Wednesday, June 26, 2013

कात्यायनी ने भेजा मानहानि का नोटिस

कात्यायनी ने भेजा मानहानि का नोटिस

                                                      (नोटिस का सारसंक्षेप) 
1. अजय प्रकाश, नई दिल्ली, 2. सत्येन्द्र कुमार, लखनऊ, 3. ओम प्रकाश सिन्हा, लखनऊ, 4. मुकुल श्रीवास्तव, गोरखपुर, 5. देवेन्द्र प्रताप, मेरठ (प्रतिवादीगण) 

1.    जन चेतना पुस्तक प्रतिष्ठान, सचिव, राम बाबू पाल, डी-68 निराला नगर, लखनऊ
2.    राहुल फाउण्डेशन, अध्यक्ष कात्यायनी, एमआईजी-135, राप्ती नगर गोरखपुर
3.    अरविन्द मेमोरियल ट्रस्ट, ट्रस्टी सत्यम वर्मा, 69 A -1 बाबा का पुरवा, लखनऊ
4.    कात्यायनी, पत्नी एसपी सिन्हा (शशि प्रकाश सिन्हा), 69 A -1 बाबा का पुरवा, लखनऊ
5.    राम बाबू पाल, पुत्र श्री बालगोविन्द पाल, 69 बाबा का पुरवा लखनऊ।
6.    सत्यम वर्मा पुत्र डॉ. एलबी वर्मा (लाल बहादुर वर्मा), c/o डी-68 निराला नगर, लखनऊ (वादीगण)

