Sunday, February 3, 2013

Urgent Action Appeal on EWS Slum eviction, Bangalore

here is the appeal that was sent out... we've also sent letters to all the officials... trying to work with the UN Special rapporteur on a communication as well... will keep you posted...



Housing and Land Rights Network (HLRN) requests your urgent response to a case of gross violations of housing rights in Bangalore, India.


The Greater Bangalore Municipal Corporation bulldozed 1,200 homes and evicted over 5,000 already-impoverished Koramangala slum dwellers in a four-day, weekend operation (18–21 January 2013) that has left 5,000 people homeless. Among them are around 1,200 women and 2,000 children.


Bangalore city authorities did not provide to the now-homeless inhabitants any written notice or reason for the demolition. Some six bulldozers and a police force of 500 descended on the Koramangala community on the morning of 18 January 2013, leaving the residents no time to salvage their belongings. When residents tried to resist the demolition, the police beat them with sticks, not sparing children or seniors, and forced residents to retreat to a corner of the site. The full case description and sample letter are found on the HLRN Urgent Action database.


We urge you to write to the authorities in India, calling on them to respect human rights, as they are obliged to under international law and the Constitution of India.


A sample letter with addresses is attached, or you may simply send your letter automatically from the HLRN website by supporting this case at:


By supporting this case through the website, the sample letter will transmit directly from you to the responsible authorities.

Thank you.
IND-FEDEUF-300113.pdf IND-FEDEUF-300113.pdf
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