Thursday, September 17, 2015

कल फिर जनपद को छू लिया! खोये हुए जनपदों को छूने की ही कोशिश में हूं क्योंकि जीने के लिए मुहब्बत काफी है,बाकी चीजें दो कौड़ी की!

कल फिर जनपद को छू लिया!

खोये हुए जनपदों को छूने की ही कोशिश में हूं क्योंकि जीने के लिए मुहब्बत काफी है,बाकी चीजें दो कौड़ी की!

पलाश विश्वास

मैं अपने गुरुजी जयनारायण की तरह अविवाहित रहना चाहता था।क्योंकि गृहस्थी मेरे समझ में नहीं आती और संपत्ति के झमेले में,लेन देन के रिश्ते नाते में मुझे यकीन नहीं था।

संजोगवश पढ़ाई के चक्कर में ,डीएसबी से लगी लत की वजह से इलाहाबाद होकर जेएनयू और फिर मिशन समझकर पत्रकारिता में जुत गया,हालांकि मैं तो खेतों में जुता बैल बनकर ज्यादा खुश रहता।

मुझे बड़ी कोफ्त होती है कि बसंतीपुर छोड़कर मैं यूं भटकते हुए कहां कहां न चला आया कि अब बसंतीपुर को छू नहीं सकता।

मैं अब बिना जड़ों वाला वृक्ष हूं जो हरा भी नहीं है,भीतर से खोखला घुनधरा है और किसी भी दिन भरभराकर इस सीमेंट के जंगल में दफन हो जायेगा।किसी भी पल,किसी भी दिन बिना किसी गूंज।

पिता ने जिद करके अपने मित्र की बेटी से मेरी शादी तय कर दी थी,जो अर्थशास्त्र से एमए हैं और अपने जमाने में खूबसूरत भी थीं और आज भी हैं।

मुझे अफसोस है कि दो दोस्तों ने मिलकर उसकी जिंदगी तबाह कर दी।मेरे बजाय किसी और से उसकी शादी होती तो वह बेहद बेहतर जिंदगी जी रही होती।

चूंकि उसी गांव में मेरी बहन की शादी तय कर दी गयी थी,तो मेरे लिए अड़ने की सूरत न थी वरना मेरी बहन की बारात रुक जाती।

सविता बाबू भी ऐसी हुई कि शादी के बाद वह अलग नहीं हुई कभी और न मायके और न ससुराल कभी रहीं क्योंकि पता नहीं क्यों उसे भी अपनी तबाही से मुहब्बत हो गयी।

जिस चीज को हम टाल रहे थे इतने बरसों से ,वह संकट अब सर मत्थे है।मैंने अपने भाइयों से कभी नहीं पूछा कि जमीन का किसा क्या है।मेरी एक ही फिक्र रही है कि मेरे परिवार की क्या,बसंतीपुर की कोई जमीन इधर उधर न हो और इसी फिक्र की वजह से हमने बुजुर्गों के निधन के बावजूद इतने अरसे तक न घर का बंटवारा किया और न जमीन का।

यूं कहे कि मेरे हिस्से न कोई जमीन है और न घर।गांव लौटूं तो मुझे घर बनाने की जरुरत होगी क्योंकि बुजुर्गों की झपड़ियों की छांव कहीं नहीं है,जहां आखिरी सांसों का आसरा होता।फिर जमीन का किस्सा भी जानना लाजिमी है।

बहुत इच्छा होती कि मैं गांव छोड़कर कहीं न गया होता।बहुत बेहतर होता कि मेरे भाई मेरी जगह होते और मैं गांव में होता।

महानगर में लंबी रिहाइश से अब किसी सूरत में रिहाई की गुंजाइश लगती नहीं है।इस महानगर में न सही किसी और महानगर की शरण में जाकर जीने की मजबूरी है।

मुझमें जंगल की वह आदिम गंध नहीं है।

कीचड़ गोबर में भीतर ही भीतर धंसा होता हूं लेकिन मेरे भीतर कोई जनपद जिंदा नहीं है।

यही सच है।निर्मम सच है कि महानगरों की दुनिया में शरणार्थी बनकर जीते हुए कोई जनपद का कुछ होता नहीं है और जनपद को छूने का पुण्य उसे मिलता भी नहीं है।

