Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fwd: High Doses of Vitamin A cause Death - Those Responsible for such Deaths MUST be Punished

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From: Ashok T. Jaisinghani <>
Date: Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 12:22 AM
Subject: High Doses of Vitamin A cause Death - Those Responsible for such Deaths MUST be Punished
Cc: Chief Justice of India <>, Chief Minister of UP <>, Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad <>, "All India Institute of Medical Sciences (New Delhi)" <>, Sunita Narain <>, Palash Biswas <>, Sankar Narayanan <>, National Human Rights Commission <>

High Doses of Vitamin A cause Death
    On 21 August 2010, a medical tragedy occurred in Mohanlalganj, near Lucknow, in which four poor children died shortly after receiving the Measles vaccine. The Government of Uttar Pradesh blamed the Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry, Government of India, for supplying sub-standard vaccines, syringes and Vitamin A syrup. The Union Health and Family Welfare Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad promised to take the most stringent action against those found guilty for the deaths of four children who lost their lives after getting the Measles vaccine.
    The four deaths were supposedly caused by the sub-standard Measles vaccines administered to the children in Mohanlalganj. However, the children who died were also given Vitamin A syrup just before the Measles injection. So it is suspected that the cause of the four deaths could even be the contamination of Vitamin A syrup. In the year 2006 too, some children had died in Lucknow after they were given doses of Vitamin A.  
    We must accept the fact that preformed Vitamin A can be very toxic when it is administered in high doses. The deaths of the children were definitely due to the IGNORANCE of the medical staff. The deaths were not caused by the NEGLIGENCE of the medical workers in administering the Measles vaccine, as it had been wrongly reported in the media. It is very clear that the medical workers in India are ignorant about the toxicity of high doses of preformed Vitamin A.
    Preformed Vitamin A can produce an extremely toxic effect when taken with the Measles vaccine due to the synergistic effect of the combination of Vitamin A with a virus (protein matter) of the Measles vaccine. The high doses of Vitamin A can cause a massive multiplication in the effects of the weakened virus that is present in any vaccine, making the combination of the two substances highly toxic and lethal. Unknowingly, the medical staff must have caused the deaths of the 4 children in Mohanlalganj by giving them both the injection of the Measles vaccine and the Vitamin A syrup at one time.
    Only 4 children were reported to have died shortly after receiving the Vitamin A syrup and the Measles vaccine. Did anyone care to find out how many children might have died within a few days or weeks after being given the syrup and the vaccine? Who should be held legally responsible for the deaths of children due to the toxicity of high doses of Vitamin A given to them along with the Measles vaccine? Should the blame for the deaths be put on the medical workers or the policy makers who make the medical workers carry out the orders of their bosses to administer the toxic medicines? Can the junior medical staff be held responsible for the wrong policies of the Health Ministries of Uttar Pradesh and the Government of India?
    Those who are really responsible for making the policies that cause the deaths of children, especially from the poor families, should be identified, and the culprits must be severely punished by the Courts of India. 

    The ignorant Allopaths, pseudo-Nutritionists and even Naturopaths don't accept the reality of the toxicity of high doses and wrong combinations of vitamins and other nutrients. It is absolutely wrong to challenge the Laws of Nutrition. Spread over 40 years, my Research on Health is based on the Laws of Nutrition. The medical scientists and health experts have overlooked
my theories, which have been displayed on my websites for a number of years. 

Use of High-Dosage Vitamin A as Rat Poison
    My acquaintances think that I am joking when I tell them that I kill rats by feeding them high doses of Vitamin A with groundnuts. They find it unbelievable that Vitamin A in high doses can be used as a Rat Poison. It is an easier, cheaper and cleaner way to kill rats and many other pests. It is one of the most ECO-FRIENDLY ways to kill pests like rats.
    Even cockroaches die in large numbers when they eat groundnuts mixed with a high dose of Vitamin A.

    Rats can detect the change in taste of foods, which contain poisons like Sodium Fluoride and Warfarin. Many rats just won't eat such poisoned foods after tasting a tiny portion of them.

    Rats just cannot resist eating groundnuts, which are rich in protein and fat, even after they are mixed with a high dose of about 50,000 IU of preformed Vitamin A that can be found in one tablet. The Vitamin A tablet can be crushed and mixed with small pieces of groundnuts.
    The rats just love to eat the mixture of groundnuts and Vitamin A in spite of the combination being very toxic for the rats. 50,000 IU of Vitamin A is probably the total amount that would be required by a rat in 5 years. I doubt if the average life span of a rat is more than 2 years. So 50,000 IU of Vitamin A is an extremely high dose for the rat to consume at one time. The rat cannot survive for long after consuming such a toxic dose of Vitamin A.