1.    मुवक्किल नं0-1, प्रगतिशील पुस्तक सोसाइटी, प्रगतिशील विचारों के प्रचार हेतु एवं पूंजीवादी स्वार्थ, लालच की विचारधारा के विरोध में पुस्तकों का प्रचार-प्रसार।
2.    मुवक्किल नं0-2, राहुल सांकृत्यायन से प्रेरित कार्यो को आगे बढ़ाने की संस्था एवं प्रकाशन कार्य।
3.    मुवक्किल नं0-3, अरविन्द सिंह के विचारों के लिये ट्रस्ट एवं अरविन्द मार्क्सवादी  अध्ययन संस्थान के द्वारा बौद्धिक कार्य।
4.    मुवक्किल नं0-4, बड़ी कवियत्री, बड़ी पत्रकार एवं चर्चित कार्यकर्ता
5.    मुवक्किल नं0-5, महान कलाकार, बड़े पत्रकार, अनुराग बाल ट्रस्ट के अध्यक्ष
6.    मुवक्किल नं0-6, वरिष्ठ पत्रकार, महान अनुवादक, अध्यक्ष, जनचेतना सोसाइटी
उपरोक्त तीनों व्यक्ति निःस्वार्थ भाव से समाज सेवा के काम में लगे हैं, अपने क्षेत्र के विशेषज्ञ एवं सम्मानित बुद्धिजीवी है और समाज में उन्हें बहुत सम्मान प्राप्त है।
प्रतिवादी 1,2,3,4, 5 भी पहले हमारे साथ जुड़े थे लेकिन उनकी विश्वसनीयता सामान्य से भी नीचे थी। 2,3,4 को उनके नकारात्मक सोच एवं र्काो के कारण संस्था से निकाल दिया गया और 2 नं0 खुद ही निकल गये।
इन चारों लोगों ने मिलकर हमारे खिलाफ योजनाबद्ध तरीके से कुत्सा प्रचार करना शुरू किया, इसमें जन ज्वार डाट काम जो 1 नं0 के द्वारा संचालित किया जाता है, उसकी सहयोगी भूमिका थी। इससे हमारे मुवक्किलों के सम्मान की अपूर्णीय क्षति हुयी। कुत्सा प्रचार की झूठी आरोप निम्न हैः-
1.    कि हमारे मुवक्किल समाज कार्य के नाम पर धंधा करते हैं।
2.    कार्यकर्ताओं को बंधुआ मजदूर की तरह शोषण करते हैं।
3.    हमारे मुवक्कित 4,5,6 इस धंधे में मुख्य मुनाफा कमाते हैं।
4.    हमारे मुवक्किलों ने अरविन्द सिंह की हत्या की, जबकि उनकी मृत्यु बीमारी से हुयी।
5.    मुवक्किलों की संस्था को एक अंजाने/काल्पनिक संगठन क्रांतिकारी कम्युनिष्ट लोग से जोड़ा।
6.    हमारे मुवक्किलों को आपराधिक गिरोह कहा, जनता की सम्पत्ति लूटने का आरोप लगाया और एक युवा व्यक्ति को अपने पिता से धन उगाही करवाया ताकि ये लोग ऐश का जीवन जी सकें। 
7.    परिवारवाद का आरोप लगाया।
8.    अपने से अलग विचार वाले कार्यकर्ताओं के खिलाफ झूठे पुलिस केस कराये।
9.    आम जनता की सम्पति लूटने, धोखाधड़ी करने का आरोप लगाया।
10.    पैसा इकट्ठा करने के उद्देश्य से कार्यकर्ताओं के साथ झूठ बोला गया, धोखाधड़ी की गयी और विश्वासघात किया।
11.    धन उगाही के लिये युवाओं को उनके माता पिता के खिलाफ उकसाया गया। एन0जी0ओ0, सरकारी संस्थाओं और पूंजीपतियों से भारी पैमाने पर पैसा लिया गया।
12.    कार्य कर्ताओं को नौकर समझा गया और उन्हें सेल्समैन बनाया गया।
13.    संस्थाओं को बदनाम करने के उद्देश्य से उन्हें एक काल्पनिक संगठन 'क्रांतिकारी कम्यूनिष्ट लीग' से जुड़ा बताया।
14.    कार्यकर्ताओं को दम घोंटू माहौल में अवसादग्रस्त बनाने का आरोप।
15.    अवैतनिक कर्मचारियों द्वारा धनउगाही करने का आरोप।
16.    अरविन्द सिंह के नाम पर धन उगाही का आरोप।
17.    लोगों के घर और संपत्ति हड़पने का आरोप।
18.    अरविन्द सिंह, शालिनी, कमला पाण्डे, विश्वनाथ मिश्र की मृत्यु के जिम्मेदार इन लोगों को बताया।
19.    आपराधिक गिरोह संचालित करने का आरोप।
(¬ये आरोप जनज्वार डाट काम, भंडास 4 मीडिया डाट काम, 100फ्लावर.काम और क्रांति की नटवर गीरी पुस्तिका से लिये गये)
    उक्त ब्लागों के सावधानी पूर्ण अध्ययन से यह स्पष्ट है कि हमारे मुवक्किलों 4,5,6 को निजी तौर पर और 1,2,3 सामाजिक संस्थाओं को जानबूझकर क्षति पहुंचाने के ध्येय से झूठी, अनर्गल बातें लिखी गई है। हमारे मुवक्किल जिनकी बहुत अच्छी सामाजिक छवि है, उसे बहुत नुकसान पहुंचा और उन्हें विकास करने और आगे बढ़ने में रूकावट आयी।
प्रतिवादी नं0-1, जो जनज्वार का संपादन करते हैं, चाहते तो इस कुत्सा प्रचार को नियंत्रित कर सकते थे, लेकिन जानबूझकर इस झूठे अनर्गल बातों को प्रचारित किया। हालाकि हमारे मुवक्किलयों की सामाजिक हैसियत बेहिसाब हे, फिर भी यदि बहुत उदारता पूर्वक मूल्यांकन किया जाय तो यह प्रति मुवक्किल 25 लाख रूपये होती है। प्रतिवादी नं0 1 से 4 तक इस कुत्सा प्रचार में शामिल है, वे इस नोटिस को पाने के एक सप्ताह के भीतर इस रकम का भुगतान करें, नहीं तो कोर्ट के माध्यम से वसूली की जायेगी, और उन्हें उचित सजा दिलवाया जायेगा।
    इस रकम के भुगतान के साथ प्रतिवादीगण कुत्सा प्रचार का काम तुरन्त बंद करें और हमारे मुवक्किलों से क्षमा याचना करें, और उसे समाचार पत्रों में प्रकाशित करवायें, नहीं तो हम न्यायालय में इस क्षतिपूर्ति के लिये जायेंगे और प्रतिवादियों को दण्डित करवायेंगे।
(अनूप गुरूनानी)