चार्ली चैपलिन जितने बड़े कलाकार थे,उससे कहीं ज्यादा वे दार्शनिक थे।बिना जीवन दर्शन और बिना वस्तुनिष्ठ वैज्ञानिक दृष्टि कोई कलाकार कलाकार होता भी नहीं है और हुआ तो अपनी मौत के साथ ही राख में खाक हो जाता है।

चार्ल चैपलिन के ग्रेटडिक्टेटर को देखे समझे बिना हम अपने समय को ठीक से बूझ नहीं सकते,यही उनकी प्रासंगिकता है।

दुनिया उन्हें मसखरा समझती है और उस मसखरे का कहना है कि जिंदगी जीने के लिए मुहब्बत काफी होती है और बाकी चीजें दो कौड़ी की है।

चार्ली का कहना है कि ताकत उसी को चाहिए,जो दूसरो को सताना चाहता है और दूसरो पर राज अपना कायम करना चाहता है।

इन्हीं जनपदों का एक खास आदमी फिलहाल कोलकाता में हैं और कल उन्हें छूकर आया हूं तो लग रहा है कि अरसे बाद बसंतीपुर नैनीताल या बरेली होकर आया हूं।

सुधीर विद्यार्थी हमसे कमसकम दस बरस बड़े होंगे।नौकरी से रिटायर उनने खुद अपने को किया और जनपदों के किस्से लिखने को अपनी जिंदगी बनाने में कामयाब भी हुए।

बरेली, बीसलपुर, शाहजहांपुर और फतेहपुर के किस्से उनने फिलाहाल बहुत खूबी से खोले हैं।

हमने चूंकि ताराचंद्र त्रिपाठी से हाईस्कूल पास करते न करते इतिहास का पहला सबक यही पढ़ा है कि इतिहास दरअसल राजधानियों और राजकाज का होता नहीं है,इतिहास जनपदों और जनता का होता है,तो हम शुरु से जान ही रहे हैं कि भारत का सही मायने में कोई इतिहास लिखा ही नहीं गया है।वे तो अखबारी कतरनों का कोलाज है,जिसमें जिंदगी की धड़कनें हैं ही नहीं।

मैंअमेरिका से सावधान के बाद प्रिंट में मर ही गया हूं और शायद अमेरिका से सावधान के बुरी तरह फेल हो जाने के बाद मुझे प्रिंट में होना ही नहीं चाहिए था।

कमसकम दस साल से मैं आनलाइन हूं और सिर्फ ब्लाग ही लिखा है।जिसे पढ़ना हो पढ़े तत्काल बाकी गुगल की प्रापर्टी है जब चाहे डिलीट कर दें।

सविता भी इन दिनों खूब कहती है कि दिन रात लिखते हो।कुछ तो बचेगा नहीं।गुगल किसी भी दिन सबकुछ मिटा देगा।

हम तो अपने समय को संबोधित कर रहे हैं और समय ठिठककर सुनने की तकलीफ भी नहीं उठा रहा है तो मेरी चीखों में कोई खामी जरुर होगी।कलाकार हूं नहीं कि तराश कर चला जाउं समय को कि फिर लोग देखते ही रहे।हमारे पास यथार्थ के सिवा कुछ भी नहीं है।

सुधीर विद्यार्थी  इस मायने में भी हमसे बड़े हैं कि वे एकमुश्त भूत भविष्य वर्तमान को साध रहे हैं।वे जनपद बांच रहे हैं।

कल भी मैंने उनसे कहा कि काश,हर जनपद में कोई सुधीर विद्यार्थी होता तो जनपद महानगरों में तब्दील न हो रहे होते और हम तमाम लोग बिना जड़ खोखला पेड़ बनकर जी नहीं  रहे होते।

मैं किसा साहित्यसभा सेमिनार में नहीं जाता।कलाकारों और साहित्यकारों से मिलता भी नहीं हूं।पुस्तक मेले में भी नहीं जाता।

भारतीय भाषा परिषद जाने का रास्ता इन दस बारह बरसों में इतना बदला है कि बसरुट से भटककर पैदल वहां पहुंचते न पहुंचते शाम के पांच बज गये और छह बजे दफ्तर रवानगी लाजिमी है क्योंकि सात बजे से एक मिनट भी लेट हो गये तो लेट मार्क लग जाना है।कल दस मिनट लेट पहुंचे दफ्तर,नोटिस भी मिल जायेगा।

