Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue 02 Oct - A History Of Happiness

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 1:10 AM
Subject: CC Issue 02 Oct - A History Of Happiness

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Press Release

Action Alert

Commit The Crime And Be Rewarded: Ayodhya Dispute Verdict
By Ram Puniyani

The Muslim community is feeling betrayed. First their mosque is entered into by miscreants who install the Ram Lalla idols there. Then in a well orchestrated assault RSS combine demolishes the Mosque and now the court operates on the RSS theory that Lord Ram was born at that spot. It seems if matters go the way they are going there is no need for scientific disciplines of History, Archeology and others as a section of political force can gradually build up the faith, act upon that and then the court will legitimize the criminal acts in the name of faith of a section of society. The law of the land will come to such a pass is beyond the imagination of those who wish to adhere to the values of freedom movement and the Constitution of India

Giving The Law Into Our Own Hands
By Mirza Yawar Baig

It is almost as if the honorable judges said to themselves, 'Leave facts and proof alone, let us see what will be acceptable by the people (in this case the majority of the people).' If that logic is applied, then actually it makes the life of the judiciary very easy. In any matter in dispute, just ask, 'What does the stronger party want?' and pass judgment in their favor. Will save a lot of time and money. And after all, who cares what the weaker party thinks? It doesn't matter what they think. The stronger party then need not take the law into their own hands because it would have been duly handed over to them

ASI Is The Handmaiden Of Hindutva
By Omar Khalidi

The ASI's role in marshalling dubious evidence in support of the existence of a Ram temple at Ayodhya is the right occasion to assess its activities as a handmaiden of Hindutva, says Omar Khalidi

New Internet Censorship Bill: Another Police State
Measure In The Offing?
By Stephen Lendman

Senator Patrick Leahy is no progressive. He voted to fund imperial wars, regressive Obamacare, Wall Street-friendly financial reform, and other pro-business measures, including agribusiness-empowering bills, harming small farmers and consumers. Now he's at it again. On September 20, he introduced S. 3804: Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA), "A bill to combat online infringement, and for other purposes." Referred to committee, it awaits further action. In fact, it needs a dagger thrust in its heart to kill it

My Hour Of Silence
By Andrew Kishner

Subcritical experiments, in no way, lead towards a healing change of behavior by the U.S. government. As abuse victims, we need to demand an end to these subcritical experiments because we need to defend ourselves from further harm and remold our nuclear-military-industrial complex to reflect the true aspirations of 'the people.'

Military Reports Leading The Charge
In Peak Oil Debate
By Matthew Wild

Another military report is targeting future oil supply concerns. Fueling the Future Force: Preparing the Department of Defense for a Post-Petroleum Environment, published September 27, is the third military consideration of a future of scarce oil published so far this year

Oil Analyst Tells Forbes: Peak Oil By 2017
By Matthew Wild

Respected oil analyst Charles Maxwell has told Forbes – and with it the North American business establishment – to brace itself for peak oil by "2017 or 2018." Maxwell is rapidly becoming the new Matthew Simmons, an establishment peak oil whistleblower

A High-Risk Fossil Fuel Boom
Sweeps Across North America
By Keith Schneider

Energy companies are rushing to develop unconventional sources of oil and gas trapped in carbon-rich shales and sands throughout the western United States and Canada. So far, government officials have shown little concern for the environmental consequences of this new fossil fuel development boom

Stages Of Peak Oil Awareness
By Kathy McMahon

Four and a half years ago, I began a research project to figure out what is a "normal" reaction to learning about Peak Oil, and this essay is a summary of what I've learned

The Collapse: Looking Back July 12, 2099
By Peter Goodchild

The problem of oil depletion turned out to be something other than a bit of macabre speculation for people of the distant future to deal with, but rather a sudden catastrophe that would only be studied dispassionately long after the event itself had occurred. Doomsday was upon us before we had time to look at it carefully

Get Free From Wall Street:
An Interview With David Korten
By Doug Pibel

Most all of the dysfunctions that we're experiencing in society—economic instability, social breakdown, violence, and war, environmental destruction—they are all inevitable consequences of an economic system that is designed to concentrate power and focus social values on money. The only way we're going to be able to correct the failure is through economic transformation. The new edition of Agenda for a New Economy presents a model and framework that address these issues and that have a very real prospect of increasing the security, well-being, and happiness of almost everybody except perhaps a few of the greediest billionaires

A History Of Happiness
By Darrin M. McMahon, Ph.D.

We've forgotten much of what older traditions knew about happiness

Pakistani Attacks On NATO Tankers Deepen
US Crisis In Af-Pak War
By Barry Grey

More than two dozen trucks and oil tankers carrying supplies for the US military offensive against Kandahar in Afghanistan were destroyed in two separate attacks Friday in southern Pakistan. The attacks compounded the crisis for the US and NATO occupation forces arising from the Pakistani government's closure the previous day of a key border crossing

At War Against Islam
By Ghali Hassan

If Obama is serious about peace, he still has an opportunity to reverse course; free America from the clutches of Zionism, end America 's wars on Islam and steer America on the road to a peaceful and civilised nation. If he cannot, then he should stop preaching peace to the victims of America 's wars

America: What Classless Society?
By Jack A. Smith

The so-called growing rich-poor gap in "classless" America is a euphemism for the existence of an accelerated class struggle against American workers and the poor by a relatively small minority that possesses or has access to great wealth and power

US War Crimes In Fallujah
By Stephen Lendman

Culpable US officials are unaccountable. As long as enough Middle East oil remains, Iraq will be permanently occupied, its people ruthlessly oppressed. So are Afghgans, both countries victimized by American pillaging, what Fallujah survivors know best, their lives permanently impaired as are millions of others in both countries

Wealth of Poverty
By Keizen Krishna

India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru was an ardent supporter of the co-operative movement. His views on the subject are well known. No individual has, of course, absolute freedom. But, if we value individual freedom, as many of us do, how are we to find a balance between preserving that individual freedom and at the same time getting away from the clutches of an acquisitive society? The co-operative movement seems to offer a philosophy which would aim at this kind of social pattern

Verdict Day: Kashmir Continues To Cripple
Under Curfew
By Nawaz Gul Qanungo

Mood in Kashmir streets on the Ayodhya judgment day

A Fuming Fall In Europe
By Farooque Chowdhury

Europe witnessed a fuming fall day with politics of protest on September 29, 2010. From Athens to Barcelona to Brussels to Dublin to Lisbon to Madrid to Vilnius, the continent experienced extra-legal political actions in streets. Anger and rejection experienced torching police vehicle, flaming tires, and general and open-ended strikes

'I Wanted It To Be A Book For Opening The Mind'
Dashrath Patel talks to Neerja Dasani

Dashrath Patel talks to Neerja Dasani on the publication of the book 'Why the Sky is Blue ', a compilation of Dashrath Patel's photographs and parts of Dr C.V. Raman's speech selected by Chandralekha

ViBGYOR 2011: Call For Entries

Welcome to the 6th Edition of ViBGYOR International Film Festival for Short & Documentary films, to be held in Thrissur, Kerala, India from January 12-16, 2011! The 6th ViBGYOR is dedicated to the memory of late C. Saratchandran, the noted filmmaker and activist and our friend and co-traveler at ViBGYOR. Accordingly we have chosen ' Political Filmmaking and Media Activism in South Asia' as the special focus theme of the year. Anand Padvardhan is the festival Director for 2011 VIBGYOR

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Palash Biswas
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