Saturday, October 2, 2010

Shining Nuclear India Showcased in Common Corrupt Wealth as Gandhians Indulged in the KILLING of Gandhi!First Scrap and Distribute the Godly Property, then Talk on Secularism!

Shining Nuclear India Showcased in Common Corrupt Wealth as Gandhians Indulged in the KILLING of Gandhi!First Scrap and Distribute the Godly Property, then Talk on Secularism!

Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time - Four Hundred  Ninety Eight

Palash Biswas

First Scrap and Distribute the Godly Property, then Talk on Secularism!

Shining Nuclear India Showcased in Common Corrupt Wealth as Gandhians Indulged in the KILLING of Gandhi!

It was a troublesoem Evening for thousands of daily Commutors in Suburban Kolkata as the Railway Trafick stood standstill for hours as the Workers of TEXMACO seized Belghoria Railway station in sealdah ranaghat section. I had to travel by Bus on the Busy BT Roas surrounded by the Clusters of Closed Production Units. It was the real Glimpse of the Shining India on Gandhi jayanti!

With nearly 6,000 athletes already in Delhi and hundreds more streaming in by the day, the capital was putting the final finishing touches to preparations for the biggest ever Commonwealth Games on Saturday.The 12-day sports gathering for 71 mostly former British colonies was in crisis a week ago but organisers seemed to have put the worst of the rash of preparatory problems behind them on the eve of the opening ceremony.The late scramble by the government to salvage the $6 billion event might still not be enough to eradicate the public relations disaster of the last few weeks but the 19th Commonwealth Games can at least boast the most competitors.

Gandhi had a Philosophy of his own and it is meant to sustain the Manusmriti Rule Eternal! But Gandhi like the RSS did support the Indigenous Economy, it is fact. Hind Swaraj clarified his stance on Modern Economics which he opposed. His Economics in nothing but Manusmriti. It is the Economics of Hindutva which allows Gods to hold Property, but denies the Shudras and Untouchables the Right to Property and Knowledge. However, Gandhi was against Foreign Capital in which the Post Modern Gandhian endow their hearts and Minds killing Gandhian Ideology.

Nehru did it first and others followed suit.

Nevertheless, Nehru did everything to make Ram Rajya, Hindu Nation a reality.

Poona Pact - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

... and British Prime Minister J. Ramsay MacDonald's Communal Award to the ... A compromise, the Poona Pact, was made between the leaders of caste Hindus ... - Cached - Similar

Congress in alliance with Zionism, Hindutva and Corporate Imperialism has AMERICANISED India to make the Manusmriti Rule Global beyond Gandhi`s vision! Thus, Gandhians Killed Gandhi Cloning Gandhi!

What is Faith?

If faith kills Human Right, Civic Rights, Justice and Equality and produces Hatred only, why it should overtake the Law and Justice?

Why the Almighty should have Gourdians and Middlemen?

The wait is finally over. The 19th Commonwealth Games are now just one day away. Athletes from around the world will participate in India's biggest sporting extravaganza since the 1982 Asian Games.

Ironically, while most of the Indians have to live on just Twenty Dollars, the Poverty and Starvation are the Vital statics of the Real Economy, the Virtual Economy is showcased otherwase like the WAP!A cleaner and spruced up Indian capital is all set to host the 19th Commonwealth Games with a gala opening Sunday with a display of music and dance involving thousands of young and experienced artists.

The Palestinian leadership decided not to continue peace talks with Israel over a dispute on Jewish settlement policy in the West Bank, a spokesman said Saturday.

Coincidentally, as the Common Corrupt Wealth Games symbolises the Exclusive Sensex economy of India Incs, MNCs, LPG Magia, FII and FDI, the Global Law of Ethnic Cleansing is implemented as The national capital today moved a step forward in providing identification cards as well as Aadhaar Identification Numbers to the homeless in the city. Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit distributed "beghar" cards and provisional Unique Identification Numbers to the homeless in the city on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.

"Come join the celebrations". This is Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit''s message to Delhiites, as the national capital begins to celebrate its biggest ever sporting extravaganza, with loads of cultural delights thrown in for the visitors.

Mahatma Gandhi was the man who originally killed the Aboriginal Indigenous India despite his Anti Foreign Capital Economics as he ENSURED the Religion should be the Key to sustain the Brahamin Bania Raj after the Power Transfer amidst unprecedented Holocaust and continuous Exodus and Deportation. It is quite appropriate to launch the Unique Identity Numbers in the national Capitla of Free Market Brahaminical Democracy on 2nd October, on the eve of Common Corruption Wealth Games to kill Privacy, Security and Sovereignty of Citizens! The Games is a marketing Event reminiscent of making Indian Beauties the best sales agents as glorified as Miss Universe, super Model and Miss World in the emerging Market which has become our only Identity today!
  1. That is why Dr. Ambedkar declared Gandhi as - Dalit Voice - The ...

  2. 19 Apr 2008 ... On the coming Oct.2, (2007) Gandhi Jayanti day, Dalit Voice readers of Bombay have invited me to Bombay to burn the "Poona Pact" on that day ...

  3. - Cached

  4. EDITORIAL - Dalit Voice - The Voice of the Persecuted ...

  5. 1 Apr 2009 ... It killed M.K. Gandhi, the "Father of the Nation", like a dog. ... Gandhi hated Dalits & Muslims: M.K. Gandhi also hated Dalits, Muslims, ...

  6. - Cached - Similar

  7. Show more results from

  8. Dalit Voice Reports Feb/March: « Therearenosunglasses's Weblog

  9. Dr. Velu Annamalai, a member of the Dalit Voice family, in his book Sergeant-Major M.K. Gandhi, (1995, pp.60, Rs.20) says all this in the book which ...

  10. - Cached - Similar

  11. palashbiswaslive: DALIT Voice Continues to Echo, Thanks VTR to ...

  12. 20 Jun 2010 ... I was very Concerned as DALIT Voice latest issue was not Published on .... Gandhi has proved to be bogus. This is the verdict of history. ...

  13. - Cached

  14. Why Do India's Dalits Hate Gandhi? By Thomas C. Mountain

  15. 20 Mar 2006 ... To be honest, Gandhi is actually one of the most hated Indian ... his c.v. being Managing Editor of the Dalit Voice newspaper and then going ...

  16. - Cached - Similar

  17. Why do India's Untouchables & Dalits hate Gandhi? « The Dawn

  18. 3 Aug 2009 ... Why do India's Dalits hate Gandhi? By Thomas C. Mountain, ... Imtiaz Alam: His Master's Voice--representing Washington's point of view" ...

  19. - Cached - Similar

  20. Why do India's Dalits hate Gandhi?

  21. ... who includes in his c.v. being managing editor of the Dalit Voice .... Why do India's Dalits hate Gandhi? Na pooch mera patta mauj e hawa hoon main. ...

  22. - Cached

  23. Why Beant Singh Killed Indira Gandhi? - The Voice of Sikhs

  24. According to Beant Singh he also killed Mrs. Gandhi to establish the dharma. .... (Dalit Voice, Dec.16, 1984). Back to top; Reply Icon ...

  25. - Cached

  26. India Suffered by Making Gandhi "father of the nation". - Kempon Hokke

  27. 19 Jun 2010 ... As the Editor of Dalit Voice for the past 30 years, I am essentially a ... The children of Gandhi are doing their duty of killing India. ...

  28."father-of-the-nation"/ - Cached

  29. Why Do India's Dalits Hate Gandhi? - BFN India's MySpace Blog |

  30. 15 Feb 2010 ... Read Why Do Indias Dalits Hate Gandhi? by BFN India on MySpace Blogs! ... c.v. being Managing Editor of the Dalit Voice newspaper and then ...

  31. - Cached


IMF urges close regulation of credit rating agencies

- Reuters            
redit rating agencies need tighter supervision because their activities have a strong impact on funding costs for debt issuers and can affect financial stability, the International Monetary Fund said....
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Wall St Week Ahead: After Sept rally, stocks eye earnings, jobs
The market shook off the summer doldrums last month, breaking out of a stubborn trading range and giving investors the second-best September on record with a gain of 8.8 percent on the S&P 500. It also racked up its best quarter in a year.

  1. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  2. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the pre-eminent political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement. He pioneered satyagraha. ...

  3. - Cached - Similar

  4. Kamat's Potpourri: Mahatma Gandhi - A Biography

  5. 15 Jun 2010 ... Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948), also known as Mahatma Gandhi, was born in Porbandar in the present day state of Gujarat in India on ...

  6. - Cached - Similar

  7. Mahatma Gandhi

  8. Includes chronologies, articles and links to biographies and an autobiography.

  9. - Similar

  10. News for Mahatma Gandhi

  11. Holy ashes of Gandhi preserved in Hubli‎ - 24 minutes ago

  12. Reason: the holy ashes (`chitabhasma') of Mahatma Gandhi is preserved here since 1949. The institution has acquired the status of "sacred place" because of ...

  13. Times of India - 2 related articles

  14. Ayodhya verdict is like Gandhiji's blessings: Modi‎ - Indian Express - 256 related articles

  15. Games officials charged with desecretaing Mahatma's memorial‎ - Hindustan Times - 4 related articles


  17. Mahatma Gandhi comprehensive information website, useful for researchers, scholars, students and everyone. regularly updated, featuring information on ...

  18. - Cached - Similar


  20. Gandhi Resource Centers · Photo Gallery · Tributes to Gandhiji ... Copyright © 2005 All rights reserved. Designed by ...

  21. - Cached - Similar

  22. Mahatma Gandhi Quotes - The Quotations Page

  23. We have 2 book reviews related to Mahatma Gandhi. .... Mahatma Gandhi, when asked what he thought of Western civilization ...

  24. - Cached - Similar

At a function jointly organised by Mission Convergence of Delhi Government and Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Dikshit handed over provisional Aadhar cards to 40 poor persons and "beghar" cards to 100 homeless persons at a night shelter in Nizamuddin area. The initiative came just two days after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh along with UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi presented "Aadhaar" Identification Numbers to a few tribals in a village in Maharashtra.

Biometric-based data including fingerprints and an iris scan is being used for the first time anywhere in the world to provide a cost-effective nationally valid and verifiable single source of identity proof through an authentification infrastructure.

Dikshit said provisional Unique Identification Numbers will be provided to "beghar cardholders" in next 2-3 weeks.

In order to spread awareness on the enrolment drive, a street play was also presented by a group of disabled and homeless persons. These persons will approach the homeless on their tri-cycles to generate awareness about the scheme.

Dikshit described it as a major step towards reaching to the "un-reached in Delhi". The enrolment for "Aadhaar" will be carried out during night hours in Delhi.

She described the handing over of provisional Adhar cards as a beginning of a "revolution which will serve as a permanent document of individual''s identity" and facilitate them their entitlements. Homeless people will be eligible to apply for the "beghar cards" in the next six months.

The card will also carry the UIDAI number. Chief Secretary Mehta said registration for the UIDAI project in Delhi has begun.

Meanwhile, Samajwadi Party president Mulayam Singh Yadav Friday hit out at the judgment in the age-old Ayodhya dispute, saying it was hardly based on legalities.

'The verdict appears to be have been given more on the basis of faith and belief rather than on the basis of legalities and evidence,' the former Uttar Pradesh chief minister told reporters here.

'I am firmly of the view that the court has somehow ignored or overlooked various legal issues and relied more on the faith and belief of people. This is not how a court should have acted,' said Mulayam Yadav.

'I am disappointed with the verdict, which does not appear to show any healthy signals for the country and the judiciary. I will not be surprised if it creates more complications rather than solving its problems.'
Hailing the decision of the Sunni Central Waqf Board to challenge the judgment before the Supreme Court, he said: 'I am confident the apex court will take a purely legal view and give a judgment without being influenced by extraneous considerations of faith and belief.'

He said 'the verdict had hurt the sentiments of millions of Muslims of this country as they feel cheated because justice has been denied to them.
'I have always been of the view that a nation cannot be run on the basis of faith. It is the constitution and law that govern a nation.

'I had stated this before the National Integration Council way back in 1990 when the entire country faced the threat of a major turmoil.

'It was there that I compared myself with Arjun in Mahabharat because I may have to order firing on my own brethren in the larger interest of law and order. That is what I had to do because law is supreme.'

Mulayam Yadav's reference was to the firing by paramilitary forces at a 100,000-strong mob that raided the Babri mosque in 1990 when he was chief minister of Uttar Pradesh.

The mosque was eventually razed in December 1992 by Hindu mobs, triggering nationwide riots.

  1. The Communal Award [1932]

  2. 1 Jun 2003 ... Under the Communal Award, the principle of weightage was also maintained with ... He managed to sign the Poona Pact with Dr. B. R. Ambedker, ...

  3. - Cached - Similar

  4. Revisiting the Poona Pact

  5. 15 Jun 2009 ... The essence of the Poona Pact was that the separate electorates granted by the 'Communal Award' were withdrawn and the method of joint ...

  6. - Cached - Similar

  7. Poona Pact (1932, India) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

  8. The pact, signed at Poona (now Pune, Maharashtra), resulted from the communal award of Aug. 4, 1932, made by the British government on the failure of the ...

  9. - Cached - Similar

  10. Poona Pact – Dictionary definition of Poona Pact | Encyclopedia ...

  11. He was signatory to the Poona Pact which modified the Communal Award. As free Indias first Law Minister he sponsored the Hindu Code Bill. He later resigned. ...

  12. - Cached - Similar

  13. Communal Award (The Annihilation of Caste - Dr. B. R. Ambedkar)

  14. ... the British Government's highly controversial Communal Award was issued. ... dispute between Ambedkar and Gandhi over the Poona Pact and Communal Award. ...

  15. - Cached - Similar

  16. Third Round Table conference, Poona Pact

  17. ... India : Third Round Table Conference, The Communal Award, Poona Pact : 1932 ... classes was reached on September 24,1932, popularly known as Poona Pact. ...

  18. - Cached - Similar

  19. Communal Award - SikhiWiki, free Sikh encyclopedia.

  20. 7 Jan 2010 ... This initial Sikh response to the terms of the Communal Award was consistent .... It was left to the Poona Pact, an agreement among Hindus ...

  21. - Cached

  22. What is Poona Pact?: Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi

  23. Poona Pact : SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend ... 1932 against the decision of the then British Prime Minister J.Ramsay MacDonald granting communal award to the ...