जब राजहंस का दुर्घटना में निधन हुआ था और सरला भाभी  ने इस सदमे से खुदकशी कर ली थी,सविताबाबू भीतर से हिल गयी थी और हम दोनों जब बसंतीपुर चलें तो रास्ते में शाहजहांपुर उतरकर सीधे संदर्श के दफ्तर किसी मेडिकल स्टोर पहुंचे तो वहां सुधीर न थे।उस बेइंतहा दर्द का तूफां जीतकर दोनो बेटियों और छोटे बेटे को अकेले बड़े करते हुए वे थमे भी नहीं कभी।

दोनों बेटियां अपने अपने ससुराल चली गयींं और बिट्टू कोलकाता में वीडियोतान में लग गया।उसे यहां रहने को कोई घर चाहिए।

हमारे पास कोई घर भी नहीं हुआ कि हम बिट्टु को अपने यहां ले आते या सुधीरजी को कह पाते कि चले भी जाओ अपने जनपद,बिट्टु की परवाह न करो,हम हैं।

हम किसी दोस्त को अपने यहां ठहरा नहीं पाये क्योंकि हम सिर्फ किरायेदार हैं और हमारा कोई घर नहीं है।

जनपद से बिछुड़कर घर बनाने का जतन कभी किया नहीं है।

बेटा अभी कहीं लगा नहीं है और डर है कि पहले मर गया तो सविता को बहत तबाही देखनी पड़ जायेगी और मुहब्बत बेमानी हो जायेगी।

न जाने कैसे सधीर विद्यार्थी अकेले बरेली में अपने घर में रहते होंगे,यह हमारे सोचना को तौर तरीका है। बाकी जनपदों मे कोई कहीं अकेला होता नहीं है।यह तन्हाई महानगर की सौगात है।

अफसोस की दफ्तर पहुंचने की हड़बड़ी में करीब दस साल पहले देखे बिट्टू से मुलाकात किये बिना लौट आया और पता नहीं कि कब उससे फिर मिल पाउंगा।जनपदों से वह भी बिछुड़ा है नया नया।

कल रात के बारह बजे अमलेंदु को कहा था कि बाबुओं की छुट्टी का वक्त आ गया है सातवें वेतन मान के साथ।अंग्रेजी में लिखा है।लगा देना।वह तब तक दुकान समेट चुका था।

लगता है कि फेसबुक ने मुझपर कोई स्थाई प्रतिबंध लगा दिया है और तीन दिनों के बाद भी स्टेटस अपडेट नहीं कर पा रहा हूं और लिंक भी कुछ शेअर हो नहीं रहा है।

फेसबुक का हम का उखाड़ सकै हैं।

इसीतरह एकदिन सारे ब्लाग डिलीट हो जायेंगे कि हुकूमत आमादा है कि हम कुछ भी न लिखें,कुछ भी न बोलें।

अमलेंदु की मेहरबानी न हुई तो हमारी आवाज अब कहीं पहुंचनी वाली नहीं है।

अब जो जनपद वाले हैं,जो शायद पढ़ भी रहे हैं जनपदों का यह किस्सा,उनके मत्थ कलका लिखा भी फेंक रहा हूं साथ साथ।

अभी अभी निकलना है आधे घंटे में सविता बाबू ने वार्निंग दे दी है।वर्तनी उरतनी तुमि सुधार कर पढ़ लेना।

साहित्य वाहित्य पादने की हमारी औकात नहीं है भइया,भटकी हुई चिठ्ठी समझकर मर्जी हुई तो वरतनी सुदारकर पढ़ लेना।दनाक से दाग रहा हूं यह पोस्ट।

Set,Get Ready to Retire Early,Babu!

No VRS,No ERS,No Blue from the sky!

It is OFFICIAL now!Seventh Pay Commission linked to Productivity  is all about Retrenchment as I earlier decoded the Bagula Recommendation!

Biggest ever Maa Durga Relaunched  to kill not only the single Black Mahishasur,whole lot of black untouchable ASURAS to be ejected out of the economy irrespective of Quota and Reservation!