नोटिस को पूरा पढ़ें 

Dated: 21st June 2013
By Registered A.D./Speed Post

1.      Shri Ajay Prakash
          c/o Public Agenda Magazine,
          Second Floor, Ganga Plaza
          18/13, Pusa Lane, WEA, Karol Bagh,
          New Delhi - 110055
2.      Shri Satyendra Kumar
          S-12, Neelgiri Complex,
          Faizabad Road, Indira Nagar,
3.      Shri Om Prakash Sinha
          69-1, Baba ka Purwa,
          Paper Mill Road, Nishatganj,
4.      Shri Mukul Srivastava
          C/o Lt. K.C. Srivastava,
          Sheesh Mahal, Jafra Bazar,
5.      Devendra Pratap
          c/o Editor, Janvani
          Baghpat Road
          NH-58, Baghpat Road

Dear Sirs,
Under instructions from my clients, (1) Janchetna Pustak Pratishthan Samiti through its secretary Shri Ram Babu Pal, 
D-68, Nirala Nagar, Lucknow-226020, (2) Rahul Foundation through its president Mrs. Katyayani, MIG-135, Rapti Nagar Phase-1, PO: Arogya Mandir, Gorakhpur-273001, (3) Arvind Memorial Trust through its Trustee & Authorized SignatoryShri Satyam Varma, 69 A-1, Baba ka Purwa, Paper Mill Road, Nishatganj, Lucknow, (4) Mrs. Katyayani, wife of Shri S.P. Sinha, 69 A-1, Baba ka Purwa, Paper Mill Road, Nishatganj, Lucknow, 
(5) Shri Ram Babu Pal, son of Shri Bal Govind Pal, 69, Baba ka Purwa, Paper Mill Road, Nishatganj, Lucknow and (6) Shri Satyam Varma, son of Dr. L.B. Varma, C/o Janchetna, D-68, Nirala Nagar, Lucknow, I give you this notice as under:-
1.                That my client No.1 is a Registered Society under the Societies Registration Act, bearing Registration No.1218-2011-12, dated 27/07/2011 and is involved in Promotion of Scientific Outlook, Rationality, Secularism, Progressive Consciousness and Pro-people Sense of History in the Society, to oppose Capitalist Culture and Ideology of Greed and Selfishness, to promote Progressive Culture, Ideas and the Peoples' Media Movement and to develop a culture of Book Reading and Study and to run a Books and Journals Distribution Establishment, Organize regular Book Exhibitions and participate in Book Exhibitions and Book Fairs organized by others for these purposes.
2.                That my client No.2 is Registered as a Society, under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, in 1994 (Regn. No. 597/1993-1994) and is involved in carrying forward Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityayan's legacy of propagating Scientific Outlook, Rationality and Progressive thinking in the society.  The institution aims to support the campaign for a new cultural-ideological renaissance and enlightenment, through the work of its different departments and branches. Protecting and developing the heritage of peoples' culture and history by conducting various programs for research and study, as well as popular education is also an important objective of the institution and for these purposes, establishing a setup to facilitate printing and publication of good literature, strengthen alternative peoples' media, build a model of scientific and rational educational institutions, creating a documentation centre and reference library to conserve and propagate the heritage of peoples' culture and history and establish an academy for research in literature, culture and social sciences are the specific tasks of the institution.
3.                That my client No.3 is a Public Charitable Trust, established under the Indian Trusts Act 1882.  It was created in the memory of well-known social activist Mr. Arvind Singh on 28.03.2011. The main aim of the Trust is the establishment and running of Arvind Institute of Marxist Studies. Apart from this, the Trust will implement projects of film production and exhibition with the aim of advancing the cultural consciousness of the masses. Human Landscape Productions, associated with the Trust is already working on creating audio-visual content, with this aim and its first documentary film 'Factories of Death and Despair' is passed by the CBFC and is ready for distribution. The Trust has organized two 3-day All-India seminars in 2011 and 2013 in Lucknow and Chandigarh respectively. Decision to create Arvind Memorial Trust was taken in a 3-day seminar organized in Mr. Arvind Singh's memory in July 2010, in Gorakhpur. Research papers presented in that seminar have been published, in book form, in Hindi and English, by the Trust recently. Today, the Trust is well-known among the intellectuals and social activists of the country as a reputed academic institution.
4.                That my clients Nos.4 to 6 are well known writers, journalists, artist and social activists with well-established social reputation and dignity.
5.                That my client No.4, Mrs. Katyayani is a famous Hindi poet and writer, whose 6 collections of poetry and 3 collections of articles have already been published. She is also a well-known journalist and has worked for newspapers and journals like Navbharat Times, Swatantra Bharat, Dinman Times, as a correspondent and her articles are published in leading Hindi newspapers and magazines like Jansatta, Dainik Bhaskar, Outlook, India Today, Hans, Kathadesh, Samayantar, Pahal and several others. She is also the co-editor of theoretical journal Disha Sandhan and journal focused on media studies Naandipath. She is co-editor of the World Classics Series of books published by Rajkamal Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. She is a leading social activist and has been working for womens' rights, democratic rights and labour rights since 1980.  She is president of Rahul Foundation, member of managing committee of Janchetna Pustak Pratishthan Samiti and Trustee of Arvind Memorial Trust.