  24. - Cached - Similar

  25. my study ncert notes: Third Round Table conference, Poona Pact

  26. 16 Jan 2010 ... Third Round Table conference, Poona Pact ... History : Modern India : Third Round Table Conference, The Communal Award, Poona Pact : 1932 ...

  27. - Cached

CIA chief meets PC, officials ahead of Obama's visit
CIA chief Leon Panetta was in India for nearly a week during which he met Union Home Minister P Chidambaram and senior officials ahead of the visit of President Barack Obama beginning next month,
Panetta, one of the top-most US intelligence official, held a series of meetings with senior government officials including Union Home Secretary G K Pillai over the last one week which also were seen as a platform to further cement sharing of intelligence in tackling terrorism.
During his meetings, including with his Indian counterpart RAW chief K C Verma and Intelligence Bureau head Rajiv Mathur, Panetta discussed cooperation between the two countries especially in the field of counter-terrorism and sharing intelligence.
The two sides are understood to have discussed the issue of terrorism that continues to emanate from Pakistan and was threatening India as well as many other parts of the world.
American Embassy officials remained tightlipped on the visit of Panetta. "We do not comment on intelligence issues," they said.
The CIA chief came here over a month before the high profile visit of the US President to India beginning November seven.
This is the first visit by any top US official after the a team of the Indian National Investigation Agency (NIA) questioned Lashker-e-Taiba terrorist David Headley in May in Chicago.
Post Mumbai terror strikes in November 2008, India and the US have seen several top level interactions in the area of intelligence.
Earlier this year, Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Dennis C Blair visited India during which he had met several top officials besides Union Home Minister P Chidambaram.
Blair had said Pakistan was using militant groups like Lashkar-e Taiba as strategic tools against India.
Panetta had visited India in March last year and was followed by FBI Chief Robert Mueller.

Games officials charged with desecretaing Mahatma''s memorial

Commonwealth Games Organising Committee officials were today accused of desecrating Mahatma Gandhi''s memorial here after they allegedly entered its precincts with their shoes on. Officials accompanying the Commonwealth Games'' Queen''s Baton to Rajghat "entered the samadhi precinct bearing the Baton wearing their shoes in gross violation of all standard rules, norms and protocol," the Gandhi Peace Foundation wrote in a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
The concerned officials remained in the precinct for about 10 minutes in full public view and were "unmoved" even after people around raised an outcry, it alleged in the letter demanding an apology from the officials. "We call upon the Government of India and the Rajghat Samadhi Committee, under whose care and supervision Rajghat is vested under an Act of Parliament, to hold an urgent enquiry into the incident, bring to book the officials responsible and put in place strict measures so that such incidents do not ever occur again," the letter said.
It said that even the caretaker of the Rajghat Samadhi and other staff were present at the monument at the time, called for an apology from the violators. "The Organising Committee of the Commonwealth Games owes an apology to the Nation for this desecration," it said.

China offers to buy Greek debt; vows double trade in 5 yrs

59 Minutes ago
``When Greece is in trouble, China will help- that's when real friendship matters,'' Wen Jiabao said.
UK defends immigration limit on Indian professionals3 Hours ago
David Cameron govt has defended its decision to introduce an interim limit on non-EU skilled workers.
Prince Charles arrives in India to declare CWG open
Prince Charles and President Patil will declare the Games open at JL Nehru stadium.
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Full Coverage

Ayodhya VerdictNavi Mumbai AirportUID CardsMining PolicyVodafone Tax Case3G ServicesMaoist MenaceBlackBerry BanDelhi CWGKashmir in Crisis

Ayodhya verdict: Muslims call for larger debate

Hindustan Times - ‎1 hour ago‎
Casting their initial caginess aside, Muslim organisations have roundly criticised the Ayodhya verdict, raising fears of fresh alienation of the minority ...

Could a deal have been struck in the 80s?

Hindustan Times - ‎3 hours ago‎
Now that the Ayodhya verdict is in — though, of course, there will be an appeal and another judgement in the months to come — three things are worth noting. ...

Ayodha ruling a triumph for Hindus, says Pakistani paper

Sify - ‎5 hours ago‎
Islamabad, Oct 2 (IANS) The judicial verdict allowing the construction of a Ram temple at the site of the razed Babri mosque in Ayodhya is a victory for ...

"The excavations of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) and its readings have been fully accepted even though these have been strongly disputed by other archaeologists and historians. Since this is a matter of professional expertise on which there was a sharp difference of opinion the categorical acceptance of the one point of view, and that too in a simplistic manner, does little to build confidence in the verdict," historian Romila Thapar...
more by Romila Thapar - 1 hour ago - Hindustan Times (1 occurrences)

Indian Holy Site SPLIT Between Hindus, Muslims; Christians Call For Calm

Huffington Post - Anto Akkara - ‎6 hours ago‎
Bangalore, India (RNS/ENInews) Churches in India have joined other faiths and political leaders in calling for calm after a court ruled that ...

Ayodhya verdict: Judges took risk

Oneindia - ‎6 hours ago‎
Lucknow, Oct 2: One of the three judges of Ayodhya verdict, Justice SU Khan stated that though several elements advised them not to take any risky attempt, ...

Inside Story - The calm before the storm in India?

Al Jazeera - ‎6 hours ago‎
There is a cautious calm in northern India after a court ruled on Thursday that a disputed holy site in the town of Ayodhya should be shared between Muslims ...

Ayodha verdict triumph of Hindu fanaticism: Pakistani editorial

Sify - ‎7 hours ago‎
Islamabad, Oct 2 (IANS) The Allahabad High Court verdict on the Babri Masjid issue - trifurcating the disputed land into one part for Muslims and two parts ...

Ayodhya: Centre satisfied over people's response to verdict

Indian Express - ‎17 hours ago‎
Expressing satisfaction over the "respectful and dignified" response of the people to the Ayodhya verdict, Union Home Minister P Chidambaram on Friday said ...

Clerics skip Ayodhya verdict in Friday prayers

Indian Express - ‎17 hours ago‎
Mufti Shabbir Alam Siddiqui, who leads the prayers in city's Jama Masjid and is known to air his views on political and social issues in his Friday sermons, ...

Day after, Congress Muslim MPs step out to back verdict

Indian Express - ‎18 hours ago‎
New Delhi: Cutting across age, gender and region, Muslim MPs of the Congress today backed the Allahabad High Court ruling on the title suits over the ...
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Ayodhya verdict
Babri Mosque
Allahabad High Court
Bharatiya Janata Party

Timeline of articles

Number of sources covering this story

Ayodhya verdict: Muslims call for larger debate
‎1 hour ago‎ - Hindustan Times

'The Ayodhya order will help maintain communal harmony in country'
‎Sep 30, 2010‎ - Daily News & Analysis

Muslims groups disappointed; says verdict a ''balancing act''
‎Sep 30, 2010‎ -

Allahabad HC rules Ayodhya land should be divided into 3 parts
‎Sep 30, 2010‎ - NetIndian

Ayodhya verdict: HC says divide land into 3 parts. What's your reaction?
‎Sep 30, 2010‎ -

Committee of saints, AIMPLB to hold own meets after Ayodhya verdict
‎Sep 30, 2010‎ - Economic Times

Ayodhya verdict: UP normal but alert on judgment day
‎Sep 30, 2010‎ - Times of India

UP turns into a fortress ahead of Ayodhya verdict
‎Sep 29, 2010‎ - Times of India

Kerala beefs up security ahead of Ayodhya verdict
‎Sep 28, 2010‎ - The Hindu

Babri Masjid and the shadow of law
‎Sep 28, 2010‎ - Hindustan Times


Gulf Daily News
The Hindu
The Hindu
The Hindu
Financial Times...
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Inside Story - The calm before the storm in India?
Al Jazeera  -  6 hours ago Watch video
<div class="video-thumb thumbnail"><a class="js-link thumbnail-toggle" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;"><img src="" alt="" class="thumbnail" width="120" height="90"> <div class="icon play-icon"></div></a></div> <div class="video-details"><a href="">Inside Story - The calm before the storm in India?</a> <span class="source">Al Jazeera</span> &nbsp;-&nbsp; 6 hours ago <div class="icon video-icon"></div> <a href="">Watch video</a></div>

Negotiating Ayodhya
NewsX  -  Oct 1, 2010 Watch video
<div class="video-thumb thumbnail"><a class="js-link thumbnail-toggle" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;"><img src="" alt="" class="thumbnail" width="120" height="90"> <div class="icon play-icon"></div></a></div> <div class="video-details"><a href="">Negotiating Ayodhya</a> <span class="source">NewsX</span> &nbsp;-&nbsp; Oct 1, 2010 <div class="icon video-icon"></div> <a href="">Watch video</a></div>

Zafaryab Jilani on Ayodhya verdict
NewsX  -  Oct 1, 2010 Watch video
<div class="video-thumb thumbnail"><a class="js-link thumbnail-toggle" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;"><img src="" alt="" class="thumbnail" width="120" height="90"> <div class="icon play-icon"></div></a></div> <div class="video-details"><a href="">Zafaryab Jilani on Ayodhya verdict</a> <span class="source">NewsX</span> &nbsp;-&nbsp; Oct 1, 2010 <div class="icon video-icon"></div> <a href="">Watch video</a></div>

BJP on Ayodhya verdict: Let the temple be built  -  Sep 30, 2010 Watch video
<div class="video-thumb thumbnail"><a class="js-link thumbnail-toggle" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;"><img src="" alt="" class="thumbnail" width="120" height="90"> <div class="icon play-icon"></div></a></div> <div class="video-details"><a href="">BJP on Ayodhya verdict: Let the temple be built</a> <span class="source"></span> &nbsp;-&nbsp; Sep 30, 2010 <div class="icon video-icon"></div> <a href="">Watch video</a></div>

Reconciliation need of the hour: Congress on Ayodhya verdict  -  Sep 30, 2010 Watch video
<div class="video-thumb thumbnail"><a class="js-link thumbnail-toggle" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;"><img src="" alt="" class="thumbnail" width="120" height="90"> <div class="icon play-icon"></div></a></div> <div class="video-details"><a href="">Reconciliation need of the hour: Congress on Ayodhya verdict</a> <span class="source"></span> &nbsp;-&nbsp; Sep 30, 2010 <div class="icon video-icon"></div> <a href="">Watch video</a></div>

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Mulayam's remarks on Ayodhya verdict evokes sharp response

Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh's remarks that the Muslim community felt cheated by the Ayodhya title suit verdict has evoked sharp reaction from the community leaders, who dubbed it "unwise" to make politically motivated statements at this time.
"The atmosphere at the national level has been positive with religious leaders of both the communities, political leadership as well as the media. It would not be wise if politically motivated statements which could vitiate communal harmony are issued now," said Maulana Khalid Rasheed Firangimahli, the Niab Imam of Idgah and member of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board.
He said that it was heartening that "no one has so far shown immaturity... not even the Sangh Parivar and there should be restraint from now on to ensure that nothing is done which could give strength to fundamentalist forces."
He said though there is disappointment among the community over the verdict, it is in the larger interest of the country and communal harmony that restraint should be exercised.
Echoing Firangimahli's views, Maulana Mohammad Umer of Islami research institute Darul Musinnfeen termed Yadav's statement "ill-timed".
"Though he is expressing the views held by the community, the timing is not correct," Maulana Umer said.
Maulana Mohammad Mirza Athar of Shia Personal Law Board said that it was unbecoming of a senior leader like Mulayam Singh Yadav to issue such a statement at a time when everyone is trying their best to ensure peace and harmony.
"In a court case, there is bound to be one side on the losing side and after this verdict by the High Court, the option of approaching the Supreme Court or making an effort to resolve the issue through mutual understanding is still open and in this backdrop such statements are
unnecessary," he said.
Noted Shia leader and member of the AIMPLB, Hamidul Hasan refused to comment on Yadav's statement, but appeal to everyone to desist from issuing statements which could hurt unity and peace of the country.
Maulana Mohammad Mushtaq of the All India Sunni Board asserted that none of the Muslim leaders have said anything adverse on the verdict.
"It is the time to ensure peace and communal harmony and an appeal in this regard was also made after the Friday prayers to not politicise the issue", Mohammad Mushtaq added.
The SP chief had yesterday said he was disappointed by the Ayodhya title suits verdict as he felt faith was given "priority" over legal procedures.

Post-verdict, focus on two other Babri cases

Now that the Allahabad High Court has delivered its verdict on the Ayodhya title suits, the immediate focus shifts to two other important cases arising out of the demolition of the Babri Masjid on December 6, 1992.
Both cases are still under trial in Lucknow and Rae Bareli — one case involves top BJP and VHP leaders, including former deputy prime minister L K Advani and Ashok Singhal. In both cases, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has conducted investigation, charges have been framed and recording of evidence in under way.
One case deals mainly with the conspiracy behind the demolition. The prosecution produced its first witness P N Shukla, then station officer of the Ram Janmabhoomi Police station of Ayodhya, before Sessions Judge (Ayodhya Prakaran) in Lucknow last month. Among the 23 accused in the case are Shiv Sena leader Pawan Kumar Pandey, BJP leader Laloo Singh and former SSP of Faizabad D B Rai.
In the second case, L K Advani and seven others are facing trial on charges of creating enmity among different groups on grounds of religion, doing acts prejudicial to harmony and national integration, rioting, joining an unlawful assembly and making statements that cause public mischief.
They include Sadhvi Ritambhara, Vinay Katiyar, Acharya Giriraj Kishore, former union minister M M Joshi, Vishnu Mohan Dalmia and Ashok Singhal. The trial is being conducted in a special CBI court in Rae Bareli.
Proceedings came to a halt in June after the magistrate was transferred. "We are waiting for the notification regarding the appointment of a new special magistrate for this court," said CBI lawyer K P Singh.
In the second case, the prosecution has presented nine witnesses. "We will produce a few more witnesses to ensure logical end of this case," said Singh.
Among those whose evidence has been recorded are IPS officer Anju Gupta, CRPF officer R K Swami, journalists C K Mishra and Sanjay Khare, a priest Awadhesh Upadhyaya and constable Hanuman Prasad, who had recorded the FIR.
"There are independent witnesses who have supported the FIR in their statement before the court," the CBI advocate said. Initially, this case was investigated by CB-CID of the UP police. The state government, in consultation with the Allahabad High Court, had set up a special court at Lalitpur for the trial, and CB-CID filed the final report.
Later, it was transferred to the CBI with the consent of the UP government on August 8,1993. Advani was discharged by the Rae Bareli court, but the decision was later overturned by the high court.

