahmadinejad said some saw the 9/11 attacks on the US as part of a US conspiracy to protect Israel 





From: alex james []
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 9:15 PM
Subject: TTS Sep 28 Headlines: Theory no more -- Freedom of Information Act produces CIA document that plans for Global Governance by 2025: PDF

Theory no more -- Freedom of Information Act produces CIA document that plans for Global Governance by 2025: PDF 

Truth will set US free: breaking Israel's stranglehold over American foreign policy, and also over domestic policy that restricts freedoms...... 

Senior Democrat Pat Leahy introduces outrageous bill to censor Internet websites 

DECAY IN THE JUSTICE SYSTEM....THAT WOULD BE YOU ERIC HOLDER, More Americans Losing Their Liberties Every Day 

Reaping Zionist terror's reward: get in there first – that's the secret and steal others' lives, land, wealth, future..... 

Broad new regulations would make it easier for law enforcement/national security officials to eavesdrop on Internet /e-mail communications like social networking Web sites and BlackBerries 

Middle-class? Long Gone! 

For them who are beating drums for Republican's, I have to ask: WERE YOU IN A COMA FROM 2000 to 2008? 

Anti-Zionist Rabbi teaches some real history to Zionists 

2005 Jon Carlson: WTC Jet Engine Confirmed NOT From Boeing 767 

The Secret Of OZ-video on the Fraud of the Federal Reserve System and Banking System, full version 

Profound statement about today from 1975 film "Hearts and Minds" in which a Vietnam veteran bomber pilot responds to the question "Do you think we've learned anything from all this?" 

Veterans Today Newsletter: ISLAMOPHOBIA, CENSORSHIP AND THE HOLOCAUST; . Out of Control Generals want more WAR! STOP FBI RAIDS AND HARASSMENT 

The Two-Face March of Tyranny: Republicans/Democrats/Republicans/Left! Right! Left! Right! Left! Right! FALSE PARADIGM.... 

Iraq Inquiry: your opportunity to demand a new 9/11 investigation, Please go to this page and fill in the response box­orm.aspx 

Blackwater's Black Ops: Blackwater Paid Me to Buy Steroids and Weapons on Black Market for its Shooters; Blackwater's cocaine- and random shooting at Iraqi civilians 

US judge declares mistrial in case of 2 ex-Blackwater contractors accused of killing Afghans: i.e. they get away with murder again... 

Charges dismissed against Md. man who taped traffic stop: Pitt wrote: "Those of us who are public officials and are entrusted with the power of the state are ultimately accountable to the publi 

95% of UK's killer cops still walk our streets ... with identities protected 

US Navy Again Plans to Use Us/Marine Life/Our Environment for Target Practice 

Children of the gravel: Zionists shoot 17 year old Gazan teenager in the leg 

An everyday story: Israeli navy kills 20 year old Gaza fisherman 

DESINDUSTRIALIZACION: 19 Facts show that US is slowly becoming the very first "post-industrial" nation on the globe 

INTERNATIONAL LAW EXPERT Franklin Lamb : Ahmadinejad is Right about 9/11! like ex-BBC correspondent Alan Hart, and thousands of others...... 

Ex-BBIC Alan Hart on Current Issues TV: Israel may have been involved in 9/11 

IRS FRAUD by Doc: Is there any document proving that the IRS is legal? 

Image painted by Western Media about Israel is completely false: example: UN Fact-Finding Mission Says Israelis "Executed" Teenage US Citizen Furkan Dogan on Peace Flotilla 

Property tax fleecing 

Monsanto partners with Blackwater to quell anti-GMO protests 

What Actually Happened On 9/11 September 11th, 2001? 








R.Kennedy Jr. and Medical Orthodoxy, mercury in dental amalgams & in vaccinations (thimerosal), protecting Pharmaceutical giants, 


1 new of 1

Alex James (1 author)


Pro-Life Institute Training Videos Now Online 


1 new of 1

alex james (1 author)


FBI Raids Homes of Antiwar, Pro-Palestinian Activists! Is US Attorney General working for Zionist Masters? Ingrid Betancourt, "Even Silence Has an End" 


1 new of 1

Alex James (1 author)





From: alex james []
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 6:53 PM
Subject: TTS Sep 27 Headlines: Insider says Bush authorized 9/11 attacks: Stanley Hilton was a senior advisor to Sen Bob Dole, personally known Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz for decades.


