Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fwd: Please sign this petition electronically against the construction of an elevated expressway along the Marina, Besant Nagar and Tiruvanmiyur Beaches - thank you

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: mehul kamdar <>
Date: Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 3:11 AM
Subject: Please sign this petition electronically against the construction of an elevated expressway along the Marina, Besant Nagar and Tiruvanmiyur Beaches - thank you
To: TBDN <>

 Dear friends,

I wanted to draw your attention to this important petition that I recently signed:

"Save India's  Beaches from Our Laws"

The proposed elevated expressway along the Marina and Besant Nagar and Tiruvanmiyur beaches will also displace thousands of poor fishermen and their families under the currently envisaged plans. The beauty of beaches that the rest of the world looks upon with envy will be lost forever. Please sign this petition and send the link to every one of your friends who also loves Chennai.

PS: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO MAKE ANY DONATION at the end of the process. Just ignore the donation request and close the page when this comes up, after you have electronically signed the petition.

I really think this is an important cause, and I'd like to encourage you to add your signature, too. It's free and takes just a few seconds of your time.


Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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