Indian Muslims divided over Ayodhya ruling

A day after a court ruled in favour of a Ram temple at the site of the razed Babri mosque in Ayodhya, many Muslims across India were clearly unhappy. Others felt it was time to move on.
As millions went into the details of the epoch-making three-judge bench verdict from the Allahabad High Court, some Muslims insisted that they had not got justice.
Muslim leaders who had championed the reconstruction of Ayodhya's 16th century Babri mosque, razed by Hindu mobs in 1992, were a disappointed lot -- having spent time and energy on the cause.
But many among the 140-million strong community felt the time had come to bury past bitterness, a line also advocated by the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS), which has pledged to build a grand Ram temple on the ruins of the Babri Masjid.
In the latter category was Mohammed Hashim Ansari, a 90-year-old Ayodhya Muslim who has waged legal battles since 1961 over the disputed land where the mosque once stood.
The dispute was 'now a closed chapter', he said at his crumbling home in Ayodhya. 'Hindus should be allowed to build their temple.'
He does not want Muslims to approach the Supreme Court challenging the Thursday verdict that split up the disputed land into three -- two-thirds going to Hindus and a third to the Sunni Wakf Board.
In New Delhi, Mahmood Madani of the influential All India Muslim Personal Law Board said Muslims did not expect 'such a mixed verdict'.
'It could have been a clearer judgment,' Madani told IANS, adding that lawyers were studying the intricacies of the 9,000 odd-page judgment.
Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind secretary Maulana Ahmed Niyaz Farooqi said: 'We would consider the decision of approaching the Supreme Court only if the lawyers of the Wakf board think it would help.'
The Wakf Board is determined to fight on.
'We expected the verdict in our favour. It is tilted towards one party which is not fair,' its lawyer Zafaryab Jilani told IANS. 'We will go for appeal. There is no second thought. We are studying the judgment.'
In Uttar Pradesh, where the Lucknow bench gave the Thursday ruling amid nationwide fears of a violent backlash, some Muslims argued that the court verdict must be accepted.
Wahab Ansari, a retired teacher, said in Aminabad area: 'There's no point in going to the Supreme Court... it will only add to the uncertainty. We should take the verdict sportingly and make every effort to promote peace and communal harmony.'
Engineering student Nisar Ahmad agreed.
'Everyone should realise that the outcome of the dispute in any sense would not be a solution to problems like illiteracy, poverty. It should be better we bury the dispute.'
The Karnataka Muslim Muttahida Mahaz, a federation of 28 Muslim groups, said it was now up to the AIMPLB to decide the future course of action but reconciliation should be explored.
Congress legislator from Bangalore R. Roshan Baig asked everyone to respect the court. But tea vendor Usman Farooq in Bangalore felt Muslims had been let down.
Opinion was divided in Maharashtra too.
'I would appeal to all my Muslim brothers to accept the verdict and not disrupt the peace and harmony of the nation. I would also request them to not challenge the verdict,' said Hyder Azam, president of the Maharashtra Minority Morcha.
But Muslim leader Abdul Rahman Anjari felt differently. He said there was no question of having a temple on the Babri mosque land. 'Once a place has a mosque, it has to be there forever.'
Atiq Khan, a young radio professional, termed the verdict 'fair enough' and said it has 'taken care of the long pending issue'.
Samajwadi Party leader Abu Asim Azmi said the row should go to the Supreme Court.
'We shall continue to have faith in the judiciary, and are hopeful that we shall not be disappointed by the apex court,' he said.
In Kerala, Indian Union Muslim League chief Panakkad Syed Hyderali Shihab Thangal asked people to show mutual respect. 'All should respect the verdict and it must be seen as a part of the judicial process,' he said.

Ayodhya verdict: Muslims call for larger debate

Hindustan Times - ‎29 minutes ago‎
Casting their initial caginess aside, Muslim organisations have roundly criticised the Ayodhya verdict, raising fears of fresh alienation of the minority community. Thursday's ruling over the disputed Ayodhya site is being widely viewed by the ...

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Now that the Ayodhya verdict is in — though, of course, there will be an appeal and another judgement in the months to come — three things are worth noting. The first has to do with India's politicians. Let's admit that, for once, they behaved in a ...

Chidambaram: Babri Masjid demolition remains a criminal act

The Hindu - Vinay Kumar - ‎20 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram on Friday expressed satisfaction with the peaceful law and order situation across the country in the wake of the Allahabad High Court's verdict in the Ayodhya dispute, saying people's response to it was ...

"The excavations of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) and its readings have been fully accepted even though these have been strongly disputed by other archaeologists and historians. Since this is a matter of professional expertise on which there was a sharp difference of opinion the categorical acceptance of the one point of view, and that too in a simplistic manner, does little to build confidence in the verdict," historian Romila Thapar...
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We now have answer for critics of Ram temple plank, says BJP

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PTI BJP president Nitin Gadkari and senior leader Sushma Swaraj during a meeting of the party's core committee after the Allahabad High Court verdict on the Ayodhya title suit, at LK Advani's residence in New Delhi on Thursday. For the Bharatiya Janata ...

Let apex court be final arbiter on Ayodhya

GulfNews - Nilima Pathak - ‎47 minutes ago‎
By Nilima PathakCorrespondent New Delhi: Syed Shahabuddin, Member of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board's Babri Masjid Committee, is its most familiar face. Not one to mince words, he has often been referred to as a volatile and misunderstood ...

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A Hindu ascetic looks on as paramilitary troops keep vigil outside a Hindu temple in Ayodhya yesterday. Schools, shops and businesses reopened in Ayodhya, Varanasi, Lucknow and other places with a mixed population of ...

Peace reigns in Ayodhya

The Hindu - ‎20 hours ago‎
AYODHYA: Calm and peace prevailed as worshippers made their way to the makeshift temple in Ayodhya on Friday, a day after the Allahabad High Court verdict. Though the tensions felt in the town in the past few days might had eased, the security ...

Ayodhya verdict: Judges took risk

Oneindia - ‎5 hours ago‎
Lucknow, Oct 2: One of the three judges of Ayodhya verdict, Justice SU Khan stated that though several elements advised them not to take any risky attempt, but three of them decided to take the risk to solve the much disputed land issue. ...

We decided to take the risk, says Justice Khan

The Hindu - ‎20 hours ago‎
Lucknow: Judges were required to clear the "innumerable landmines" at the disputed site at Ayodhya, "where angels fear to tread," but we decided to take the risk despite some saner elements advising us against it, says Justice SU Khan. ...

Some Muslims open to moving mosque

Times of India - Mohammed Wajihuddin - ‎18 hours ago‎
MUMBAI: A day after the Allahabad high court verdict on the Ayodhya title suit, a section of Muslims have started looking at the option of taking their mosque away from the Ram Janmabhoomi site. Some prominent clerics, peace activists and Islamic ...
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Ayodhya: Planes, forces on standby, news centre in place, Centre, UP wait
‎Sep 28, 2010‎ - Indian Express

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The Hindu
The Hindu
The Hindu
The Hindu
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Gandhi's Ambedkar

'Inside every thinking Indian there is a Gandhian and a Marxist struggling for supremacy,' says noted historian and biographer RAMACHANDRA GUHA in the opening sentence of this publication, which has just been released. A significant portion of the book expands on this salvo. In short, it examines and discusses all those who comprise the life of thinking Indians today. Exclusive extracts from the book released yesterday .

MAHATMA GANDHI was not so much the Father of the Nation as the mother of all debates regarding its future. All his life he fought in a friendly spirit with compatriots whose views on this or that topic diverged sharply from his. He disagreed with Communists and the bhadralok on the efficacy and morality of violence as a political strategy. He fought with radical Muslims on the one side and with radical Hindus on the other, both of whom sought to build a state on theological principles. He argued with Nehru and other scientists on whether economic development in a free India should centre on the village or the factory. And with that other giant, Rabindranath Tagore, he disputed the merits of such varied affiliations as the English language, nationalism, and the spinning wheel.

In some ways the most intense, interesting and long-running of these debates was between Gandhi and Ambedkar. Gandhi wished to save Hinduism by abolishing untouchability, whereas Ambedkar saw a solution for his people outside the fold of the dominant religion of the Indian people. Gandhi was a rural romantic, who wished to make the self-governing village the bedrock of free India; Ambedkar an admirer of city life and modern technology who dismissed the Indian village as a den of iniquity. Gandhi was a crypto-anarchist who favoured non-violent protest while being suspicious of the state; Ambedkar a steadfast constitutionalist, who worked within the state and sought solutions to social problems with the aid of the state.

Perhaps the most telling difference was in the choice of political instrument. For Gandhi, the Congress represented all of India, the Dalits too. Had he not made their cause their own from the time of his first ashram in South Africa? Ambedkar however made a clear distinction between freedom and power. The Congress wanted the British to transfer power to them, but to obtain freedom the Dalits had to organise themselves as a separate bloc, to form a separate party, so as to more effectively articulate their interests in the crucible of electoral politics. It was thus that in his lifetime, and for long afterwards, Ambedkar came to represent a dangerously subversive threat to the authoritative, and sometimes authoritarian, equation: Gandhi = Congress = Nation.

Here then is the stuff of epic drama, the argument between the Hindu who did most to reform caste and the ex-Hindu who did most to do away with caste altogether. Recent accounts represent it as a fight between a hero and a villain, the writer's caste position generally determining who gets cast as hero, who as villain. In truth both figures should be seen as heroes, albeit tragic ones.

The tragedy, from Gandhi's point of view, was that his colleagues in the national movement either did not understand his concern with untouchability or even actively deplored it. Priests and motley shankaracharyas thought he was going too fast in his challenge to caste - and why did he not first take their permission? Communists wondered why he wanted everyone to clean their own latrines when he could be speaking of class struggle. And Congressmen in general thought Harijan work came in the way of an all-out effort for national freedom. Thus Stanley Reid, a former editor of the Times of India quotes an Indian patriot who complained in the late thirties that "Gandhi is wrapped up in the Harijan movement. He does not care a jot whether we live or die; whether we are bond or free."

The opposition that he faced from his fellow Hindus meant that Gandhi had perforce to move slowly, and in stages. He started by accepting that untouchability was bad, but added a cautionary caveat - that inter-dining and inter-marriage were also bad. He moved on to accepting inter-mingling and inter-dining (hence the movement for temple entry), and to arguing that all men and all varnas were equal. The last and most far-reaching step, taken only in 1946, was to challenge caste directly by accepting and sanctioning inter-marriage itself.

The tragedy, from Ambedkar's point of view, was that to fight for his people he had to make common cause with the British. In his book, Worshipping False Gods, Arun Shourie has made much of this. Shourie takes all of 600 pages to make two points: (i) that Ambedkar was a political opponent of both Gandhi and the Congress, and generally preferred the British to either; (ii) that Ambedkar cannot be called the "Father of the Constitution" as that implies sole authorship, whereas several other people, such as K. M. Munshi and B. N. Rau, also contributed significantly to the wording of the document. Reading Worshipping False Gods, one might likewise conclude that it has been mistakenly advertised as being the work of one hand. Entire chapters are based entirely on one or other volume of the Transfer of Power, the collection of official papers put out some years ago by Her Majesty's Stationery Office. The editor of that series, Nicholas Mansergh, might with reason claim co-authorship of Shourie's book. In a just world he would be granted a share of the royalties too.

Practised in the arts of over-kill and over-quote, Shourie is a pamphleteer parading as a historian. He speaks on Gandhi only as "Gandhiji" and of the national movement only as the "National Movement", indicating that he has judged the case beforehand. For to use the suffix and the capitals is to simultaneously elevate and intimidate, to set up the man and his movement as the ideal, above and beyond criticism. But the Congress' claim to represent all of India was always under challenge. The Communists said it was the party of landlords and capitalists. The Muslim League said it was a party of the Hindus. Ambedkar then appended a devastating caveat, saying that the party did not even represent all Hindus, but only the upper castes.

Shourie would deny that these critics had any valid arguments whatsoever. He is in the business of awarding, and more often withholding, certificates of patriotism. The opponents of the Congress are thus all suspect to him, simply because they dared point out that the National Movement was not always as national as it set out to be, or that the Freedom Struggle promised unfreedom for some. But how did these men outside the Congress come to enjoy such a wide following? This is a question Shourie does not pause to answer, partly because he had made up his mind in advance, but also because he is woefully ill-informed. Consider now some key facts erased or ignored by him.

That Ambedkar preferred the British to the Congress is entirely defensible. Relevant here is a remark of the 18th-Century English writer Samuel Johnson. When the American colonists asked for independence from Britain, Johnson said: "How is it that we hear the greatest yelps for liberty among the drivers of Negroes?" Untouchability was to the Indian freedom movement what slavery had been to the American struggle, the basic contradiction it sought to paper over. Before Ambedkar, another outstanding leader of the lower castes, Jotiba Phule, also distrusted the Congress, in his time a party dominated by Poona Brahmins. He too preferred the British, in whose armies and factories low castes could find opportunities denied to them in the past. The opening up of the economy and the growth of the colonial cities also helped many untouchables escape the tyranny of the village. The British might have been unwitting agents of change; nonetheless, under their rule life for the lower castes was less unpleasant by far than it had been under the Peshwas.

Shourie also seems unaware of work by worthy historians on low- caste movements in other parts of India. Mark Juergensmeyer has documented the struggles of untouchables in Punjab, which under its remarkable leader Mangu Ram, rejected the Congress and the Arya Samaj to form a new sect, Adi-Dharm, which was opposed to both. Sekhar Bandyopadhyay has written of the Namasudras in Bengal, who like Ambedkar and his Mahars, were not convinced that a future Congress government would be sympathetic to their interests. And countless scholars have documented the rise of the Dravidian movement in South India, that took as its point of departure Brahmin domination of the Congress in Madras: the movement's founder, E. V. Ramaswami "Periyar", also fought bitterly with Gandhi.

The leaders of these movements, and the millions who followed them, worked outside the Congress and often in opposition to it. Enough reason perhaps for Shourie to dismiss them all as anti- national. Indeed, Shourie's attitude is comparable to that of White Americans who question the patriotism of those Blacks who dare speak out against racism. For asking Blacks to stand up for their rights, men of such stature as W.E.B. Du Bois and Paul Robeson were called all kind of names, of which "anti-American" was much the politest. Later, the great Martin Luther King was persecuted by the most powerful of American agencies, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, whose director, J. Edgar Hoover, equated patriotism with acquiescence to White domination.