    I have been regularly killing rats with the combination of Vitamin A and groundnuts. Some clever rats know how to reduce the effect of such a poisonous combination. They steal a piece of soap and eat it to reduce the toxic effect. I assume that the consumption of soap causes a laxative effect, which reduces the toxicity of the combination of Vitamin A and groundnuts. So I have to use still more lethal combinations consisting of groundnuts, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Niacin, Folic Acid, etc, which definitely kills even the clever rats. These combinations of nutrients are so extremely constipating that they can adversely affect all organs of the body.
    The rats just have no chance to survive any such lethal combination of nutrients. Such combinations of nutrients can cause clotting of blood, which may be followed by heart attack, stroke, or respiratory failure, and finally death. I don't wish to give details about the dosages of these lethal combinations, as the information could be easily misused by some fellows even to kill humans.
    I have been astonished to find that some rats desperately try to save themselves, even after being given an extremely lethal combination of the constipating nutrients, because they have a strong urge to survive. The smart rats eat some dirt, like the rotting pieces of foods thrown in the garbage bins. They also drink some dirty water from the sewers. The rats use the rotten foods and the dirty water as "antidotes," which can produce a strong laxative reaction that helps the rats in reducing the harmful effects of the extremely severe constipation on their bodies. In this way, they may be able to get some relief from the severe constipation.
    The consumption of rotten foods and dirty gutter water can together produce gastro-enteritis in normal healthy animals, but it can help the severely constipated rats to control even extreme constipation. I am not sure how much longer the poisoned rats survive after such efforts to purge themselves. They may be able to live a few days more. The toxic factors in the rotten foods and dirty water must be finally causing great harm to the stomach, intestines, liver and many other organs of the rats. 
Dangerous Combinations of Vitamin A
with Nutrients & Drugs
    A patient, suffering from heart disease, who takes a pill containing a large amount of Vitamin A immediately before or after eating a meal rich in protein and fat, can collapse in a few minutes and die soon of a heart attack.
    Preformed Vitamin A forms an incompatible combination with an iron salt. The high doses of Vitamin A and an iron salt taken with protein, fat and acids form an instant killer. The addition of Vitamin K, Folic Acid, copper, fluoride, nitrate and other constipating factors makes this killer combination even more extremely toxic.
    Even the strongest persons in the world cannot easily survive after taking these various combinations of instant killers. Such extremely dangerous combinations of nutrients must be declared as "POISONS" and banned all over the world.
    Many allopathic drugs can form dangerous combinations with some dietary factors like Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Folic Acid, copper, iron, protein, etc. According to my research spread over 40 years, preformed Vitamin A has a strong biochemical affinity for nitrogen-containing compounds. A large dose of preformed Vitamin A can form dangerous allergic combinations with a number of drugs containing nitrogen.
    It is dangerous to take preformed Vitamin A along with nitrogen-containing drugs like antibiotics (penicillin, ampicillin, streptomycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline / terramycin), sulpha drugs (sulfanilamide, sulfadiazine, sulfapyridine, sulfamerazine, sulfasoxazide, gantricin), procaine, sleeping pills like barbiturates, sedatives and tranquillizers like Diazepam, Valium and Calmpose, nitroglycerin (vasodilator), artificial sweeteners like saccharin and aspartame, food additives like monosodium glutamate (MSG), etc. The medical practitioners must not prescribe the killer combinations of nutrients and drugs to their patients.
Legal Issues involving Poisoning by 
Toxic Combinations of Nutrients & Drugs
    There are nearly 7 billion or 7000 million people in the world. About 100 million people die in a year all over the world due to various causes. Out of 100 million, how many persons die every year because of the consumption of toxic combinations of nutrients and drugs? It is logical to believe that at least a few million persons die every year due to the wrong combinations of nutrients and drugs. Many such deaths can easily be prevented.
    What are the legal implications of the deaths caused by the toxic combinations of nutrients and drugs? There are Multinational Companies which have been conducting experiments to determine the toxicity of new drugs that are secretly put in foods given free to the unwary poor people, including the children, especially in the remote tribal areas of India. Who will fight for the rights of such poor people on whom the effects of dangerous drugs are tested?
    Can anyone be considered legally responsible for the deaths of patients and others due to the administration of high doses of nutrients and their toxic combinations? Can anybody be charged with Murder or Homicide for causing such deaths, depending on whether the acts of the accused persons are deliberate or unintentional or due to negligence or ignorance?
    Do the Courts in India and other countries consider even the possibilities of such murders being committed with the use of toxic combinations of nutrients, which are not legally listed as poisons? There should be a law under which the Forensic Laboratories must have the option to determine whether any toxic combinations of nutrients might have been used in particular cases by the criminals to kill any persons.
    Ashok  T. Jaisinghani.
      Editor & Publisher:    Top Nutritionist

Palash Biswas
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