Hold on your MAN FORCE! Hold on Festive MOODS! Hold on Japani Tel! Hold on Rocket Erotics! Not Bhog,Not Sambhog,it is Jal Samadhi time in a DOOB Nation Making in free flow of foreign capital and foreign interests!

Palash Biswas

My latest status:All my SHARING buttons have been DEACTIVATED.

I may not tell you how long I would be able to blog as entire social networking is AMBUSHED.

You have to visit my blogs if you want to have my information,updates!

You may OPT for HASTAKSHEP where perhaps I would be able to have some updates if Amalednu allows!As I am NOT Published in PRINT NOwhere!

Hey,look the latest PHOTOBMBING!

India is considering raising foreign ownership in private banks to 100 percent, the Economic Times reported on Thursday, citing a senior government official.

The measure to hike foreign ownership in private banks from the current 74 percent is being discussed by the finance ministry, the department of industrial policy & promotion (DIPP) and the Reserve Bank of India, the newspaper said.

One of the options being considered is allowing an additional 26 percent increase through the approval route, the newspaper said.

A response from the finance ministry is awaited, the newspaper reported the official as saying.

The ASS would know it Better which the Trade Unions and employees of the Banking sector would never understand that the whole lot of PSUBs stand to be DISINVESTED and PRIVATISED.

Now,just add and deduct what it means, hundred percent FDI in Private SECTOR Banks.

Let me simplify,as it be the status sooner or later,CENT PERCENT FDI in STATE BANK OF INDIA!

Set,Get Ready to Retire Early,Babu!

No VRS,No ERS,No Blue from the sky!

It is OFFICIAL now!Seventh Pay Commission linked to Productivity  is all about Retrenchment as I earlier decoded the Bagula Recommendation!

Biggest ever Maa Durga Relaunched  to kill not only the single Black Mahishasur,whole lot of black untouchable ASURAS to be ejected out of the economy irrespective of Quota and Reservation!

Hold on your MAN FORCE! Hold on Festive MOODS! Hold on Japani Tel! Hold on Rocket Erotics! Not Bhog,Not Sambhog,it is Jal Samadhi time in a DOOB Nation Making in free flow of foreign capital and foreign interests!

Media reports:

The Centre is planning to act tough against officials of doubtful integrity and those poor at work. The Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has asked all departments to identify such public servants and move proposals for their premature retirement.

The decision comes following a meeting held by Cabinet Secretary PK Sinha recently on the mechanism to be adopted to ensure probity among the Government servants. The DoPT has asked all the departments to invoke provisions of Fundamental Rule (56-J) to compulsorily retire such officials. Under Fundamental Rule 56-J, the Government has the "absolute right" to retire, if necessary in public interest, any Group A and B employee, who has joined service before the age of 35 and has crossed the age of 50.

The decision, third such in a row, came after the DoPT last week said that IAS, IPS and India Forest Service officers may lose their job if they overstay on foreign assignments for more than a month without permission. Tightening the noose further, the DoPT early this month said that the Government servants will face disciplinary action if they raise service matters related grievances directly to the PMO.

In the latest directives for forced retirement, a Group C Government servant, who has crossed the age of 55 can be retired prematurely if found corrupt or ineffective. Group A comprise officers of All India Services like IAS, IPS, Indian Forest Service, IRS, while Group B consists of non-gazetted officers and Group C clerical and ministerial staff.

The action can be taken only against such officers whose annual increments have been frozen and they have not got promotion in the past five years. The meeting emphasised rotation of officers on sensitive and non-sensitive posts and their review and screening under Fundamental Rule 56-J. The DoPT has been asked to monitor implementation and obtain compliance from all Ministries in this regard.

"As this activity is to be completed in a time-bound manner, it is requested that priority attention may be paid to it and inputs sent to the internal vigilance section at the very earliest," said the circular issued to all departments of Central Government.

The Cabinet Secretariat has been issuing such orders from time to time. In February 2012, the UPA Government notified a rule making it compulsory for IAS, IPS and officers from other all-India services to retire in "public interest" if they fail to clear a review after 15 years of service.

Last week speaking at induction training programme for newly bureaucrats, DoPT MoS Jitendra Singh had indicated that the bureaucrats will be expected to have a high level of accountability with constant media and public scrutiny.

Just refresh your memory as earlier I wrote:

Making India without labour laws and rights!