Much of the time, Shourie writes as if there is a singular truth, with him as its repository and guarantor. Time and again he equates Ambedkar with Jinnah as an "accomplice of Imperial politics". He dismisses all that Ambedkar wrote about Hinduism "caricature" and "calumnies". Not once does he acknowledge that there was much truth to the criticisms. There is not one admission here of the horrendous and continuing sufferings of Dalit as the hands of caste Hindus that might explain and justify Ambedkar's rhetoric and political choices. For Shourie, the fact that Ambedkar disagreed long and often with Gandhi is proof enough that he was anti-national. He even insinuates that Ambedkar "pushed Gandhi to the edge of death" by not interfering with the Mahatma's decision to fast in captivity. Of the same fast other historians have written, in my view more plausibly, that by threatening to die Gandhi blackmailed Ambedkar into signing a pact with him.

Somewhere in the middle of Worshipping False Gods, the author complains that Ambedkar's "statues, dressed in garish blue, holding a copy of the Constitution - have been put up in city after city." However, this aesthetic distaste seems rather pointless. For the background to the statues and the reverence they command lies in the continuing social practices of the religion to which Shourie and I belong. If caste lives, so will the memory of the man who fought to annihilate it. The remarkable thing is that 50 years after independence, the only politician, dead or alive, who has a truly pan-Indian appeal is B. R. Ambedkar. Where Gandhi is forgotten in his native Gujarat and Nehru vilified in his native Kashmir, Ambedkar is worshipped in hamlets all across the land. For Dalits everywhere he is the symbol of their struggle, the scholar, theoretician and activist whose own life represented a stirring triumph over the barriers of caste.

Shourie's attacks on Dalits and their hero follow in quick succession the books he has published attacking Communists, Christians and Muslims. Truth be told, the only category of Indians he has not attacked - and going by his present political persuasion will not attack - are high-caste Hindus. Oddly enough, this bilious polemicist and baiter of the minorities was once an anti-religious leftist who excoriated Hinduism. To see Shourie's career in its totality is to recall these words of Issac Deutscher, on the communist turned anti-communist.

He brings to his job the lack of scruple, the narrow-mindedness, the disregard of truth, and the intense hatred with which Stalinism has imbued him. He remains sectarian. He is an inverted Stalinist. He continues to see the world in black and white, but now the colours are differently distributed ... The ex- communist ... is haunted by a vague sense that he has betrayed either his former ideals or the ideals of bourgeois society ... He then tries to suppress the guilt and uncertainty, or to camouflage it by a show of extraordinary certitude and frantic aggressiveness. He insists that the world should recognise his uneasy conscience as the clearest conscience of all. He may no longer be concerned with any cause except one - self- justification.

Ambedkar is a figure who commands great respect from one end of the social spectrum. But he is also, among some non-Dalits, an object of great resentment, chiefly for his decision to carve out a political career independent of and sometimes in opposition to Gandhi's Congress. That is of course the burden of Shourie's critique but curiously, the very week his book was published, at a political rally in Lucknow the Samajvadi Party's Beni Prasad Verma likewise dismissed Ambedkar as one who "did nothing else except create trouble for Gandhiji". This line, that Ambedkar had no business to criticise, challenge or argue with Gandhi, was of course made with much vigour and malice during the national movement as well.

I think, however, that for Ambedkar to stand up to the uncrowned king and anointed Mahatma of the Indian people required extraordinary courage and will-power. Gandhi thought so too. Speaking at a meeting in Oxford in October 1931, Gandhi said he had "the highest regard for Dr. Ambedkar. He has every right to be bitter. That he does not break our heads is an act of self- restraint on his part." Writing to an English friend two years later, he said he found "nothing unnatural" in Ambedkar's hostility to the Congress and its supporters. "He has not only witnessed the inhuman wrongs done to the social pariahs of Hinduism", reflected this Hindu, "but in spite of all his culture, all the honours that he has received, he has, when he is in India, still to suffer many insults to which untouchables are exposed." In June 1936 Gandhi pointed out once again that Dr. Ambedkar "has had to suffer humiliations and insults which should make any one of us bitter and resentful." "Had I been in his place," he remarked, "I would have been as angry."

Gandhi's latter-day admirers might question Ambedkar's patriotism and probity, but the Mahatma had no such suspicions himself. Addressing a bunch of Karachi students in June 1934, he told them that "the magnitude of (Dr. Ambedkar's) sacrifice is great. He is absorbed in his own work. He leads a simple life. He is capable of earning one to two thousand rupees a month. He is also in a position to settle down in Europe if he so desires. But he does not want to stay there. He is only concerned about the welfare of the Harijians."

To Gandhi, Ambedkar's protest held out a lesson to the upper castes. In March 1936 he said that if Ambedkar and his followers were to embrace another religion, "We deserve such treatment and our task (now) is to wake up to the situation and purify ourselves." Not many heeded the warning, for towards the end of his life Gandhi spoke with some bitterness about the indifference to Harijan work among his fellow Hindus: "The tragedy is that those who should have especially devoted themselves to the work of (caste) reform did not put their hearts into it. What wonder that Harijan brethren feel suspicious, and show opposition and bitterness."

The words quoted in the preceding paragraphs have been taken from that reliable and easily accessible source: the Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi. The 100 volumes of that set rest lightly on my shelves as, going by other evidence, they rest on the shelves of the man who compiled Worshipping False Gods. Perhaps the most perverse aspect of an altogether perverse book is that Shourie does not once tell us what Gandhi said or wrote about his great adversary. A curious thing or, on reflection, a not-so-curious thing: for if that scholarly courtesy was restored to, the case that Ambedkar was an anti-national careerist would be blown sky- high.

One of the few Gandhians who understood the cogency of the Dalit critique of the Congress was C. Rajagopalachari. In the second half of 1932, Rajaji became involved in the campaign to allow the so-called untouchables to enter the Guruvayoor temple in Kerala. The campaign was led by that doughty fighter for the rights of the dispossessed, K. Kelappan Nair. In a speech at Guruvayoor on December 20, 1932, Rajaji told the high castes that it would certainly help us in the fight for Swaraj if we open the doors of the temple (to Harijans). One of the many causes that keeps Swaraj away from us is that we are divided among ourselves. Mahatmaji received many wounds in London (during the Second Round Table Conference of 1931). But Dr. Ambedkar's darts were the worst. Mahatmaji did not quake before the Churchills of England. But as repressing the nation he had to plead guilty to Dr. Ambedkar's charges.

As it was, the managers of temples across the land could count upon the support of many among their clientele, the suvarna Hindus who agreed with the Shankaracharyas that the Gandhians were dangerous revolutionaries who had to be kept out at the gate. Unhappily, while upper-caste Hindus thought that Gandhi moved too fast, Dalits today feel he was much too slow. The Dalit politician Mayawati has, more than once, spoken of the Mahatma as a shallow paternalist who sought only to smooth the path for more effective long-term domination by the suvarna. Likewise, in his book Why I am Not a Hindu Kancha Illiah writes of Gandhi as wanting to "build a modern consent system for the continued maintenance of brahminical hegemony" - a judgment as unfair as Shourie's on Ambedkar.

Whereas in their lifetime Gandhi and Ambedkar were political rivals, now, decades after their death, it should be possible to see their contributions as complementing one another's. The Kannada critic D. R. Nagaraj once noted that in the narratives of Indian nationalism the "heroic stature of the caste-Hindu reformer", Gandhi, "further dwarfed the Harijan personality" of Ambedkar. In the Ramayana there is only one hero but, as Nagaraj points out, Ambedkar was too proud, intelligent and self- respecting a man to settle for the role of Hanuman or Sugreeva. By the same token, Dalit hagiographers and pamphleteers generally seek to elevate Ambedkar by diminishing Gandhi. For the scriptwriter and the mythmaker there can only be one hero. But the historian is bound by no such constraint. The history of Dalit emancipation is unfinished, and for the most part unwritten. It should, and will, find space for many heroes. Ambedkar and Gandhi will do nicely for a start.

An Anthropologist Among The Marxists And Other Essays, Ramachandra Guha, Permanent Black 2001, New Delhi, Rs. 450.

Ramachandra Guha is a historian, biographer and cricket writer. Once a visiting professor at Stanford University, Oslo University and the University of California at Berkeley, he is now a full- time writer based in Bangalore. His books include The Unquiet Woods and Environmentalism: A Global History. He is the editor of the forthcoming Picador Book of Cricket.
  1. Gandhi's Ambedkar

  2. 11 Dec 2000 ... In some ways the most intense, interesting and long-running of these debates was between Gandhi and Ambedkar. Gandhi wished to save Hinduism ...

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  5. 14 Feb 2007 ... It is unfortunate that today there are more number of statues for Ambedkar than Gandhi in the Country. It is very very sad that people does ...

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  16. 14 Apr 2008 ... For many, Dr BR Amedkar has acquired a status that rivals the father of the nation, or perhaps even bigger. While he may not be as chic as ...

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  32. Gandhi Vs Ambedkar: Sad Media « Atrocity News

  33. 8 Dec 2006 ... Yesterday a poll was conducted by CNN-IBN7, on Mr Gandhi and Dr Ambedkar. IBN7 came out with finding that Dr Ambedkar surpasses Gandhi in ...

  34. - Cached - Similar

BJD's protest march against central government

Bhubaneswar, Oct 2 (IANS) The ruling Biju Janata Dal (BJD) Saturday began a ten-day protest march in Orissa against the central government accusing it of working against the interests of the state.
While Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik led a 'pada yatra' (foot march) at Madhupur village in Nuapada district, some 550 km from here, Rajya Sabha member Pyarimohan Mohapatra led another rally in state capital Bhubaneswar.
The central government was deliberately hindering various industrial and development projects in Orissa, Mohapatra said.
Accusing the union government of maintaining double standard in the allocation of grants and projects in Congress and non-Congress ruled states, he said: 'The BJD will intensify protests in the coming days.'
The BJD had earlier organised three separate rallies last month in Kalahandi, Malkangiri and Jagatsinghpur districts.
The BJD leaders are angry after the union ministry of environment and forests scrapped the Vedanta mining project, and halted the land acquisition for a steel project by South Korean steel major POSCO in the state.
The leaders are also angry after the same ministry granted approval to the Polavaram project in Andhra Pradesh despite Orissa government's opposition.
A senior BJD leader said the protest which began on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi would end Oct 11, the birth anniversary of socialist leader Jayaprakash Narayan who spearheaded people's movement in the country.
Senior Congress leader Bhupinder Singh, also the leader of opposition in the state assembly, denied the BJD's charges and said the the party was taking out the protests to hide its misdeeds.

Campaign for an energy revolution in Bihar

Patna, Oct 2 (IANS) Greenpeace India along with a coalition of civil society groups Saturday launched a campaign to demand an energy revolution in Bihar.
'The aim is to sensitise people to the merits of renewable energy, so that they can demand their political candidates and parties to include it in their agenda in the assembly elections in Bihar,' said Arpana Udupa, campaigner, Greenpeace India.
The campaign 'Urja Kranti Yatra' launched under the banner of the Bihar Renewable Energy Development Support Network started from the Gandhi Ashram at Bhitiharwa, West Champaran. It will traverse 10 districts of Bihar constituencies, before culminating in Patna Oct 27.
Its a mission to mobilise village panchayats, youth leaders and local collectives to demand quick, quality access to sustainable power that can be delivered through local renewable energy solutions.
'It is clear that addition of large coal power plants is never going to bring electricity to the villages in the next five years. They have a right to quality power, and that can be done now by generating power right here in their village from renewable energy,' Udupa said.

UPA government ignoring 'aam aadmi': Brinda Karat

Agartala, Oct 2 (IANS) Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) politburo member Brinda Karat said here Saturday that the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government has forgotten its pre-poll promise and is ignoring the 'aam aadmi' (common man).
The government is working with all seriousness for the 'khaas aadmi' (special man) instead of the 'aam aadmi', said the Left leader.
'The Congress before the last Lok Sabha polls (2009) howled heart-rendering for the poor but after the polls it is working hard for the millionaires,' said Karat, while addressing women in Tripura's capital Agartala.
'While food inflation rose 16 percent and prices of essentials exceeded all previous records, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is asking Indians to be patient,' the senior Marxist leader said.
She said while lakhs of people fought hunger, foodgrains were eaten by rats in warehouses.
Karat announced that the success story of the CPI-M-led Left Front government in Tripura would be taken to the entire country to enlighten people to compare between the performance of Left and other parties.
In implementation of MGNREG (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee) scheme and other welfare schemes for the marginalised sections, Tripura is the number one state in India, the CPI-M leader said.
Terming New Delhi as the crime capital of India, Karat said that crime against women was the highest in the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-ruled states.
'Women are getting poor wages in most of the Congress and the BJP-ruled states,' said
The mass gathering of the women was organised as part of the Tripura state conference of the All India Democratic Women's Association (AIDWA), a women's frontal organisation of the CPI-M.
The association's all-India conference will be held in Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh) Nov 9-12.
Tripura Chief Minister and CPI-M politburo member Manik Sarkar and other women leaders also spoke in the meeting.

