Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue 20 Sep - Hunger : India Tops The Chart

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 1:50 AM
Subject: CC Issue 20 Sep - Hunger : India Tops The Chart

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Press Release

Action Alert

Hunger Proliferates In A Democracy; India Tops
The Chart
By Devinder Sharma

This is a chart that should put every Indian into shame. Not only an Indian, but also those who swear in the name of democracy. How can people's representatives remain immune to the growing scourge of hunger? Shouldn't this provoke you to ask the basic: why should hunger exist in a democracy?

Absolute Power Comes From
Absolute Control Over Food
By Devinder Sharma

Police raid an organic grocery shop in California for selling organic food. This is a grim pointer to where the next battles would be fought. It is not water, as many people believe, but food that will be putting nations at war. You can clearly see, if you want to, where it is coming from. Multinational food giants have been slowly but steadily gaining control over food. They know that absolute control over food is the road to absolute power

The City That Ended Hunger
By Frances Moore Lappé

A city in Brazil recruited local farmers to help do something U.S. cities have yet to do: end hunger

Stories That Light Up The Dark
By Sanjay Khanna

Beginning in 2004, the Norwegian government and a group of international agricultural research organizations decided to invest in an idea they hoped would help humanity endure big future unknowns. It's called the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. Nicknamed the Doomsday Vault, it sits inside a mountain on an Arctic archipelago and contains the seeds of more than half a million of the world's crop varieties—in case civil strife, natural disasters, climate change, or other calamities destroy local and regional seed stocks

Earthworm Can Revive Global Agriculture.
Is Bill Gates Listening?
By Devinder Sharma

I am sure the lowly earthworm can help chart the pathway to a truly sustainable agriculture system that does not add to global warming, does not poison the soils, and does not finish groundwater supplies. We need the earthworm to revive agriculture

"In The Face Of This Truth"
By Robert Jensen

It's time to talk honestly about collapse–no matter how others may respond

Local Economy, Locavore, Loca-cology,
Call It What You Will…It's Swadeshi
By Morgana d'Wessington

I truly believe that the answer has been in front of us, well, for centuries, but most boldly, at least since the life of the Mahatma - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. His 'swadeshi" movement was the answer - ok, maybe not all the world can sit and spin - BUT: local craft, local food, local - local - local. That is the true revolution which I believe needs to take place

Climate Change Denial - Default Mode
By Bill Henderson

We have the expertise and technology to quantify how our actions today endanger future generations in a transparent and much more informing process - to do due diligence to future generations - but such a process would require present actors including governments and business to engage and supply relevant information and this is not in the present best interest of key actors and so we stay in default mode with only limitedly informed, speculative planning and little action. How evil is that? How stupid in the Age of Stupid?

Obama's DOE Conducts Nuclear Experiment
By Andrew Kishner

On Wednesday, September 15, the United States Department of Energy conducted a subcritical nuclear explosive experiment under the NNSS (Nevada National Security Site) facility in Nevada formerly known as the Nevada Test Site

World Peace Begins With Ants
By Buryl Payne

Communicating with animals is fun. Try it. Anyone can probably do it. Have peaceful intentions. See what happens. Because world peace does begin at home, and why not with your ants?

Fraud, Violence And Mass Abstention:
Election Debacle In Afghanistan
By Patrick Martin

Saturday's parliamentary election in Afghanistan was a predictable debacle, characterized by widespread fraud and violence, and largely boycotted by the Afghan population. Officials of the US-dominated government of President Hamid Karzai said 3.6 million people cast ballots, far below the 6 million ballots claimed for last year's presidential election, which was rigged to ensure Karzai's reelection

Iraq: The Age Of Darkness
By Dirk Adriaensens

In 2007, there were 5 million Iraqi orphans, according to official government statistics. More than 2 million Iraqis are refugees and almost 3 million internally displaced. 70 percent of Iraqis do not have access to potable water

Crimes Of The Century: Occupation And
Contaminating Iraq With Depleted Uranium
By Dr. Souad N. Al- Azzawi

A report

Concept And Contempt
By Uri Avnery

Hubris leads to disaster. A concept based on contempt for the Arabs will lead to a historical omission. Every war in this region is superfluous: after every war we shall achieve – in the best case – what we could have got before the war. There is no military solution, not for the Arabs, not for us. There are many heroes in war. But the real glory goes to the hero of peace

Gaza: The Enduring Siege
By Haidar Eid

What lessons can be drawn from the anti-apartheid struggle to overcome the siege on Gaza?