It is Full SCALE War as it in COMPLETE HIRE and Fire in an era of Total PRIVATIZATION.It is Making in!Get ready for SACRIFICE!

Jo kama le vah ban gaya baki chale jayenge Baster ke advasiyo ke sath marne!Says the best news person I have seen ,Amit Prakash Singh!

Productivity linked wage means freedom of retrenchment as it is really.Only thing we could not confirm is that government of India plans to sack anyone at First April,2016 as soon as the seventh pay commission is implemented if the employee is fifty years old and quite odd in the system.

It is going to happen!.

We have seen VRS!


We have seen SELL OFF Outright!

We Have seen Shutters Down!

Employees and Trade Unions concentrated only on Payscales and Allowances!

No problems,whoever survives,would enjoy seven star life.but for others it is doom`s day!

Jaise AAPKA JANADESH Loot liya,Jaise jal,jangal,jameen,pahad,samundar loot liye,desh bech diya,AB you have to get ready to lose job and livelihood!

Set,Get Ready to Retire Early,Babu!

No VRS,No ERS,No Blue from the sky!

It is OFFICIAL now!Seventh Pay Commission linked to Productivity  is all about Retrenchment as I earlier decoded the Bagula Recommendation!

Biggest ever Maa Durga Relaunched  to kill not only the single Black Mahishasur,whole lot of black untouchable ASURAS to be ejected out of the economy irrespective of Quota and Reservation!

Hold on your MAN FORCE! Hold on Festive MOODS! Hold on Japani Tel! Hold on Rocket Erotics! Not Bhog,Not Sambhog,it is Jal Samadhi time in a DOOB Nation Making in free flow of foreign capital and foreign interests!

No quota is enough,friends!

No Reservation is enough!

No sharing power is enough!

It is Khullamkhulla loot!

The lot reserved till date is not the muscle power of the nation.The Muscle Power and that is the money power also has decided to have it,the reservation and quota!

High time!

It is high time that we should face the ground ZERO reality of the Hell that is our reduced life!

Reduced to identity.

Reduced to caste!

Reduced to religion!

Better Identity,higher caste and religious monopoly aligned together run blind for the FINAL KILL!

For Example!

Indian Express Reports:

Patidars rush to crowd-fund stir, banks run out of cash

It was in Vadrad, 25 km away from Kherol, that Patidars first began pulling out money from their accounts Monday to crowd-fund the agitation.

- See more at:

Productive forces must die as they have no role in making in.Those who make in,have the status to milk the economy!The Free Market Economy.

Our friend,ANAND TELTUMBDE has trying to make the point but the SC,OBC,ST,MINORITY People in blind love with identity and the Hell of Hindutva clinging to identity and caste would never listen anything but the


Just read the latest from ANAND TELTUMBDE to have some idea of the lethal phenomenon of Manusmriti Hegemony of the Free Market Economy!Just read:

Patidar Play in Gujarat: Uncovering the Hidden Script byAnand Teltumbde

Monday, September 14, 2015 - 17:18

He wrote:

Smelling the Bigger Rot

The question begs an answer as to what is the big script behind this play. There is no doubt, as veteran sociologist Ghanshaym Shah has observed ("The Shrinking, the Rage", The Indian Express August 28, 2015) that all Patels are not rich and a majority of them, as could rather be axiomatically said of any forward community, belong to the lower end of the middle class. A majority of them are small and medium farmers in rural areas  and in urban areas, barring a few professionals and entrepreneurs, the majority are white or blue-collar employees, or self-employed or casual, skilled labourers in textile or diamond factories. The diamond industry, which had been their mainstay, has been in deep crisis with closure of many units and the rest on the verge of it, leading to huge job losses. Agricultural growth has been spectacular in Gujarat, clocking 8 per cent of growth; due mainly to advances in irrigation, but it has not benefitted the small and marginal farmers, which constitute one-third of the Patidar households. The aspiration level in the community has been extremely high; every Patel aspiring to migrate to the US and make it big as their predecessors. The prerequisite for which, unlike in olden days, is the professional qualification, requiring academic orientation, which the community lacked because of its love for business. That they do not get admission in government college and have to pay many times more for the inferior education in private colleges therefore can be exploited to externalise the blame on the reservations.