Rice at Rs.2 a kg for those returning to West Midnapore

West Midnapore (West Bengal), Oct 2 (IANS) West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee Saturday said the people who are returning to their homes in this Maoist-affected district would be provided with rice at Rs.2 per kilogram.
'In last one year, Maoists have ushered violence and death in West Midnapore. Many people have left their houses in this district in the last one year due to Maoist menace. Now these people are standing up against the Maoists and are returning to their homes. This is a very good sign,' Bhattacharjee said while addressing a Left Front rally here.
'But these people don't have food to eat. This year the harvest has not been so good. These people have been out of their homes for so many days they don't have any idea how they will feed themselves and their families. So, we will provide them with rice at Rs.2 per kg. And this rice will be given to both (Below Poverty Level) BPL card holders and non-BPL card holders,' he said.
West Midnapore, Bankura and Purulia are three Maoist-affected districts of West Bengal.
Saturday October 2, 04:28 AMSource: Indian Express Finance

Reliance plans to raise $1 bn via bond issue

By fe Bureau
Reliance Industries (RELIANCE.NS : 1007.9 +20.65
Reliance, which owns the world's largest refinery at Jamnagar in Gujarat, has spent $3.4 billion since April buying shale-gas assets in the US. The company is believed to be considering investing in a shale-gas asset of Chesapeake Energy Corp, the third-largest US natural-gas producer.
The $1-billion issue would be the first benchmark-sized sale of US-dollar denominated bonds by the Mumbai-based company, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Spokesman Manoj Warrier said in an e-mail that he had no immediate comment when contacted by Bloomberg News.
Bankers point out that there is a huge amount of liquidity in the overseas markets and moreover, risk appetite for fixed income assets in emerging markets, including India, is increasing. "Credit spreads for AAA-rated firms have tightened especially now that the dust seems to have settled on the European crisis," said a banker who did not wish to be quoted.
Some categories of bonds issued by companies overseas attract a withholding tax if the funds are brought back into the country, as opposed to plain vanilla loans. As such, not too many companies are keen to float bonds. Nevertheless, on a rough reckoning, close to $5 billion has been mopped up via bonds between January and now mainly by the oil companies such as Indian Oil Corporation and a host of public and private sector banks. However, the size of the majority of these issues has been below $500 million.
Reliance received $1 billion of term loans from a group of 31 banks at the end of August. A $500 million, five-year facility pays an all-in fee of 171.5 basis points more than the London interbank offered rate, while a similar-size, seven-year facility pays 192 basis points, Bloomberg reported in August. The company and its units have the equivalent of $1.4 billion of bonds and loans due by the end of 2012, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
Reliance shares gained 2.04% on Friday on the BSE (^BSESN : 20445.04 +375.92
(With Bloomberg inputs)
Saturday October 2, 12:40 PM*

Car sales slow in U.S., Europe, as India accelerates

Click to enlarge photo

By Sachi Izumi and Mike Miller
TOKYO/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Car sales in the United States, Europe and Japan stayed stuck in low gear in September, while emerging markets like India raced ahead.
The loss of government incentives to buy new cars in Europe and Japan led to steep sales drops from a year ago, but U.S. sales bounced back from unusually low levels in September 2009, the month after the U.S. "cash for clunkers" program expired.
The global auto industry's recovery from the financial crisis has been patchy and largely reliant on growth in countries such as China and India, as well as government subsidies and incentives to revive demand.
India's top automakers reported strong September sales, fueled by the country's robust economic growth, but car sales in Japan fell for the first time in 14 months in September after government incentives dried up.
"Overall, I am not that pessimistic about auto demand worldwide," said Lee Sang-hyun, an analyst at NH Investment & Securities in Seoul. "Although demand in the U.S. and Europe is sluggish, sales are growing in emerging markets."
New car sales in Spain fell by 26.9 percent in September from a year earlier, the third month of double-digit declines following an end to government subsidies.
In France, sales of new passenger cars fell 8.1 percent in September, while Italy's new car sales fell 18.9 percent as the loss of incentives to buy less-polluting cars weighed on demand.
In Korea, Hyundai Motors saw year-on-year sales growth of 1.8 percent in September.
Hyundai, the world's fifth-largest carmaker along with its affiliate Kia Motors , benefited from Beijing's subsidies for fuel-efficient models in China, while its Sonata sedan posted strong sales in the United States, analysts said.
Leading U.S. carmakers all reported double-digit percentage gains from a year ago, but industry-wide sales in September fell 4 percent from August.
General Motors Co posted a year-on-year sales gain of 10.5 percent, while Ford Motor Co reported a rise of 46 percent and Chrysler Group said its sales jumped 61 percent.
At the Paris Auto Show this week, top carmakers let cautious optimism creep into their outlooks as they looked to emerging markets to dispel the dark clouds over Western economies.
Fiat Chief Executive Sergio Marchionne said the Italian carmaker expects to report a net profit this year as good sales in Latin America this month helped offset weaknesses in Italy and elsewhere in Europe.
The European sales chief for Volkswagen, Europe's biggest carmaker, forecast the global car market will grow by 6-7 percent this year.
Sales at India's top automakers remained robust in September, up as much as 30 percent on a year ago and showing no signs of slowing.
Sales at Maruti Suzuki, India's top carmaker, grew almost 30 percent in September from a year earlier, accelerating from August.
But Japanese sales, after holding up surprisingly well in August, fell 4.1 percent excluding 660cc minivehicles, the Japan Automobile Dealers Association said.
Sales in Japan are expected to come under further pressure after the government stopped accepting applications for its green-car subsidy program last month.
Toyota Motor Corp had been a big beneficiary of the program, particularly with sales of its hybrid flagship Prius. But Toyota's domestic dealership orders fell more than 40 percent in September after funds allocated to the cash-for-clunkers scheme were almost exhausted, the Nikkei business daily reported.
Christopher Richter, an auto analyst at CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets in Tokyo, expected the pattern in Japan to be a repeat of what had happened in Germany -- a period of good sales followed by some very poor sales.
"The makers that are going to get hit the worst by this are going to be first Toyota followed by Honda because these subsidies were constructed to give the maximum subsidy to those who bought the most fuel efficient vehicles," he said.
"When we get into the fully bad month of October probably everybody is going to be down."
With demand in developed markets lackluster, global automakers have been increasing their focus on faster-growing regions such as China, now the world's largest auto market, and India.
Sales at Maruti Suzuki, India's top car maker, grew almost 30 percent in September from a year earlier, accelerating from August.
The company, which sells one of every two cars in India, said on Thursday it expects to sell 1.2 million vehicles in the current fiscal year that ends next March, up about a fifth on last year's sales
"The volume growth is high because economic factors are supportive. The base effect will catch up from the next month for the major auto makers," said Vaishali Jajoo, auto analyst at Mumbai's Angel Broking.
"While rate of growth may taper off, in absolute numbers, I think sales will remain strong."
(Reporting by Bernie Woodall and Kevin Krolicki in DETROIT, Sachi Izumi in TOKYO, Prashant Mehra in MUMBAI, and Christiaan Hetzner and Helen Massy-Beresford in PARIS; writing by Mike Miller, editing by Matthew Lewis)
(For more news visit Reuters India)
Saturday October 2, 04:20 AMSource: Indian Express Finance

India will need 1,000 aircraft over 20 years: Airbus CEO

By fe Bureau
Aircraft maker Airbus estimates that India will need more that 1,000 aircraft in the next 20 years.
Airbus president & CEO Tom Enders said on Friday that the 16% year-on-year increase in air traffic could translate into more aircraft sales. "India, next to China, is one of the biggest growth hubs for aviation," Enders said. The company's forecast for China is around 3,000 aircraft over the same period.
"We will see a pretty dynamic market here. It might not be as big as it was in 2005 but it needed that number of planes then because India was kept down in terms of traffic in those days," Airbus India president Kiran Rao said. "India will see a steady growth."
Specifically, the company sees demand for 1,032 aircraft in India, Rao said. "If the market continues to expand as it is, then we will achieve this number in 10 years rather than 20 years." The European plane maker expects to deliver between 20 and 30 aircraft per year over the next five years.
"2011 will see the start of the re-ordering phase of the Indian carriers. It has already started. We are starting to see them not so much ordering to buy, but ordering to lease aircraft," said Rao. He added that this pattern of leasing would continue over the next couple of years. Meanwhile, company plans to double the headcount at the Airbus Engineering Centre India in Bangalore to 400 over the next three years, Enders said.
Saturday October 2, 04:26 AMSource: Indian Express Finance

Sebi bars 197 FIIs, 350 sub-accounts from fresh trading

By fe Bureau
A total of 197 foreign institutional investors (FII) and 350 sub-accounts were barred from taking fresh positions in Indian stock markets from Friday, following their failure to comply with the Securities and Exchange Board of India's April order to broadbase their shareholding.
The Sebi order, which took effect Friday itself, directs these FIIs and the sub-accounts to sell off or unwind their existing positions. These entities constitute 12% of the total number of Sebi-registered FIIs and 6% of sub-accounts. Among the barred entities, 12 FIIs and 125 sub-accounts have approached the regulator to surrender their registration.
Among the non-compliant FIIs are prominent names like ABN Amro Investment Funds, Citigroup Pension Plan, Credit Suisse Asset Management, Deutsche International Trust Corporation, Dubai International Capital, JP Morgan Securities and Standard Chartered Trustees (UK).
On Wednesday, the market regulator had said that non-compliant entities will not be permitted to take fresh positions from October 1.
In April, Sebi had asked entities structured as multi-class vehicles (MCV) to have at least 20 individual investors if they are maintaining a segregated portfolio for each class of shares. The deadline to comply was September 30, 2010.
Industry experts point out that barring these entities from taking fresh positions would not significantly affect FII inflows. "The number of FIIs at this stage constitutes not more than 10% of the overall numbers and many of them may not have any significant exposure to India," said Siddharth Shah, principal and head of funds practice at Nishith Desai Associates, an international law firm. He added that non-compliance does not necessarily mean delisting. "It is just that at the current stage, they have not been able to fulfill the Sebi requirement. Possibly many of them are in the process of complying."
There are currently 1,726 FIIs and 5,529 sub-accounts registered in India, out of which 78 FIIs and 363 sub-accounts were registered in FY2010. An MCV is a structured entity in which investors in each class have different contractual agreements with FIIs or sub-accounts regarding their investment strategies, liabilities and fund manager. To meet the broad-based criteria set by Sebi, each class or unit should have a minimum of 20 individual investors or a minimum of three investors out of which at least one should be an institutional investor.
Sebi's move to widen the MCV shareholding base was aimed at enhancing transparency in the way these institutions operate.
Entities with different classes of shares have investors who are sometimes neither registered with Sebi or directly monitored, which could potentially become conduits for money-laundering and round-tripping.
Following the Sebi directive in April, many entities structured as MCVs raised fresh institutional money to broaden their investor base. Those who couldn't either consolidated their cells into one or wound up some of their cells.

I rate the Commonwealth Games highly: Steve Hooker

Daily News & Analysis - ‎22 hours ago‎
While Delhi 2010 has not really managed to attract the 'big guns' of the sports world, it certainly looks like those who are here, are having a ball. And it is not only the organising committee, who are baffled by the number of pull outs. ...

Now cursed Commonwealth Games must break free from

Daily Mail - Jonathan McEvoy - ‎17 hours ago‎
It sums up the cursed countdown to the XIX Commonwealth Games that the chief medical officer, a Mr Tarun Garg, has been taken ill with suspected typhoid. Back in the athletes' village, ...

Delhi Ready for Commonwealth Games After Last Gasp Cleanup Salvages Pride

Bloomberg - Subramaniam Sharma, Tushar Dhara - ‎16 hours ago‎
Commonwealth Games organizers will today parade through the heart of New Delhi after two weeks of frantic scrubbing and rebuilding salvaged India's biggest sporting event in nearly ...

"In the end, it's a personal decision for everyone and I think everyone puts their own value on different competitions, but this is a competition I value very highly," Hooker said as he took a stroll around the International Zone of the Village.
more by Steve Hooker - 22 hours ago - Daily News & Analysis (170 occurrences)

Controversy-hit Delhi CWG becomes biggest in terms of participation

Hindustan Times - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
PTI After a controversy-marred build-up and negative publicity, the Commonwealth Games set a historic landmark of being the biggest-ever in terms of participatants with more than 6700 athletes and officials confirming their entries for the event New ...

Indian tri-colour hoisted at Games Village

Rediff - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
Around ten days back the Commonwealth Games Village was described as 'filthy' and 'uninhabitable'. Now, every athlete, including our correspondent Harish Kotian, is falling in love with the place. Around ten days back the Commonwealth Games Village was ...

Commonwealth Games 2010: Steve Jehu excited by debut

BBC News - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
Devon gymnast Steve Jehu says competing at the Commonwealth Games, which begin in India next week, will be the biggest moment of his career. The 23-year-old has fought his way back from a serious ankle injury to represent England in Delhi. ...

Showtime, ready or not

Sydney Morning Herald - Matt Wade - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
Opening ceremony performers are guarded by a policeman before a rehearsal in Delhi. Photo: AFP DELHI'S Commonwealth Games organisers are banking on an extravaganza combining the glitz of Bollywood with the aura and colour of India's ancient culture to ...

Canadians raise Commonwealth Games village flag in emotional ceremony

Vancouver Sun - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
By Cleve Dheensaw, Victoria Times Colonist October 1, 2010 Canada Flag bearer for the last Commonwealth Games Alexandra Orlando (L) hands over the flag to compatriot Ben Pereira at the games village in New Delhi on October 1, 2010. ...

Medical chief falls sick ahead of Delhi Games

AFP - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
NEW DELHI — The chief medical officer for the beleaguered Delhi Commonwealth Games has fallen sick with suspected typhoid just days before the event kicks off, an official said Friday. In the run-up to the troubled showpiece, which begins Sunday, ...

Indian cyclists harbouring big expectations in Delhi CWG - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
PTI | 10:10 PM,Oct 01,2010 "Our foreign coach (Graham Seers) and head coach (Chayan Chowdhury) have put up a lot of effort in the last one-and-half years. We are practising for five-six hours daily," Amrit added. Janki Das was the first Indian cyclist, ...
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Commonwealth Games

Timeline of articles

Number of sources covering this story

I rate the Commonwealth Games highly: Steve Hooker
‎22 hours ago‎ - Daily News & Analysis

Nathan Robertson to carry England flag at Commonwealths
‎Sep 30, 2010‎ - BBC Sport

India can win a handful of tennis medals, says Bopanna
‎Sep 30, 2010‎ - Times of India

Commonwealth Games, fame or shame?
‎Sep 29, 2010‎ - Hindustan Times

China backs India on CWG, says such events are challenging
‎Sep 28, 2010‎ - Hindustan Times

Issues exist in every Game but India will deliver: Charlesworth
‎Sep 28, 2010‎ - Times of India

CGF, Delhi CM locked in verbal duel
‎Sep 27, 2010‎ - Times of India

Not interested in India's pride, only in Games: Hooper
‎Sep 27, 2010‎ - Times of India

Commonwealth countries wish India luck for CWG
‎Sep 26, 2010‎ - Times of India

Racism at Commonwealth Games? Africans upset
‎Sep 26, 2010‎ - Times of India


Daily Mail
Sydney Morning ...
Mumbai Mirror
New Zealand Her...
Globe and Mail
The Hindu
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McCully on security situation in Delhi
NZ Herald  -  Sep 30, 2010 Watch video
<div class="video-thumb thumbnail"><a class="js-link thumbnail-toggle" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;"><img src="" alt="" class="thumbnail" width="120" height="90"> <div class="icon play-icon"></div></a></div> <div class="video-details"><a href="">McCully on security situation in Delhi</a> <span class="source">NZ Herald</span> &nbsp;-&nbsp; Sep 30, 2010 <div class="icon video-icon"></div> <a href="">Watch video</a></div>

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CIA chief meets PC, officials ahead of Obama's visit

India Today - ‎3 hours ago‎
CIA chief Leon Panetta was in India for nearly a week during which he met Union Home Minister P Chidambaram and senior officials ahead of the visit of President Barack Obama beginning next month. Panetta, one of the top-most US intelligence official, ...