Insider says Bush authorized 911 attacks: Stanley Hilton was a senior advisor to Sen Bob Dole (R) and has personally known Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz for decades.

Search Google for consumer complaints about geico 

Paul Findley has another book exposing the Zionist Lobby "SILENT NO MORE" 

Video: Some Zionized Military Leaders are fighting to stop a withdrawal from Afghanistan..... 

Mumia: Legal System: When Massacre Is No Crime (CIA is above the law, FBI gets away with murder and both are becoming indistinguishable from the Gestapo 

Is the Injectible RFID Microchip the Prophesied "Mark of the Beast"? 


LIVING ON THE EDGE OF POVERTY inside The United States 

LIBERTY CALLING Newsletter: Justice Dept: Assassinations Up to President, Not Courts, to Decide 

Blue Flu cases spreading around Gulf of Mexico 

Gordon Duff against rogue government controlled by international organized crime -=- Bollyn is America's Greatest Living Journalist His Articles on 9/11 

Israelis burning bibles, silent Christians; Killing Palestinians with impunity; How the CIA ran a secret army of 3,000 assassins; 

E.P. Heidner proves 9/11 Staged to Derail Investigations by killing investigators, destroying records at Office of Naval Intelligence in the Pentagon etc. 

Dresden & other German Cities, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Agent Orange/Vietnam, Fallujah and rest of Iraq - Organized-crime-controlled US inflicts its third nuclear holocaust 

CIA seeks to gag critics of terror hit list -=- Obama invokes 'state secrets' claim to dismiss suit against assassinating U.S. citizens -=- Pentagon destroyed 10,000 copies of army officer's book 

Atlanta Premier of movie "what in the world are they spraying "??? on Chemtrails with G.Edward Griffin, who exposed the fraud of Federal Reserve System 

U.S. should be able to shut Internet, former CIA chief says.....I guess they don't like our freedoms..a.k.a. Patriot Act I, II, III....... 

A Little Known Fact About the 9/11 Planes || Anthony Lawson 

Israel intensifies West Bank Palestinian home demolitions; Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian in West Bank; The largest Threat to Democracy is Zionism 

Protofascism Comes to US - Westminster Legislates to Protect Vilest Criminals - largest Threat to Democracy is Zionism - Snopes Tries to Obscures Israel's Role in 9/11 

Alvin K. Hellerstein, devoted Zionist judge with connections to Israeli defendant in 9/11 litigation, has obstructed justice by blocking a trial from occurring 

Kenneth Clarke must not bow to Israeli war criminals' pressure by giving Veto to Director of Public Prosecutions over arrest warrants 

'New EU mass surveillance project revealed' - The Nazification/Zionization of Europe 

MI5 whistleblower Annie Machon on Gestapo Past and the new Present day gestapo in US/UK 

9/11-The Impossibility of Flying Heavy Aircraft Without Training 


Phil Tourney USS Liberty survivor of the 1967 Israeli attack on his ship now threatened with death 

Whistle-blower on US False Flag to get Cambodia into Vietnam War tortured/murdered. and Ted Gunderson who took his interview is also under attack...... 

Flashback to Ronald Reagan: Taliban 'moral equivalent of America's founding fathers', dedicated the Space Shuttle Columbia to the resistance fighters [Taliban] in Afghanistan 

Edgar Steele's Wife appeals for help and Stands By Man 'Who allegedly Tried to Blow Her Up' according to the authorities who framed him 


University of Arizona, Vatican and Jesuits Name New Telescope 'Lucifer'; Obama's Jesuit Connections Surface 

Lets not forget 9/11 by Greg Szymanski; 41 U.S. Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence Agency Veterans question 9/11 official tale 

Rev. Ted Pike on why Alex Jones is afraid of Zionists: "The Jews," Jones said, "own everything." 

Rev. Kevin Annett interview by Alfred Lamb: U.K.-based International Tribunal to try Pope Ratzinger,Queen Elizabeth II, U.K., Vatican, Irish, Canadian officials for crimes against humanity, child abuse and trafficking 

In 2006, InfoWars (Alex Jones Show) interviews Ed Haas on witness who overheard 9/11 plans in Hebrew prior to the attack 

In 2007, Top Mafia Figure, Tony Gambino, Implicated Bush in Prior Knowledge/Complicity in 9/11 Mass Murder; Mafia protected by FBI/CIA/Vaticn 

Must Act Here, Now! Corporate Control of Our Food and Our Freedom: Not Only "No!", But "NO WAY IN HELL!" 

