Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fwd: Egypt

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: William Gladys <william.gladys@tiscali.co.uk>
Date: Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 11:01 PM
Subject: Egypt
To: world_Politics@googlegroups.com

English support for the people of Egypt. This is just one persons response, but I assure you it is a view held by millions of people in England.
For too long your country has been at the beck and call of the major war mongers from the west, the  Imperialist USA  and Imperialist Monarchical Britain and Israel of course. For too long your country has been manoevered  like a puppet on a string to do the bidding of these  most undemocratic of countries. If you fail to remove Mubarak now the lives of those who have died for your  cause, your freedom from Western oppression  will have been for nothing. carry on and achieve victory, take to the streets of your cities and demonstrate in your millions that enough is enough. The people of Egypt do NOT need this self centred  dominant guidance from these foreign powers, who are  hell bent on protecting their own interest and israels -and certainly NOT YOURS! Get rid of your president now,and ensure that the undue and highly damaging influence from the Crusading West is eradicated forever. You have victory in your sights!! Already the West's foreign ministers are gathering to decide your fate and what is best FOR THEM not you!! Ignore them 110% and establish independence from their damaging foreign intererence in YOUR AFFAIRS! people of egypt Go for it!!!!!! William Gladys -London.

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Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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