US CIA chief visits India to discuss security

AFP - ‎7 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI — US Central Intelligence Agency chief Leon Panetta made a stopover in New Delhi to discuss security threats in the South Asian region after visiting Pakistan, a report said Saturday. Panetta came from Islamabad where he held talks with ...

CIA chief Leon Panetta visits India

Times of India - ‎8 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: Visiting Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA) chief Leon Panetta met home minister P Chidambaram here on Saturday and discussed the security arrangements for the coming visit of US President Barack Obama and the situation in Afghanistan, ...

CIA chief meets Chidambaram, shares information

Oneindia - ‎4 hours ago‎
New Delhi, Oct 2 (ANI): US' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) chief Leon Panetta met Union Home Minister P Chidambaram here today and discussed the security threats in the region. The discussions also covered Commonwealth Games security matters. ...

US CIA chief meets Chidambaram for CWG security

Oneindia - ‎8 hours ago‎
New Delhi, Oct 2: Concerned over security threats during Commonwealth Games in Delhi, the chief US' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has paid a visit to India to discuss security matters. Reports said on Saturday, Oct 2 Leon Panetta met Union Home ...

CIA and RAW to work together?

India Daily - ‎55 minutes ago‎
US Central Intelligence Agency chief Leon Panetta met with ntelligence Bureau (IB) chief Rajiv Mathur, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) chief AK Verma and Union Home Secretary GK Pillai to discuss various areas of cooperation. There are speculations in ...

CIA chief in talks with Indian officials on security

Monsters and - ‎5 hours ago‎
New Delhi - US Central Intelligence Agency chief Leon Panetta on Saturday held talks with Indian officials in connection with regional security and the upcoming visit of President Barack Obama to India, news reports said. ...
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Raju back home, but likely to be quizzed again soon

Hindustan Times - ‎56 minutes ago‎
Nearly 20 months after he admitted to engineering the country's biggest corporate fraud to the tune of R7,800 crore, Satyam Computer's tainted founder B. Ramalinga Raju (58) returned home. He was discharged on Saturday from Nizam's Institute of Medical ...

Ex-Satyam chairman Raju likely to be grilled in a day or two

Daily News & Analysis - ‎2 hours ago‎
Place: Hyderabad | Agency: PTI Former Satyam Computers chairman B Ramalinga Raju, the prime accused in the Rs14,000-crore scam, was today discharged from NIMS after undergoing treatment for the past 10 months, paving way for his interrogation by the ...

Ramalinga Raju discharged from hospital

Hindustan Times - ‎7 hours ago‎
B Ramalinga Raju, disgraced founder and former chairman of Satyam Computer Services Ltd, was Saturday discharged from a government-run hospital in Hyderabad. Raju, the prime accused in the multi-crore Satyam fraud case who was granted bail by Andhra ...

"He made a request yesterday. He still has to be administered 11 injections as part of the treatment. However, the risk is much less now. His liver is functioning normally," Kumar said.
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Satyam scam: Raju discharged from hospital

Oneindia - ‎4 hours ago‎
Hyderabad, Oct 2: The former chairman of Satyam Computers and the main accused of Rs 14000-crore accounting fraud, Ramalinga Raju on Oct 2 has been released from hospital. Raju was under treatment for hepatitis C in Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences ...

Why bail should not be cancelled, SC asks Raju

Financial Express - ‎21 hours ago‎
New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Friday sought response from disgraced former Satyam chief B Ramalinga Raju as to why his bail should not be cancelled, as sought by the CBI in the Rs 7000-crore Satyam scam. A Bench headed by justice Dalveer Bhandari ...

SC delivers notice to Raju on financial guarantee

TopNews - Ashok Rao - ‎1 hour ago‎
Over and above a month subsequent to the Andhra Pradesh High Court settled financial guarantee to previous Satyam leader Ramalinga Raju in the Rs 7000 crore deception cases, on Friday the Supreme Court considered CBI's plea looking for annulment of the ...

Raju has one week to respond to SC notice

Livemint - C.R. Sukumar - ‎22 hours ago‎
The Supreme Court on Friday sought a response from Satyam Computer Services Ltd's disgraced founder B. Ramalinga Raju on a plea by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) seeking cancellation of his bail, which had been granted by the Andhra Pradesh ...

SC asks Raju to respond to CBI bail cancellation plea

Livemint - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
PTI New Delhi: The Supreme Court today issued notice to B Ramalinga Raju on a plea by CBI against the bail granted to him by the Andhra Pradesh High Court in the Rs14,000-crore Satyam accounting fraud. A bench comprising Justices Dalveer Bhandari and ...

SC issues notice to Raju on bail cancellation petition

Times of India - ‎17 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: More than a month after the Andhra Pradesh High Court granted bail to former Satyam chief Ramalinga Raju in the Rs 7000 crore fraud case, the Supreme Court on Friday entertained CBI's appeal seeking cancellation of the relief. ...
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Mahindra Satyam
Byrraju Ramalinga Raju
Andhra Pradesh
Allahabad High Court

Timeline of articles

Number of sources covering this story

Raju back home, but likely to be quizzed again soon
‎56 minutes ago‎ - Hindustan Times

Raju diverted $41 million from ADRs
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New regulator for health soon: PM

Times of India - ‎20 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: The Bill to set up National Council for Human Resource in Health (NCHRH) -- the overarching regulatory body for the health sector, which will replace the existing Medical, Dental, Nursing and Pharma Councils of India -- will be introduced in ...

Come home, Azad tells Indian doctors

The Hindu - ‎20 hours ago‎
Appealing to the medical practitioners settled abroad to return to India, Union Health and Family Welfare Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad on Friday said there was a huge demand for teaching faculty in the country as a result of the expansion of medical ...

Bill coming to set up regulatory body for medical education

The Hindu - Aarti Dhar - ‎21 hours ago‎
Putting to rest uncertainty over the fate of the proposed National Council for Human Resources in Health (NCHRH), a separate regulatory body for medical education, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday said a bill to set up the council would be ...

"After extensive consultations, the ministry of health has prepared a draft bill for setting up a National Council for Human Resources in Health that will be introduced in Parliament soon. The Bill will seek to create an enabling environment that will address issues of quality, quantity and equitable distribution of medical education resources," Singh said.
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PM for making AIIMS among top 10 institutes

Express Buzz - ‎14 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: Stressing on revamp of medical education to adapt it to contemporary needs and realities, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday said that the need of the hour is to produce professionals who address health not only from the perspective of ...

Council for human resource in health soon, says PM Manmohan Singh

Times of India - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
NEW DELHI: Stressing on the need to revamp the health education system in the country, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday said that a bill for the formation of a council for human resource in health will be introduced in parliament soon. ...

PM promises Bill to revamp medical education

The Hindu - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
PTI The Hindu There is clearly much more to do and a large effort will be required in the twelfth plan period to achieve the goal of taking the total allocation for the health sector to 2—3 per cent of GDP: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. ...

Human Resources Health Bill to be introduced in Parliament soon

Sify - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on Friday said a bill for setting up a National Council for 'Human Resources in Health' will be introduced in Parliament soon. Addressing students at the 38th convocation ceremony of the All India Institute of Medical ...

Efforts on to increase number of health professionals: PM

Sify - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
New Delhi, Oct 1 (IANS) Stating that India needs more health professionals, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Friday said that a scheme has been approved which would help add nearly 5000 post-graduate seats. 'India needs many more health professionals, ...

Make AIIMS among top ten institutes in world: PM

Sify - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
New Delhi, Oct 1 (IANS) Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Friday called for making the premier All India Institute of Medical Sciences one of the top ten medical institutes in the world. Addressing the 38th Convocation of the All India Institute of Medical ...

PM backs health ministry on medical education

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New Delhi, Oct 1 (IANS) Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Friday said the heath ministry's proposed bill for a separate council to look after medical education in India will be introduced in parliament soon, putting an end to its turf war with the human ...
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Barak calls on Palestinians to remain in talks

Jerusalem Post - Ariel Jerozolimski - ‎5 minutes ago‎
By AP AND JPOST.COM STAFF Following PA statements that negotiations would be abandoned if Israeli settlement construction continues, defense minister says that compromise which would ensure continued peace process can be reached within a week. ...

Palestinians Say Talks With Israel Should Be Suspended

New York Times - Ethan Bronner - ‎1 hour ago‎
RAMALLAH, West Bank — The Palestinian leadership said Saturday that four-week-old direct talks with Israel should be suspended as long as Jewish settlement housing was being built in the West Bank. It called on the international ...

Barak to PA: Don't quit talks

Ynetnews - Attila Somfalvi, Roni Sofer - ‎18 minutes ago‎
Defense minister sure solution to deadlocked negotiations can be found. 'We must behave rationally; talks critical to region,' he says Just a few hours after the PLO announced the suspension of talks until settlement construction is frozen again, ...

"We all must act with discretion and perseverance in order to overcome the obstacles before us and continue negotiations in order to get results," Barak said in an official statement.
more by Ehud Barak - 5 minutes ago - Jerusalem Post (1 occurrences)

Middle East peace talks at a 'dead end' says Palestinian leadership

The Guardian - ‎1 hour ago‎
The Palestinian leadership has confirmed it will not return to direct peace negotiations with the Israelis without an extension to the now-expired freeze on settlement construction. The executive committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation ...

Ban asks Israel to cease settlements in West Bank

Zee News - ‎44 minutes ago‎
United Nations: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has asked Israel to extend settlement freeze in the West Bank, amid fears that end of the moratorium could prompt Palestine to pull out of direct peace talks with the Jewish state. ...

US: Settlement freeze must continue

Ynetnews - Yitzhak Benhorin - ‎1 hour ago‎
WASHINGTON – The United States on Saturday welcomed the Arab League's decision to postpone its conference by four days, thus allowing the US to continue its efforts to prevent the Israeli-Palestinian peace process from coming to an abrupt end. ...

Livni: Netanyahu must make decisions that will save talks

Jerusalem Post - Ariel Jerozolimski - ‎3 hours ago‎
By JPOST.COM STAFF Kadima leader says Netanyahu "must choose the real long-term interests of Israel rather than his own personal political interests;" UN chief expresses hope that Israel "expands its restraint policy in the settlements. ...

Palestinians issue talks threat

BBC News - ‎3 hours ago‎
The Palestinian leadership has said it will not continue peace talks with Israel unless a freeze on Jewish settlements in the West Bank resumes. President Mahmoud Abbas met Palestinian political leaders in Ramallah to agree on a stance after settlement ...

US envoy Mitchell in Cairo on peace talks push

AFP - ‎3 hours ago‎
CAIRO — US Middle East envoy George Mitchell arrived in Cairo on Saturday as part of a regional tour aimed at saving fledgling direct Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, the official MENA news agency reported. Mitchell, who is scheduled to meet foreign ...

Palestinian Panel Advises Abbas to Leave Peace Talks

BusinessWeek - Jonathan Ferziger - ‎2 hours ago‎
Oct. 2 (Bloomberg) -- A group advising Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas recommended that he halt Middle East peace talks because of Israel's decision to allow renewed construction in West Bank settlements. ...
All 1,272 related articles »


Mahmoud Abbas
Benjamin Netanyahu
Peace talks
West Bank
Palestinian people

Timeline of articles

Number of sources covering this story

Barak to PA: Don't quit talks
‎18 minutes ago‎ - Ynetnews

Mashaal: Israel fears our next generation
‎7 hours ago‎ - Ynetnews

Abbas to consult aides on fate of Mideast talks
‎9 hours ago‎ - The Associated Press

Abbas to Mitchell: No further talks until building halted
‎Oct 1, 2010‎ - Jerusalem Post

Years of rage
‎Oct 1, 2010‎ - Ha'aretz

Amid row over settlements, Netanyahu says committed to Mideast peace
‎Oct 1, 2010‎ - Ha'aretz

‫EU's Ashton: Israel must extend settlement freeze to give talks a chance
‎Sep 29, 2010‎ - Ha'aretz


The Guardian
Zee News
All related images »

War of words between CM, Mamata

Times of India - ‎18 hours ago‎
KOLKATA: They may not be willing to face each other on the social platform, but chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee and his bete noire Mamata Banerjee have never missed an opportunity for a verbal spar. Friday marked a fresh episode in the war of ...

Wary of Bengal cops, Mamata uses RPF for her security

Indian Express - ‎17 hours ago‎
A huge contingent of over 100 Railway Protection Force (RPF) personnel and officials guarded Railways Minister Mamata Banerjee during her recent visits to Darjeeling this month. Mamata visited Darjeeling to meet delegations from all sections of people ...

Mamata bashing at dais, Mamata fans in crowd

Indian Express - ‎17 hours ago‎
Even as the CPM leaders hit out at Trinamool Congress Chief Mamata Banerjee at the rally of the party's women wing in Kolkata on Friday, some members of the audience were seen using fans that had Mamata's image on it. (See left) Commenting on ...

Hitting out at the CM, Mamata said, "Buddhababu please go and find out whether the projects are happening or not. Our projects are on in Dankuni, Noapara, Kanchrapara, Chittaranjan, Sankrail...... You are getting angry since you can't do anything yourself. Apart from using bulldozer, CPM has done nothing in the past 34 years. Please don't get angry, Buddhababu. Let there be competition in work. CPM has neither mission nor vision. It only wants...
more by Mamata Banerjee - 18 hours ago - Times of India (1 occurrences)

Buddha-Mamata battle on Maoist turf

Times - ‎8 hours ago‎
After Union Railway Minister and Trinamool Congress Chief Mamata Banerjee held a rally in Maoist dominated Lalgarh, it's the turn of West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee. The rally organised by the Communist Party of India (India) is ...