Day 27...don't forget to vote for the Progressive Slate today 

top 20% control 83% - top 1% hold 40% - bottom 40% hold 0.3%, wealth disparity increasing 


From: alex james []
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 10:03 PM
Subject: TTS Sep 26 Headlines: US universities say yes to Zionist apartheid | US Zionists in uproar about the truth (Harvard, Columbia, Michigan, etc.)

US universities say yes to Zionist apartheid | US Zionists in uproar about the truth (Harvard, Columbia, Michigan, etc.) 


ANOTHER 9/11: OBAMA WARNS AND NUKES ARE READY; Aafia Siddiqui: 'I have proof Israel masterminded 9/11.big wars are being planned...attacks are being planned against America...' 


Israel's attempt to deflect a new 9/11 investigation - Remaking America on the Pinochet Model - Israel a Satanic State complete with the Brutality and Savagery of Zionism 


Bollyn: "Making Sense of the Media Cover-Up of 9/11" inside job 


Murdered Dr. Kelly knew about 9/11 inside job Anthrax letters and international bioweapons mafia 


Obama is was and still is a CIA asset 


Andrew Gavin Marshall 9/11 ANALYSIS - US Elite's Secret Terror Campaign: Imperial Anatomy of Al-Qaeda, CIA's Drug-Running Terrorists for Empire, Energy and Al-Qaeda: The Elites' Terror Network 


Video: Stop secrets's world day: Official Statement Stop secrets on Planet Earth, End the Lies 


UN blind to this Very comprehensive info regarding Israel's nukes, The 3rd Temple of The Anti-Christ......The holy of holies...... 


CFR an off-shoot of TC (Trilateral Commission) under the sponsorship of the Rockefeller Dynasty 


Dictatorship in Reverse: Tea Party is a psy-op meant to channel the Patriot Movement into the Left VS Right matrix as the late Alan Stang said 


UK's Clegg turns to Zionism | Corruption in UK 


Freemasonry & Public Schools-The Antichrist Upon Us (U.S.) 

John Coleman interviews on the Elites' Committee of 300 

Congress wants release of Pollard, the Zionist spy whose treason caused the arrest/death of over 100 US agents 

Something sent to DOJ Secy Eric Holder on 9/11 Truth and Urgent Fascism Alert: The FBI Raids Minneapolis nonviolent antiwar activists; confiscates picture of Martin Luther King!! 

The Fed Will Purchase Almost $3 Trillion In Treasurys And Set The Stage For The Monetary Endgame 

US Senate bill seeks to put vitamin makers in prison for ten years (and other news) 

Israel: "Wiped off The Map". The Rumor of the Century, Fabricated by Zionized US Media to Justify An All out War on Iran 

Vegas anti-drone trial makes history 

Fascism Alert: The FBI Raids Minneapolis nonviolent antiwar activists; confiscates picture of Martin Luther King!! 

Video: ROMAN CATHOLICS HARASS A STREET PREACHER - Pope visit to Washington, DC - April 2008 

Video: Jan 12/2010 David Ray Griffin on the 9/11 Cell Phone Calls: Exclusive CBC Interview 

Applauses for Iranian President's 9/11 Truth Speech at UN Sep.23, 2010, compare full text of his speech with what little the media has reported 

9/11 Plan was coordinated by same people who hatched it in 1976: FBI Confiscates Property Of ex-U.S. Army Corporal Who Blew Whistle On 1976 Government funded "Perfect Terrorist Plan" To Topple Twin Towers 

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: blue print for World Enslavement 

9/11: Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted In The Buildings! - 18+ Million views 

MarketWatch: Health-care changes kick in, Answers to seven questions about the new rules 

Jake Adelstein reports on the Yakuza Mafia in Japan and sex slavery..... 

Must Read Paul Craig Roberts: It Is Official: The US Is a Police State, antiwar activist Mick Kelly's home raided by FBI to intimidate those who organize peace protests 


























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