Sunday, February 3, 2013

Fwd: [initiative-india] URGENT APPEAL from PPSS : Police beat women and children, arrested villagers and cut trees in Jagatsinghpur

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: NAPM India <>
Date: Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 10:55 AM
Subject: [initiative-india] URGENT APPEAL from PPSS : Police beat women and children, arrested villagers and cut trees in Jagatsinghpur

We have received this urgent appeal for intervention from Prashant Paikary, Spokesperson, POSCO Pratirodh Sangram Samiti, Mobile no-09437571547, E-Mail - Today morning there has been attack from police on the women and men holding peaceful dharna in Balitutha. You would know that the POSCO MoU with the Government of Orissa is not valid and recently Directorate of Revenue Intelligence also slapped a fine of 10 Crore on POSCO India for tax evasion even then Orissa government is hell bent on acquiring land and is working against its own people and their interest. 

Do call CM Office, SP, and other concerned authorities and ask them to stop this violence on people. 

Friends in media, do take note of this and expose the lies spread by the Orissa government and attrocities committed by them.

In Solidarity,
National Alliance of People's Movements

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Police beat our women and children, arrested villagers and cut trees
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2013 09:43:24 +0530
From: alter nate <>
To: Prashant Paikray <>

Police enters our village, beat women and children, arrested villagers and cut trees


Dear Friends,


In the wee hours today (at around 4 am) the police has entered into our villages and beaten up women and children, arrested some of our villagers (number is yet to be known).


As we have intimated you earlier that the police force has been gradually swelling in our area amidst our continuing human chain and Dharana in the Balitikira-the boarder of Govindpur and Dhinkia villages of Jagatsingpur district, the police has deceptively entered to the villages with full force at 4 a.m. today. Our people sensed their possible move at around 2 o clock night and alerted the villagers by ringing bells. Gradually women, children, male members started getting accumulated at the Dharana place. At 4 a.m. the police entered and attacked the women and children first. The male police have ruthlessly beaten our women who were lying on a human chain. Some women have been severely inured. The Police have thrown our children like flowers, some of whom are injured. Some villagers have been arrested by the police and been taken to custody. At the moment we do not have exact numbers as the situation is too tensed on the spot. The police have started breaking our betel vines and cutting the trees forcefully. More and more numbers of our villagers have come to the spot and a war like situation has arisen. Our committed villagers are facing a mighty 12 platoons of police force.


We fail to understand the decision of the state to acquire land when the National Green Tribunal has already suspended the environment clearance to the proposed POSCO project in our area. Naveen Patnaik is behaving like an agent of the POSCO company.


As the situation is too alarming, we appeal all our friends to protest against the barbarism and call/write/fax to the Prime Minister, Chief Minister of Odisha and Chief Secretary of Odisha, Home Minsitry, Odisha appealing to immediately stop the police brutality and withdrawal of the force from our area. Please call to your respective MPs and MLAs and raise your protest against them urging them to oppose the illegal move. Write to NHRC also.


We request our media friends to rush to our villages and see the situation in their own eyes and report. 


We will intimate further developments soon.


Please widely circulate this mail.



In Solidarity,


Prashant Paikary
Spokesperson, POSCO Pratirodh Sangram Samiti
Mobile no-09437571547
E-Mail -


The contact address of the authorities


1. Naveen Patnaik

Chief Minister, Odisha

Tel. No.(O) 011 91 674 2531100,011 91 674 2535100,

011 91 674 2531500, Epbax 2163

Tel. No.(R) 011 91 674 2590299, 011 91 674 2591099,

011 91 674 2590844, 011 91 674 2591100,

Fax No- (91)6742535100

E Mail:



2.  Muralidhar Chandrakanta Bhanadare, Governor of Odisha,  Fax No- (91)6742536582


3. Shri B K Patnaik, Chief Secretary, E-mail: csori@ori.nic.

Phone no -             0674 - 2536700      

            0674 - 2534300      

            0674 - 2322196      

Fax No - 0674 - 2536660 


3. S.K. Mallick , District  Collector, Jagatsinghpur, Contact number            09437038401      ,   Fax no - : (91)6724220299


4. Superintendent of Police, Debadutta Singh. Mobile no-09437094678,


5. Dr Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India

Tel no-            +9111-23016857      

e mail:


6. Sonia Gandhi: Tel Phone no -             (91)11-23014161      , (91)11-23012656, Fax- (91)112301865,,


7. Chairperson, National Human Rights Commission of India, Faridkot House, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi 110 001, Tel:             +91 11 230 74448      , Fax: +91 11 2334 0016, Email:


8. Shri. V.Kishore Chandra Deo

Minister of Tribal Affairs

Ministry of Tribal Affairs,

Room No. 400  'B' Wing, Shastri Bhawan,

New Delhi- 110001


9. Smt. Jayanthi Natarajan

Minister of Environment & Forests

Ministry of Environment & Forests

Paryavaran Bhawan,

CGO Complex, Lodhi Road

New Delhi-110003




National Alliance of People's Movements
National Office: Room No. 29-30, 1st floor, 'A' Wing, Haji Habib Bldg, Naigaon Cross Road, Dadar (E), Mumbai - 400 014;
Ph: 022-24150529

6/6, Jangpura B, Mathura Road, New Delhi 110014
Phone : 011 26241167 / 24354737 Mobile : 09818905316
Web :
Twitter : @napmindia

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