Buddhadeb, Mamata slugfest: War of words continues - ‎13 hours ago‎
Kolkata: The war of words between West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee and Trinamool Congress chief and Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee is getting uglier by the day. At a public rally in Kolkata, the chief minister slammed her for ...

Mamata dares CM to visit hills

Calcutta Telegraph - ‎20 hours ago‎
Calcutta, Oct. 1: Mamata Banerjee today accused Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee of "neglecting" the hills and dared him to visit Darjeeling, hours after the chief minister alleged that the Trinamul Congress chief had gone to Darjeeling to "join hands with ...

West Bengal government has ignored Darjeeling development: Mamata

Sify - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
Kolkata, Oct 1 (IANS) Countering allegations by West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee that the Trinamool Congress was creating trouble in the state, including in the Darjeeling hills, party supremo Mamata Banerjee Friday said he was making ...

Mamata to visit hills again, accuses LF of non-development

Central Chronicle - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
Alleging that the Left Front government had failed to initiate any developmental measures for hills, Railway Minister and Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee today said she would visit Darjeeling again. ''I love the hills. The state government did ...

No comment on Ayodhya issue: Mamata

South Asia Mail - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
Kolkata, Sep 30 (IANS) Trinamool Congress chief and union Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee Thursday refused to comment on the Ayodhya verdict. "I will not comment on this issue," said Banerjee to mediapersons who assembled at her residence here in ...
All 9 related articles »

Delhi to usher in Games with new metro line, virtual shutdown

Sify - ‎1 hour ago‎
New Delhi, Oct 2 (IANS) All shops and commercial establishments in Delhi will remain closed as Commonwealth Games are inaugurated at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium Sunday - a day when the Delhi Metro will launch a new line linking the venue to its network. ...

New Delhi Women get exclusive coach in Delhi Metro

Hindustan Times - ‎3 hours ago‎
PTI Women in the national capital got a Gandhi Jayanti gift from the Delhi Metro with a special coach being reserved for them from Saturday. The spaces on the platform from where passengers get into the first coach were marked as 'Women's only' in pink ...

Metro reaches Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium Sunday - ‎4 hours ago‎
New Delhi: People going to Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium Sunday evening for the inauguration of the Commonwealth Games can use Delhi Metro's new Central Secretariat-Sarita Vihar line which will open about 12 hours ahead of the event, an official said. ...

CWG 2010: Delhi gets a facelift for sure

Economic Times - ‎22 hours ago‎
More than five years ago when the good old Queen of Rock 'n' Roll, Tina Turner, visited Delhi, she said she hated its traffic. This is exactly what she had said then, stunned by the city's complexities: " came as a shock. There were so many people and, ...

Cops pray for Badarpur line to open now

Times of India - Megha Suri Singh - ‎21 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: The Commissioner of Metro Rail Safety (CMRS) finally started inspection of Central Secretariat to Sarita Vihar Metro section on Friday. Even as an official date of opening of the line is yet to be announced, the traffic police are banking ...

CWG effect: Delhi Metro to run every 2.5 minutes

Times of India - ‎11 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: Trains at an average frequency of 2.5 minutes, deployment of engineers from Germany and South Korea to ensure no technical glitches take place and information desks to help commuters and tourists. These are some of the highlights of the ...

Delhi Metro makes way for women power

Sify - ‎5 hours ago‎
New Delhi, Oct 2 (IANS) 'Only for Women' reads the gleaming pink-and-white sign on the platform, grabbing all eyeballs as enthused females wait for the train. A security guard deployed at the Metro station ensures there are no men boarding the first ...

Delhi Metro's Central Secretariat-Sarita Vihar corridor to open Sunday

NetIndian - ‎4 hours ago‎
Hours before the formal opening of the XIX Commonwealth Games in the capital, Delhi Metro will open its Central Secretariat-Sarita Vihar corridor for commuter operations tomorrow morning. The Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, the main venue of the Games, ...

Metro to JLN Stadium from Sunday

Indian Express - ‎5 hours ago‎
The main venue of the Commonwealth Games-- Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium -- will get connected by the Metro tomorrow, just hours before the mega sporting event begins. The 16-km Central Secretariat-Sarita Vihar corridor will be opened to the public at 8 AM ...
All 16 related articles »


Delhi Metro
Jawaharlal Nehru
Rapid transit

The Hindu
Stock Market To...
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Mercedes-Benz India sales grow by 60 percent in September 2010

AutoTantra - ‎6 hours ago‎
With September month having settled, companies from the automobile industry seem to be breaking the news with significant rise in their overall growth. Now, Mercedes-Benz India has shed light on its wholesale sales figures for the month of September ...

'India soon to be as big as any European car market'

Hindu Business Line - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
Dr Wilfried Aulbur, Managing Director and CEO, Mercedes-Benz India, at the launch of Mercedes E350 Cabriolet, in the Capital (file photo). — Ramesh Sharma The Daimler Group is betting big on India. Mercedes-Benz India MD & CEO, Dr Wilfried Aulbur, ...

Fuelled by sale figures, pre-owned Mercedez-Benz outlet drives into Pune - Arun Jayan - ‎19 hours ago‎
Pune In the last four months, Mercedes-Benz sold 400 pre-owned cars in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Ahmedabad, cities covered in phase-I of its pre-owned car sale plan. Encouraged by the phase I success, the German auto major on Friday launched its used ...

MercedesBenz set to make its Chakan plant hub for buses

Financial Express - ‎Sep 30, 2010‎
Mumbai: Mercedes-Benz India said it plans to make its Chakan plant near Pune the hub for buses in the coming years. The company is not only eyeing the Indian bus market with the Chakan plant but also the export markets. In a bid to meet the demand, ...

Mercedes-Benz to extend finance arm to India

Business Standard - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
Luxury car major Mercedes-Benz India will extend its financial arm, Daimler Financial Services (DFS), to India. A few approvals were needed from the authorities before it could begin operations, said Wilfried Aulbur, managing director and CEO, ...

UPDATE Daimler CEO: Strong Growth At Mercedes Continued In Sep

Wall Street Journal - Christoph Rauwald - ‎Sep 29, 2010‎
PARIS (Dow Jones)--Daimler AG (DDAIY, DAI.XE) Chief Executive Dieter Zetsche said Wednesday the strong growth rates in car sales at the German automaker's core Mercedes-Benz brand continued in September. ...

Mercedes Tops BMW, Lexus as U.S. Luxury Sales Contest Tightens

Bloomberg - Tim Higgins - ‎21 hours ago‎
A Daimler AG Mercedes Benz SL Night Edition automobile featuring a matte finish. Source: Daimler AG via Bloomberg The race to be the year's top-selling luxury automobile brand in the US narrowed as Daimler ...

Mercedez Benz India launches financial services arm - Michael Gonsalves - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
"The parent company has cleared the decks to set up an Indian subsidiary of Daimler Financial Services AG," said Wilfried Aulbur, managing director and CEO, Mercedes-Benz India. Daimler Financial Services (DFS) ...

Mercedes A-Class E-Cell EV Hits Paris

EarthTechling - Nino Marchetti - ‎1 hour ago‎
The major green car contribution to the Paris Auto Show from Mercedes-Benz is taking the form of the A-Class E-Cell, the German automaker's second electric car built in series. It is being seen as a family car for ...

Mercedes to enter financing business

The Hindu - ‎21 hours ago‎
Mercedes-Benz on Friday said it was planning to enter the financing services business in India, a move aimed to further boost the sales of German luxury carmaker. "We are in the preparation phase for a Daimler Financial Services operation in India to ...
All 52 related articles »



Timeline of articles

Number of sources covering this story

'India soon to be as big as any European car market'
‎Oct 1, 2010‎ - Hindu Business Line

Mercedes plans to enter finance business
‎Oct 1, 2010‎ - Rediff


Hindu Business ...
The Hindu
Globe and Mail
Seer Press
CNET (blog)
CNET (blog)
All related

Movie Review: Endhiran, the Robot

Desi Hits! - ‎4 minutes ago‎
Endhiran, the Robot is a Tamil language action-packed science-fiction flick co-written and directed by S. Shankar, produced by first-time producer Kalanidhi Maran, and composed by international music maestro AR Rahman. ...

Queues will be there for weeks

Daily News & Analysis - ‎54 minutes ago‎
The craze for the Rajnikanth starrer Robot is phenomenal. The superstar has a huge fan following down south, unlike the north, and yet the film has opened housefull across the country. Usually, people don't appreciate or want to see a dubbed film, ...

Rajnikanth's ROBOT sweeps Indians

GlamSham - ‎4 hours ago‎
It is not some steel-and-machine robot that has captured the imagination of the nation's cinelovers, but superstar Rajnikanth's latest flick ROBOT (ENTHIRAN or ENDHIRAN, in Tamil) that has swept across the mad tide. If the film's second day collections ...

Riteish Deshmukh posted on Twitter: "Superstar Rajni! He is a phenomenon. Action in Robot is just what you want to watch as a Rajni fan. Go watch it now - a bit long but worth it."
more by Riteish Deshmukh - 6 hours ago - (5 occurrences)

Aamir Khan wants to watch Rajni's Robot - ‎6 hours ago‎
Bollywood actor-producer Aamir Khan says he is yearning to watch southern superstar Rajnikanth-starrer Robot. "I am most keen to see Robot. Rajni sir rocks!" Aamir posted on social networking site Facebook. The movie, which is called Endhiran in Tamil, ...

Review: Endhiran ( Tamil) - ‎10 hours ago‎
Like everyday, Chennai got up early on 01.10.10. But instead of heading to the Mylapore Kabaleeswara temple, it went to Kasi `temple' much before 5 am. Where Lord Shivaji Rao Gaekwad, also known as Rajinikanth, has been consecrated as the presiding ...

Rajnikanth–Aishwarya chemistry is palpable

Oneindia - ‎12 hours ago‎
If you plans to relax and have a great time with your family this weekend then Endhiran-The Robot is the perfect weekend masala flick for you. Rajnikanth is back with a bang and although he does not really utter "Enna Rascala...Mind It! ...

Robot in 1000 theatres across India

Hindustan Times - ‎9 hours ago‎
Yesterday, the Rajnikanth-Aishwarya Rai starrer Robot released in 2000 screens worldwide, half of them in India alone. Girish Wankhede of Cinemax chain of multiplexes said the movie saw a 10 to 15 per cent occupancy in the morning show, "The response ...

'Enthiran' mania grips Malaysia

The Hindu - ‎5 hours ago‎
PTI Tamil Superstar Rajnikanth's fans camped outside cinema halls and queued up at ticket counters since early morning today to buy tickets to his latest venture Enthiran (Robot). Being shown across 300 screens outside India, Enthiran is the largest ...

Robot and Endhiran released in over 2000 screens worldwide - ‎3 hours ago‎
By Agencies Mumbai: Robot and Endhiran released in over 2000 screens worldwide: Rajnikanth and Aishwarya Rai starrer "Robot" hit theatres yesterday and it had a grand opening at the opening office. The film released over 2000 screens worldwide, ...

Robot: Movie Review

Times of India - Gaurav Malani - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
For anyone and everyone who has ever complained that Rajnikant's onscreen antics are overblown of heroism, director Shankar this time justifies his larger-than-life screen persona by making him a robot and imbibing him with fanciful superpowers. ...
All 227 related articles »


Aishwarya Rai

Timeline of articles

Number of sources covering this story

Queues will be there for weeks
‎54 minutes ago‎ - Daily News & Analysis

Review: Robot (Endhiran) is an Indian film to be proud of
‎Oct 1, 2010‎ - Daily News & Analysis

What Rajni can't, Rajni and the Robot can!
‎Sep 30, 2010‎ - Rediff

Endhiran ready to storm theatres
‎Sep 29, 2010‎ - Oneindia

Readers react: Endhiran will cross Avatar's collections
‎Sep 29, 2010‎ - Rediff

Is Rajini's Endhiran remake of Uppi's Hollywood?
‎Sep 27, 2010‎ - Oneindia

The Hindu
Daily News & An...
All related images

Rahul Gandhi to be accorded status of state guest in MP

The Hindu - ‎3 hours ago‎
PTI Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said here on Saturday that Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi would be accorded the status of a state guest during his three-day visit starting on October 4. Talking informally to reporters, ...

Maintaining peace after Ayodhya verdict was challenge: Madhya Pradesh CM

Daily News & Analysis - ‎3 hours ago‎
Place: Bhopal | Agency: PTI Madhya Pradesh chief minister, Shivraj Singh Chouhan, said here today that maintaining peace in the state after the Ayodhya verdict of September 30 was the biggest challenge for him in office. "I am thankful to leaders of ...

Ayodhya verdict: MP Home Minister thanks people for peace - ‎10 hours ago‎
PTI | 01:10 PM,Oct 02,2010 Bhopal, Oct 2 (PTI) Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Umashankar Gupta today thanked the people of Madhya Pradesh for maintaining peace following the Ayodhya verdict delivered on September 30. "I thank everybody including the ...

"India has a tradition of giving honour to guests and we are only following it," Mr. Chouhan said.
more by Shivraj Singh Chouhan - 3 hours ago - The Hindu (2 occurrences)

All 3 related articles »

Distorting Kashmir

Rising Kashmir - ‎1 hour ago‎
Some people deliberately try to misrepresent present events and history to suit their analysis of the existing situation in Kashmir. However, all these distortions cannot hide the truth which has a habit of bursting out in the end! ...

'India basher' Congressman seeks US intervention on Kashmir issue

Indian Express - ‎7 hours ago‎
US Congressman Dan Burton, a known India basher, has sought the intervention of the Obama Administration in resolving the Kashmir issue, claiming this has direct impact on the global war against terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan. ...

The Kashmiri intifadaBy Sharmila Faruqui

Daily Times - ‎20 hours ago‎
THE current violence in Indian-held Kashmir is rooted in the struggle of the people for the right of self-determination. It started in June 2010, when the Indian army and police fired upon the peaceful demonstrators who were demanding freedom from the ...

