Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fwd: We are all Kenyans

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From: Xavier William <>
Date: Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 9:38 AM
Subject: We are all Kenyans

Palestinians claim that they are the original inhabitants of the territory and that Israelis are aggressors whereas the Israelis claim that they are the original inhabitants as attested by the Bible. But the Bible itself says that their father Abraham came from Canaan and that they were enslaved in Egypt and that under Moses they conquered the promised land displacing original populations like the Ammonites and the Medianites whom the Jews slaughtered without mercy. But where did these Ammonites and Medianites come from?

In the US and Australia migrants from outside are kept out by people who were themselves migrants. According to the Amerindians all the blacks and whites in America are migrants and they are the original inhabitants. The same goes for the aborigines of Australia and New Zealand who consider later comers as migrants and themselves as the original inhabitants.

In India Bal Thackeray's hooligans claim that the Marathas are the original citizens of Bombay and that the Madrassis and North Indians are migrants. People like Venkat say that Hindus are the original inhabitants of India and that the Christians and Muslims are intruders and ought to get out. But according to the anthropologists the Dravidians and the Adivasis were the original inhabitants of India and that the Aryans were intruders who pushed the Dravidians south and Adivasis into the forests. So if Venkat's rhetoric that Christians and Muslims should leave the country holds good, then Venky's people the Brahmins and the high castes should set an example by returning to wherever they came from. After they were the first intruders and the Muslims and X'tians came later and so the Brahmanic castes of Aryans should leave ahead of later intruders.

In fact there are such claims and counter claims of being original denizens all over the world though in the process we all forget that we are migrants everywhere except in Kenya. Anthropologists say that the human race started out with some 2000 or so individuals who inhabited a hamlet in what is now Kenya. From there we migrated all over and now have spread all over setting up our multi-storied termite mounts all over and claiming that we are the original inhabitants. The anthropologists do not say from where the original 2000 odd original inhabitants came to that region of Kenya and so we have to presume that there is only place we can call home and that is Kenya – that s until the Anthropologists find out where these 2000 individuals came from.

Xavier William |

Palash Biswas
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