6.                That my client No.5, Mr. Ram Babu Pal is a well-reputed artist, illustrator and cartoonist. He has worked in various capacities for several Hindi newspapers and was working as designer in Dainik Hindustan till recently. He has designed book covers for more than 400 books for several leading publications. He has also taught in the prestigious Lucknow Art College. Most of his art works are devoted towards raising awareness among masses on fundamental rights. He is president of Anurag Trust (created by Lt. Smt. Kamla Pandey for the all-round cultural and scientific development of children), secretary of Janchetna Pustak Pratishthan Samiti, Executive Member of Rahul Foundation and Trustee of Arvind Memorial Trust.
7.                That my client No.6, Mr. Satyam Varma is a senior journalist, editor and translator. He resigned as Chief Sub-editor from the premier Hindi news agency UNI-Varta in 2003 and is now working as freelancer. He has edited several important books like the complete works of martyr Bhagat Singh and his comrades as well as the Jail Notebook of Bhagat Singh. He has translated a large number of books including classics like 'The Peasant' novel by Honore de Balzac, 'Jungle' novel by Upton Sinclair, 'D'Alembert's Dream' by Denis Diderot and 'Fundamentals of Political Economy'. He is also the co-editor of theoretical journal Disha Sandhan and journal focused on media studies Naandipath. He is co-editor of the World Classics Series of books published by Rajkamal Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. He is associated with groups of journalists and concerned citizens, who work to educate industrial workers and urban poor about their legal and fundamental rights. He is the president of Janchetna Pustak Pratishthan Samiti, secretary of Rahul Foundation, Member of Anurag Trust and Trustee of Arvind Memorial Trust.
8.                That all the three persons (my clients Nos.4 to 6) have been associated with the three institutions (my clients Nos.1 to 3) since the time of their establishment on 27/07/2011, April 1994 and 28/03/2011 respectively, besides other institutions and organizations and with the serious, sincere, consistent and continuous, focused selfless litrary and social work. All of my clients Nos.4 to 6, are well established in their respective fields individually also and they have earned unblemished, high reputation over the years with their dedicated and devoted hard work and further with their such serious and sincere efforts they have even brought my clients Nos. 1 to 3 also to highest level of public approval and admiration.
9.                That with the aforesaid background of my clients Nos.1 to 6, you the addressees Nos. 2, 3 & 4 also got actively involved with my said clients since the year 1998,1986, and 1994 respectively and have remained connected with clients No.1 to 3, till 2004, 2006 and 2003 respectively, however the intent and integrity of you the addressees Nos. 2, 3 & 4,   not being even of the average level, your negative thinking and activities, and in a premeditated way harming the otherwise unblemished reputation of my clients Nos. 1 to 3, and your ill intentions having got exposed, you the addressees Nos. 3 and 4 were expelled on 23/3/2003and 24/4/2006 respectively, from my clients Nos. 1 to 3 and you the addressee No.2, seeing the possibilities of imminent expulsion withdrew from same on your own.
10.           That with the aforesaid background of ill intentions against my clients, you the addressees Nos. 2 to 4, in collusion and connivance with the addressee No.1, in a premeditated, calculated, misconceived and malafide strategy, joined hands with each other and started putting libelous, vague, misconceived, malafide, wrong and baseless, deliberate defamatory 'blogs', on the website '' and '', run by you, the addressee No.1, which you the addressee No.1 could very well and easily  restrict and stop from circulation, or at least edit and remove the scandalous and defamatory parts, out of the said 'blogs', making them plain and straight, factual and truthful, however you the addressee No.1 also in a premeditated way, deliberately and willfully, in collusion and connivance with the addressees Nos. 2 to 4, to damage and tarnish otherwise unblemished image and reputation of my clients Nos. 1 to 3, as organizations of repute and that of my clients Nos. 4 to 6 individually and as part of my clients Nos. 1 to 3 and in the process you deliberately and willfully allowed the following  libelous, vague, misconceived, malafide, wrong and baseless, deliberate defamatory acquisitions to be released against my clients Nos. 1 to 6 :-
Against my client No.1
Mode, Date, Reference:
Running business in the name of social work
Report of meeting held on 21 April 2013 in Lucknow, published on
Also being circulated by you the addressees Nos. 2 to 3, in Lucknow and other cities.
Exploiting volunteers who assist with the work of my client No.1 by making them work as bonded labour
Post by you the addressees Nos. 1 & 2 on on 23.7.2010