"They Persecuted Ameer To Keep Us Silent"
By Hyun Lee

The trial of Palestinian citizen of Israel and civil society leader Ameer Makhoul resumes today in Haifa. Charged with espionage and other trumped-up security allegations, Makhoul denies the charges and maintains that "evidence" gathered by the state was obtained through coercion. Last month The Electronic Intifada contributor Hyun Lee interviewed Makhoul's wife, activist Janan Abdu, and Gabrielle Rubin, media coordinator with Adalah: The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel about Makhoul's case

Israeli Discrimination Drives Kids From School
By Mel Frykberg

Due to the endemic poverty in occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the occupied West Bank, hundreds of Palestinian children are forced on to the streets by parents who are living below the poverty level in a desperate bid to eke out a few extra dollars to help their families survive.These children should be in school securing a better future for themselves but Israel's discriminatory education policies between Jewish West Jerusalem and Palestinian East Jerusalem is driving these youngsters out of school -- if they are lucky enough to be enrolled in the first place

Israel Denies Gazans Access To Their Own
Land And Waters
By Stephen Lendman

Throughout 43 years of occupation, Israel has waged war on Palestinians' human rights and civil liberties, a new UN report providing more evidence that keeps mounting exponentially, adding clarity about an out-of-control rogue state operating lawlessly

Ahmadinejad As Cyrus The Great?
By Juan Cole

Ahmadinejad comes to New York, not as a wounded leader under internal and external siege, but as the confident representative of a fiercely independent Iran, the hydrocarbon treasures of which allow it to withstand Washington's mere sanctions and opprobrium. Mahmoud the Great?

By James Rothenberg

Quickly examining two of our most persistent, national misconceptions will reveal the inadequacy of bare facts when set against a dominant, propaganda producing entity, in this case the US Government together with its supporting cast. Misconception Number 1 is that we have a functioning democracy due to our form of representative government, and that the political system works equally well for all citizens. Misconception Number 2 is that our military defends the country, implying all the people in it. Equally

The Disguised Debate Concerning A Mosque
By Dan Lieberman

The debate on a specific Islamic Center has revealed a subtle effort to position the Muslim community to a status similar to that of Christians in the Ottoman Empire , as dhimma, giving it right of residence in return for taxes, and limiting its right of expression as a minority subjected to the will of the majority

A Campaign To Free Bradley Manning
By Ann Wright

When I joined the U.S. military I, like Bradley Manning, took an oath to protect the Constitution and the American people. This led me to resign my position when the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003. Protecting the Constitution outweighs following orders and Manning should be lauded for choosing to do the right thing

Michael Kinsley's Dumb Idea:
The "Greatest Generation" And
What Boomers Should Do!
By Gary Corseri

A critique of Michael Kinsley's cover piece in the current issue of ATLANTIC "The Least We Can Do"

Obama's New Consumer Watchdog
By Stephen Lendman

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws," or what laws they make. Consumer watchdogs are no antidote against that kind of power, not when Congress, the administration and courts stand firmly in support, spurning populist interests, Democrats no different from Republicans

Attorney Richard I. Fine Released
By Stephen Lendman

From the early 1990s until his disbarment and March 4, 2009 jailing, Fine challenged and corrected state corruption, returning about "$350 million to California taxpayers which state, county and municipal governments (unlawfully took from) 'special funds' and 'trust funds' in a series of taxpayer cases filed in federal" and state courts

Tea Party Talking Points, Translated
By Mary Shaw

The tea partiers have their talking points, which they repeat loudly and forcefully (and often misspell). But I wonder if they've actually really thought about the points they're parroting. I suspect not. They rail against "Obamacare" and anything else that the White House (and Pelosi and Reid) might advocate, even though their protests fly in the face of their own best interests

Tea Party – Ominous Sign For America?
By Dr. Habib Siddiqui

Whatever may be the election results in coming days there is little doubt that extremist, racist and bigoted wing within the Republican Party is becoming a powerful voice to be reckoned with. This is an ominous sign for the USA and must be treated seriously by every concerned American voter. They must defeat these reactionary forces before it is too late

Text of Joint Memorandum To All-Party Delegation
By Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Yasin Malik
By Agence India Press

The chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), Mohammad Yasin Malik and chairman of Hurriyat Conference (M), Mirwaiz Umar Farooq on Monday decided not to meet the 39-member all-party delegation that arrived here this morning. However, Mirwaiz and Malik have decided to send a joint memorandum to the delegation. Here is the full text of the memorandum

Syed Ali Shah Geelani And The Movement
For PoliticalSelf-Determination For
Jammu And Kashmir--Part 1
By Yoginder Sikand

Not many Kashmiri Muslims might share his particular hardliner version of Islam or his passionate advocacy of Kashmir's accession to Pakistan, but, still, 82-year old Syed Ali Shah Geelani commands widespread respect among his people for his firm stance on azadi or freedom of Jammu and Kashmir from Indian rule, a stance that he has never wavered from. Geelani's popularity among vast numbers of Kashmiri Muslims rests principally in the fact that he is seen as one Kashmiri leader who has never compromised with India

A Kashmiri Woman In An Indian Jail
By Mushtaq ul-Haq Sikandar

A review of the book "Prisoner Number 100: The Story of My Ordeal in an Indian Prison" By Anjum Zamrud Habib

Hapless Kids
By Sheikh M Ashraf

Plight of children in curfew bound Kashmir

Is God Homeless That He Needs
A House in Ayodhya?
By Yoginder Sikand

'God owns the entire world and whatever is beyond', I say, feeling suddenly emboldened, but still a bit hesitatingly. I am not at all sure how he will react—he is obviously yet another Hindutva fanatic. 'Is God homeless that we can we presume to build a house, a mosque or a temple, for Him, and to contain Him, here in Ayodhya, or anywhere else?'

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Palash Biswas
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