This is all  certainly true insofar as there has been a build-up of resentment in the community but then which community has not suffered during the last three neoliberal decades? Going by the earlier agitations of Patels, the reservations just served as an alibi to accomplish a clear rightist political agenda. If one observes the anatomy of the current stir, one cannot miss a similar sinister agenda at the core. And, make no mistake; this agenda is the long cherished agenda of the RSS to abolish the caste-based reservations. The choice of Patels as the actors and Gujarat as the theatre is strategic for its controlled enactment. Patels in Gujarat have most to flaunt any bravado (as Hardik Patel speaks of guns and swords) without incurring state repression, as could be seen from the attitude of the administration towards the build-up and the execution of the Kranti rally. It is incidental that it went a little out of gear, entailing some loss of life. It is simply impossible for anybody, partcularly a novice like Hardik, to organise such a massive mobilisation of middle class people unless there is well-oiled machinery backing it. No movement, least a middle class movement, can acquire such a sweep, and depth simply on the basis of anger, financial resources, and numerical strength. It has to have access to organisational skills, honed over years of experience in crafting popular protests. Not alone organisation, the manner in which Hardik conducted and has been conducting himself is not without a script. And the script strives to create a nationwide discourse against caste-based reservations.

There are some puzzling details which mislead one to construe it as being against Modi and his camp. For instance, exposing the hollowness of Modi's Gujarat model; its beginning from Mehsana district to which all three, Modi, his proxy, Anandiben Patel, and Amit Shah, belong; and its timing, to embarrass him on the eve of the Bihar elections, do point towards some such scheming. But, on careful analysis, it may be seen as a strategic ploy, characteristic of the RSS, to hoodwink people with regard to its real design.

Please read and understand if you understand at all!

-- Just ReaSep 17 2015 : The Economic Times (Kolkata)

Govt May Now Ask `Inefficient' Babus to Take Early Retirement

Aman Sharma

New Delhi

MESSAGE LOUD & CLEAR Department of Personnel and Training issues guidelines to all ministries to review officers' reputation and performance for compulsory retirement

Sending a clear message that inefficiency or a bad reputation on account of probity would mean retirement kicking in almost a decade in advance for senior government officials, the Narendra Modi government has now strengthened the review processes to compulsorily retire such officers.

Issuing four-page long guidelines to all ministries last Friday, the PM-led Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has said that services of those government officials "which are no longer useful to the general administration" or whose "integrity and reputation" is doubtful, must be compulsorily retired from service. As per an existing rule FR 56 (J) which has been rarely enforced, the performance of Group A and B officials who have completed 50 years and junior officials who have completed 55 years of service must be reviewed and a decision taken whether to compulsorily retire them before turning 60.

ET reported on September 14 that Cabinet Secretary PK Sinha had chaired a meeting on August 10 with senior officers of different ministries asking for strengthening of the review system of screening of officers under the existing rule. The DoPT missive is a fall-out of the same.

Citing SC judgments, DoPT has said that "integrity of an employee, action or decisions taken by the employee which do no appear to be above board, complaints received against him or suspicious property transactions, for which sufficient evidence may not be there to initiate departmental proceedings" should be the factors considered to decide on prematurely retiring an officer."Similarly , reports of conduct unbecoming of a government servant may also form basis for compulsorily retirement," the DoPT says, citing a 2002 SC judgment that said government has absolute right to compulsorily retire an official who obstructs the efficiency in public services."The officer would live by reputation built around him," DoPT says citing another SC order which says conduct and reputation of an officer must not be such that his continuance "would be a menace to public service and injurious to public interest."

"For better administration, it is necessary to chop off dead wood," says another 2001 SC order cited by DoPT in its letter, saying it should be seen if recent promotions of the officer in last five years were on basis of seniority cum fitness and not on the basis of merit.

The government has reconstituted review committees to look into cases of officers turning 5055 as the case may be saying Secretary of the concerned department will head a review committee in case of ACC appointees while in case of senior appointees in boards like CBDT and CBEC, the review committee will be headed by the Chairman of such Board. An additional secretary or joint secretary will head review committees in cases of junior officials.The Central Vigilance Officer will be a part of the committee if an integrity issue is involved. All reviews must be done six months before the official turns 50 or 55 as the case may be.


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