Accusing my clients Nos. 4 to 6, as the main profiteers
Report of meeting on 21 April 2013 in Lucknow, published on
Accusing my client No.1 and its leading members of "murdering" Mr. Arvind Singh who died of multiple organ failure on 24 July 2008 in Gorakhpur
Post by you the addressees Nos. 1 & 2 on on 23.7.2010

Defaming the institution by relating it in a sensational manner with an unknown/imaginary organisation called Revolutionary Communist League.
Post by you the addressees Nos. 1 & 2 on on 23.7.2010

Against my client No.2
Mode, Date, Reference:
Accusation of being run by a criminal gang, giving threats to a citizen, stealing valuable materials, looting common public, emotional blackmailing and inciting a young person against her father, collecting money for personal luxury in the name of revolution and destroying several lives by the criminal gang.
Letter by you the addressee No. 2 posted on on 8/6/2013 and on
Accusation of being run by a family
Booklet 'Kranti ki Natwargiri' published and circulated by you the addressee No. 2.
Accusation of registering false FIRs against activists having different views and getting them arrested in false cases.
Booklet 'Kranti ki Natwargiri' published and circulated by you the addressee No. 2.

Accusation of forcefully occupying property of common public, cheating and looting common public
Booklet 'Kranti ki Natwargiri' published and circulated by you the addressee No. 2.

Accusation of indoctrinating activists in falsehoods, treachery and betrayal with the purpose of collecting money
Booklet 'Kranti ki Natwargiri' published and circulated by you the addressee No. 2.

Accusation of extorting money by inciting young persons against their parents and collecting huge amounts from NGOs, govt. bodies and corporates
Booklet 'Kranti ki Natwargiri' published and circulated by you the addressee No. 2.

Treating activists as servants and turning them into salesmen
Booklet 'Kranti ki Natwargiri' published and circulated by you the addressee No. 2.
Defaming the institution by relating it in a sensational manner with an unknown/imaginary organisation called Revolutionary Communist League
Booklet 'Kranti ki Natwargiri' published and circulated by you the addressee No. 2.
Accusation of a stifling environment in my client No.2 which turns the activists into patients of depression
Post by you the addressees Nos. 1 & 4 on on 26.7.2010
Collecting money through non-salaried employees in the name of revolution by creating my client No.2
Post by you the addressees Nos. 1 & 4 on on 26.7.2010
Accusation of causing death of Mr. Arvind Singh
Post by you the addressees Nos. 1 & 2 on on 23.7.2010
Against my client No.3
Mode, Date, Reference:
Accusation of monopoly of a family even before the Trust was formed
Post by you the addressees Nos. 1 & 2 on on 23.7.2010
Accusation of making an institution in the name of Mr. Arvind Singh to serve vested interests even before the Trust was formed
Post by you the addressees Nos. 1 & 4 on on 26.7.2010
Post by you the addressee No. 1 and Dr. Vivek Kumar (identity unknown) on on 22.7.2010.
Accusation of collecting money in the name of Mr. Arvind Singh
Post by you the addressee No. 1 & Dr Vivek Kumar (identity unknown) on  on 22.7.2010
Against my clients Nos. 4 to 6
Mode, Date, Reference:
My clients Nos. 4 to 6 are the main profiteers of the above-mentioned institutions
Report of meeting held on 21 April 2013 in Lucknow, published on of you the addressee No.1
Baseless and vague accusation of capturing houses and properties
Report of meeting held on 21 April 2013 in Lucknow, published on by you the addressee No. 1
Causing death of Arvind Singh and Shalini by neglect and denying treatment and causing death of Vishwanath Mishra and Kamla Pandey by "betrayal".
They are trying to create confusion in the minds of common public by demanding Shalini's medical record of two years.