"Regrettably, the conflict has garnered little attention from the American media and zero attention from the White House," Burton, a Republican, said in his speech on the floor of the US House of Representatives early this week.
more by Dan Burton - 7 hours ago - Indian Express (2 occurrences)

Nine killed as Indian army foils infiltration bid in Kashmir

AFP - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
SRINAGAR, India — Indian troops on Friday killed eight suspected militants, five of them when they tried to sneak into Indian Kashmir from the Pakistani side of the disputed region, officials said. One policeman was also killed during a gunbattle in ...

No sense of place or people

The Hindu - Jaspreet Singh - ‎3 hours ago‎
Jaspreet Singh's Chef is a textbook illustration of the shortcomings of the diasporic novel about the country left behind or never inhabited. Almost none of the description in it, from the food, to the people, from the geography to the politics, ...

Follies of Past-II

Rising Kashmir - Farooq Fayaz - ‎1 hour ago‎
Despite learning lessons from history, NC after reassuming the reins of the government, applied the apparatus of terror so fatally that the very expression of Task Force would send shivers down the spine of common Kashmiris. ...

8 militants, police officer killed in Kashmir

CNN International - Mukhtar Ahmad - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
Srinagar, Kashmir (CNN) -- Eight militants and a police officer were killed Friday in two gunfights in Indian-administered Kashmir, a defense spokesman said. Defense spokesman Lt. Col JS Brar told CNN that Indian army troops foiled an infiltration bid ...

Eight militants killed in battles in Kashmir

Reuters India - Sheikh Mushtaq, Rajesh Kumar Singh - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
SRINAGAR (Reuters) - Indian security forces killed eight militants on Friday in two separate gunbattles in Indian Kashmir, an army spokesman said, adding some of them were trying to enter the Indian territory from neigbouring Pakistan. ...

JuD: Resolve Kashmir or face violence everywhere

Indian Express - ‎Sep 30, 2010‎
At a massive public meeting in Muzaffarabad, which followed three such rallies across Pakistan occupied Kashmir, Jamat-ud-Dawa Wednesday put the world on notice: solve the Kashmir dispute or face a fresh armed struggle that can spill beyond the borders ...

Creating scare during Games latest Pak tactic

Times of India - ‎Sep 30, 2010‎
NEW DELHI: A new wave of scare-mongering and terror rumours emanating out of Pakistan is intended to raise the fear factor in India during the Commonwealth Games. Last week, a Pakistani journalist known for his links to the Pakistan intelligence ...
All 41 related articles »


Jammu and Kashmir
Indian Army
Kashmiri people

Timeline of articles

Number of sources covering this story

Distorting Kashmir
‎1 hour ago‎ - Rising Kashmir

JuD: Resolve Kashmir or face violence everywhere
‎Sep 30, 2010‎ - Indian Express


The Hindu
Business Record...
All rel

Life returns to normal in Kashmir

Times of India - ‎10 hours ago‎
SRINAGAR: Life in Kashmir Valley on Saturday returned to normal as authorities lifted curfew and hardline Hurriyat Conference exempted the day from its schedule of protests and strikes. Curfew was lifted from the entire Valley, except Kangan town in ...

Valley normal as Govt, Geelani provide relief

Rising Kashmir - ‎40 minutes ago‎
Srinagar, Oct 02: Kashmir returned to normalcy for a day Saturday as authorities lifted curfew across the valley much to the relief of people who have been witnessing harsh restrictions even on no-strike days. Meanwhile, a 16-year-old boy from Sangrama ...

Curfew lifted, Srinagar returns to a day's normalcy

Hindustan Times - ‎9 hours ago‎
Kashmiri women buying clothes at a market as normal life resumed after nine days of strike due to... Srinagar returned to normalcy for a day as authorities lifted curfew and the separatists asked people to resume routine activities. ...

Students flock to schools in Kashmir

Times of India - ‎Sep 29, 2010‎
SRINAGAR: Attendance in schools in Kashmir, which reopened on Monday after 100 days of unrest, rose on a day when separatists suspended their stir even as the education department said it is mulling action against institutions which follow the strike ...

Kashmir Valley peaceful; curfew relaxed in five towns

The Hindu - ‎Sep 28, 2010‎
PTI AP A Kashmiri boy rides a bicycle on his way to school in Srinagar. File Photo Barring a stray incident of stone pelting in Sopore town of north Kashmir, the situation in the Valley remained peaceful with authorities relaxing curfew in five towns ...

Police beat Kashmiri journalist

BBC News - Altaf Hussain - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
A prominent video journalist has been admitted to hospital in Srinagar in Indian-administered Kashmir after being severely beaten by police. Merajuddin, who works as a cameraman for APTN, was hit with a baton in the ...

Curfew lifted from many parts of Kashmir

Hindustan Times - ‎Sep 28, 2010‎
Curfew was lifted from south and central Kashmir and from most northern parts of the valley on Tuesday but schools that opened a day earier after many weeks still reported only thin attendance. Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir, ...

Private schools assure smooth conduct of exams in Valley

Hindustan Times - ‎11 hours ago‎
Heads of private educational institutes in the Valley have assured the state government that they would fully cooperate with the authorities for the scheduled conduct of annual examinations. The representatives of the private schools gave the assurance ...

Curfew in Kashmir Valley ahead of Ayodhya verdict

Economic Times - ‎Sep 29, 2010‎
SRINAGAR: Curfew has been imposed in Kashmir Valley to preempt any violence that could follow the verdict in the Ramjanmabhoomi-Babri mosque title suits by expected Thursday afternoon. "Curfew has been imposed in the entire Srinagar city, Ganderbal, ...

Two injured in fresh violence as curfew relaxed in Srinagar, Kupwara

Indian Express - ‎Sep 28, 2010‎
Two people, including a senior engineer, were injured in separate incidents of violence in the Kashmir Valley, where authorities on Tuesday relaxed curfew in Srinagar, Kupwara and Ganderbal districts in a phased manner. Executive Engineer of Jammu and ...
All 68 related articles »



Timeline of articles

Number of sources covering this story

Valley normal as Govt, Geelani provide relief
‎40 minutes ago‎ - Rising Kashmir

Private schools assure smooth conduct of exams in Valley
‎11 hours ago‎ - Hindustan Times

Curfew, clashes mark tense Friday
‎Oct 1, 2010‎ - Rising Kashmir

Students flock to schools in Kashmir
‎Sep 29, 2010‎ - Times of India

Curfew relaxed in Valley
‎Sep 26, 2010‎ - Chandigarh Tribune


The Hindu
Press TV
All related ima

all 256 news articles »Email this story
India Talkies

Strained India-Oz ties seek solace in Bapu

Deccan Herald - Abha Sharma - ‎27 minutes ago‎
A nostalgic reminiscence of the Father of the Nation gripped the audience as the sweet melody of Mahatma Gandhi's favourite bhajan "Raghupati Raghav Raja ...
Mahatma Gandhi's message still relevant: Vayalar Ravi
Do business with India, Indians in Africa told Sify
Durban street now called Juma Masjid Square Times of India
Peninsula On-line - Business Standard
all 60 news articles »
हिंदी मेंEmail this story

Holy ashes of Gandhi preserved in Hubli

Times of India - Basavaraj F Kattimani - ‎23 minutes ago‎
Reason: the holy ashes (`chitabhasma') of Mahatma Gandhi is preserved here since 1949. The institution has acquired the status of "sacred place" because of ...
Sale of fish soars in twin cities Times of India
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Games officials charged with desecretaing Mahatma's memorial

Hindustan Times - ‎28 minutes ago‎
PTI Commonwealth Games Organising Committee officials were on Saturday accused of desecrating Mahatma Gandhi's memorial in New Delhi after they allegedly ...

Mahatma''s birth anniversary observed - ‎6 hours ago‎
PTI | 05:10 PM,Oct 02,2010 Guwahati, Oct 2 (PTI) Assam today joined the nation in paying homage to the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi on his 141st ...
Humble khadi still going strong Daily News & Analysis
In the 21st century khadi continues to allure Times of India
Re-Surgence of Khadi - Fashion designers find khadi canvass for imaginative ... Washington Bangla Radio
all 11 news articles »Email this story

'Gandhi's teachings helped Obama shape his life'

Times of India - ‎9 hours ago‎
WASHINGTON: Mahatma Gandhi's autobiography and his teachings on social justice through non-violence have helped US President Barack Obama shape his life, ...
India Talkies

People celebrate Mahatama Gandhi's birthday in Gujarat, Maharashtra

Sify - ‎4 hours ago‎
People in Gujarat and Maharashtra celebrated the 141st birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on Saturday. On the occasion, many followers of the Father of the ...
Rs 2400-cr lift for Gujarat's Gandhi sites India Today
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Hitler usurps Mahatma - ‎4 hours ago‎
In stark contrast, Mahatma Gandhi's autobiography, The Story of My Experiments with Truth, is less popular then Mein Kampf. According to the Crossword chain ...

Chavan calls Vasai marchers for talks

Sify - ‎4 hours ago‎
The 100-km-long march, symbolically launched on the 141st birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, from Vasai to Varsha (the chief minister's official residence ...

Maya's U-turn on Mahatma Gandhi

Hindustan Times - ‎32 minutes ago‎
It may be, ironically, Mayawati's tribute to the Mahatma. Known for its criticism of Mahatma Gandhi in relation to his policies vis-à-vis Dalits, ...

CM pays rich tributes to Gandhi

Rising Kashmir - ‎3 minutes ago‎
Srinagar, Oct02: Chief Minister Omar Abdullah paid rich tributes to Mahatma Gandhi on his 141 st birth anniversary celebrated on Saturday all across India. ...

John: I am non-violent person

GlamSham - ‎3 hours ago‎
But today is a good day not to lie, as it is Gandhi Jayanti." Further he added, "The only person, who managed never to tell lie is Mahatma Gandhi and this ...
John to play bookseller to promote 'Jhootha Hi Sahi' Spicezee
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Andhra Pradesh CM greets people on Mahatma Gandhi's 141st birth anniversary - ‎Oct 1, 2010‎
Mahatma Gandhi was not only an apostle of peace but also a leader of indomitable courage who carried the masses with him. Gandhiji humbled the mighty ...
Ayodhya-Babri Verdict: Rosaiah Thanks People Of AP
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Gandhian bhajans resonate in Beijing park

Times of India - ‎9 hours ago‎
BEIJING: The picturesque Chao Yang Park in central Beijing was on Saturday resonating with Mahatma Gandhi's bhajans and famous sayings as Chinese and Indian ...

Journalists protest wearing helmets over attacks - ‎3 hours ago‎
PTI | 08:10 PM,Oct 02,2010 Mumbai, Oct 2 (PTI) Journalists here today protested at the Mahatma Gandhi statue near Mantralaya wearing helmets, ...
The Hindu

India has come of age: Krishna

The Hindu - ‎3 hours ago‎
"Mahatma Gandhi is remembered not only in India but all over the world because he unleashed powerful reformation that checkmated colonialism and checkmated ...

PRP Leader Pays Tribute To Mahatma Gandhi - ‎2 hours ago‎
2nd Oct, 2010: Leaders of the Praja Rajyam Party (PRP) offered tributes to a portrait of the Father Of The Nation Mahatma Gandhi on Saturday, ...

Solar 'charkhas' to produce 'green clothes'

Times of India - ‎2 hours ago‎
... the Gandhigram Urja Vikas Sanstha, Amravati and the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Rural Industrialisation, Wardha, said Kumud Joshi, KVIC chairperson. ...
KVIC planning introduction of solar charkhas
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'Nattha' in state for a noble cause

Times of India - Pranava K Chaudhary - ‎19 hours ago‎
'Nattha', the real man being Onkar Das Manikpuri, would launch the campaign for use of renewable energy from Mahatma Gandhi's Bhiti-harwa ashram in West ...

The other Gandhi

Indian Express - ‎Sep 30, 2010‎
Mahatma Gandhi has been deified in almost all history books. But, one determined and courageous soul constantly stood by his side like his shadow. ...
Yentha - Helps you decide

Gandhi Jayanti Week Celebrations Commence

Yentha - Helps you decide - ‎10 hours ago‎
Palayam, Trivandrum: The values of Mahatma Gandhi are valid even today, said K Jayakumar IAS, at the inaugural ceremony of the Gandhi Jayanthi week ...

GreenFaith names Hindu and Jain scholar in residence

Sify - ‎11 hours ago‎
... has named Pankaj Jain, an Indian American professor, as a Hindu and Jain Scholar in Residence on the anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's birthday. ...

Prayer service on Gandhi's birthday

Sify - ‎Sep 30, 2010‎
New Delhi, Sep 30 (IANS) Members of Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Smriti will hold a prayer ceremony here Saturday on the 141st birth anniversary of Mahatma ...

Congress not following Mahatma's dream of Panchayat Raj in Goa - Mahesh Ghadi - ‎4 hours ago‎
Panaji: Congress led government not following the ideology of the Mahatma Gandhi regarding Panchayat Raj. The Panchayat Democratic Forum has said they will ...


Star of Mysore - ‎7 hours ago‎
Mysore, Oct. 2 (KK&BRS)- Mysore District in-charge Minister SA Ramdas joined by Mayor Sandesh Swamy garlanded the statue of Mahatma Gandhi at Gandhi Square ...
The Hindu

Kashmir Sans Curfew, Strike After Weeks, Markets Open

Kashmir Observer - ‎11 hours ago‎
Sources said the decision not to impose curfew was taken in view of Gandhi Jayanti (Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi) which is being observed today. ...
Curfew lifted, Srinagar returns to a day's normalcy Hindustan Times
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From today, panchayats to get more power in state

Times of India - ‎20 hours ago‎
Chief minister Ashok Gehlot would make an official declaration in this regard on the occasion of birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. ...

Rare photos of Gandhi linked to Quit India Movement on sale

Indian Express - ‎Sep 28, 2010‎
Rare photographs of Mahatma Gandhi, taken on the eve of launching the 1942 Quit India Movement, will go under hammer at Bonhams here next month. ...
Photos of Gandhi on Momentous Day in Indian History for Sale at Bonhams Art Daily
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Mahatma Gandhi's forgotten abode

NewsX - ‎7 hours ago‎
Gandhi's memory has been long lost in Harijan Basti which is a sad tale of disregard and neglect.

Delhi Metro makes way for women power

Sify - ‎5 hours ago‎
... anxieties and fears of women passengers, Delhi Metro Saturday gifted an exclusive coach to the fairer sex on the 141st anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. ...
Gandhi Jayanti Gift: Special coach for women in metro rail Forestlaneshul (blog)
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