Report of meeting held on 21 April 2013 in Lucknow, published on by you the addressee No. 1
Also being circulated by you the addressees Nos. 2 & 3 in Lucknow and other cities.

Accusation of running a criminal gang, giving threats to a citizen, stealing valuable materials, looting common public, emotional blackmailing and inciting a young person against her father, collecting money for personal luxury in the name of revolution and destroying several lives by the criminal gang.
Letter by you the addressee No. 2 posted on on 8/6/2013 and on
11.           That a careful reading of the aforesaid premeditated and calculated arbitrary, unjust, vague and misconceived, baseless and grossly unfounded, scandalous, libelous  and defamatory, publication, posting of the blogs on the website, circulation of such deliberate and willful mischievously creating damaging material was clearly aimed at adversely affecting, not only the otherwise unblemished image and reputation of my clients Nos. 1 to 3, as highly reputed social service organizations and that of my clients Nos. 4 to 6 in their individual capacity as well established, writers, journalists, artists and social activists and even otherwise also as being part of my clients Nos. 1 to 3 as aforesaid, but is also aimed at blocking and damaging my clients further progress in their aforesaid respective fields.
12.           That with the aforesaid background, there was no alleged good reason for you the addressees to give such libelous and defamatory statement, deliberately and willfully tarnishing the image of my clients. This clearly was the most irresponsible reporting and publication of such defamatory and libelous articles/blogs  knowingly and willfully, in a premeditated and calculated malafide way, knowing full well the truth behind the same and as for you the addressee No.1, you also while approving the said articles/blogs for publication as the owner of website/blog '' and '', have acted in most irresponsible manner, adversely affecting the image of my clients and resulting in deliberate and willful tarnishing of their image, reputation and status in the Society in general and in their respective fields in particular which loss is actually enormous, however as per the most conservative estimates, is assessed in monetary terms at Rs.25,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Lacs only) for each of my clients as the image of my clients is very adversely affected and thus, you the addressees Nos.1 to 4 are jointly and severally responsible for the said loss and sufferance of my clients and you are hereby called on to pay the said amount to each of my clients within a period of 7 days from the date of receipt of this notice, failing which suitable legal action shall be taken against you for recovery of the said amount at your own risk, cost and responsibility and also to get you punished for the same.
13.           That even you the addressee No.5, have been posting several derogatory comments in the past against my clients like the addressees Nos. 2 to 4, deliberately and willfully, consciously and knowingly to damage and tarnish the unblemished image of my clients in collection and connivance with the other addressees, hence you are also jointly and severally responsible for the aforesaid loss and sufferance of my clients and in the same way you are hereby called on to pay the said amount to each of my clients within a period of 7 days from the date of receipt of this notice, failing which suitable legal action shall be taken against you for recovery of the said amount at your own risk, cost and responsibility and also to get you punished for the same.
14.           That besides the above conservative monetary loss assessment and the demand to pay the same, you the addressees Nos.1 to 4 are also hereby called on to stop with immediate effect, any further publication, release of the blogs on the aforesaid or any other website of the similar nature and the kind, withdraw forthwith such publications and blogs etc., tender a written unconditional apology in favour of my clients and also to publish and release in the print media as well as in form of the blogs on the aforesaid websites with the same/similar prominence and bold headings occupying the same/similar amount of space, as that of the previously published/released news/blogs of the aforesaid defamatory and libelous nature, within a period of 7 days of receipt of this notice and in case of your failure to comply to this demand, suitable legal action shall be taken against you on the civil as well as criminal side for irreparable loss and damage to my clients' and their reputation and also for defamation, besides recovery of the damages,  at your own risk, cost and responsibility.
Yours faithfully,
(Anup Gurnanee)

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